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Everything posted by Stuniverse

  1. Thanks, @KibworthBull. Yes, I found during pre-season that there's always free agents willing to come in on trial. Lots of them.
  2. Saturday 13th August 2022 Staveley Miners Welfare v Selby Town Northern Counties East League Division 1 (1) I wanted to play David Richardson alongside Charlie Rutt in central defence, but David was looking tired so I opted for Josh Bowkett. Max Rhodes and Ryan Charnley proved they could score goals in pre-season so they both start and Waide Fairhurst will have to be patient. Inkersall Road, Staveley Miners Welfare. I'm delighted to have won our opening game of the season. We had to be patient, but it was worth it for our late winner from Max Rhodes. We did think we'd taken the lead after half-an-hour but Ryan Charnley's fine strike was ruled out for offside. We defended well, throughout, although Lewis Cox wasn't overly exerted in our goal. I am thinking of going with Central Defender - Defend next time, rather than No-nonsense Centre-back though as we gave away too many yellow cards for my liking. We went Positive when Waide Fairhurst came on after 70 minutes and then reverted back to Balanced after Max scored. Terry [Damms - Owner] tells me we had an attendance of 189 today. I hope the 182 Trojans in the crowd enjoyed it.
  3. Friday 12th August 2022 Preview: Staveley Miners Welfare v Selby Town I'm really looking forward to my competitive managerial debut on home soil at Inkersall Road against Selby Town. The Board expect us to qualify for the Playoffs (2nd-5th) and The Trojans supporters expect us to win promotion. Both the media and the bookmakers are predicting us to finish 2nd in the Northern Counties East League Division 1.
  4. Friday 12th August 2022 Charnley unhappy at Staveley Miners Welfare I see Ryan Charnley as being a key player for Staveley Miners Welfare this season and I've told him that. In pre-season, Ryan scored three goals for me from one start and three substitute appearances. Max Rhodes was out top goal scorer in pre-season with five goals from nine starts and one substitute appearances. We signed Waide Fairhurst late in pre-season and he made two starts without scoring.
  5. Oh, no, @Punch. That's so gutting. You know what you have to do, regroup, galvanise the troops, strengthen where needed, and aim for automatics next season. Good luck 🍀⚽️🤞
  6. Friday 12th August 2022 Captain, my captain! I've named my captains for the coming season, although it's a bit frustrating that my leaders, including my captain Brian McKean and my vice-captain McKlane Bendon aren't my best players and are unlikely to play much. As things stand right now, I doubt either will make my matchday-16 for the opening game of the season at Home against Selby Town.
  7. Staveley Miners Welfare Salary dilemma - what to do? So here's the thing, virtually all of my players are not being paid. They are on this contract: -- But, I have two players who are in line to be paid. Both are players I inherited... Max Rhodes is my best striker... -- And Pat Lindley is my Player / Assistant Manager, although he is unlikely to play that many games, -- Should I be worried about this? Should I be looking to renegotiate their contracts (I'd imagine it's doubtful they'd sign them) , move them on, or keep them around? What do you think? What would you do? Tagged: @KibworthBull @Pearomaniac @Punch @warlock @JaytheGreat @samboing
  8. Staveley Miners Welfare Player outgoings Despite my concerns that our players could be poached by other football clubs, and I believe that's a very real fear, so far no Staveley Miners Welfare players have been lured away. That said, Jordan Claxton and Michael Davies have both received offers from other clubs but turned them down to stay at Inkersall Road. Three players had left the club before my appointment. I released six players. I felt a bit guilty about releasing Josh Burniston, because he came in early as a trialist, impressed us in central defence, and we signed him... but as pre-season progressed we were able to sign better players and Josh became surplus to requirements.
  9. Oh no, after a fantastic January you had a terrible February. What went wrong, @Punch, anything you can put your finger on? I hope Bristol City’s March is more like January than February.
  10. Yes, indeed, @Pearomaniac. I know I won't be able to keep all the players happy... but that's a risk I'm prepared to take. The better players will play and they should be happy if they're playing.
  11. I know, @Pearomaniac. I admit I may have overdone it, but I was focussed on improving the squad and, at the back of my mind, I was only too aware that any football club could offer any of my players a contract and they could be gone the next day.
  12. Staveley Miners Welfare New Signings Before I was appointed, Staveley Miners Welfare signed Max Rhodesfrom Maltby Town and during pre-season I've signed a further 25 new players. In signing that many players, I'm building up a large first-team squad but, at least, with none of the players being paid, I'm not over budget because we do not have any wage budget. And I'm still looking to improve the squad with offers made to three more players.
  13. Staveley Miners Welfare Coaching Staff During the pre-season, I was able to assemble a backroom staff - all of us working for nothing. My Player / Assistant Manager Pat Lindley was already in place when I was appointed and Pat's been a great help during pre-season. Joining us to help with the first-team is a Goalkeeping Coach and a Fitness Coach. -- We also have a Scouting team. -- And we also have a Medical team.
  14. Staveley Miners Welfare Tactics Given the level at which we'll be playing, Tier 10, I'm trying to keep things simple for the players so we've been training a basic 4-4-2 with three slight variations. My preference, which we used during pre-season, is a Wing Play style: Closely followed by a Controlled Possession style, which we also used in pre-season: Finally, we've been training a more Direct (Route One) style but didn't test that in pre-season: -- I want my Goalkeepers and Defenders to defend. My Wide Midfielders to be wingers, possibly reverting to wide midfielders or even defensive wingers when we're holding onto a lead. My Central Midfielders will play according to their preferred roles and I'll endeavour to find the right partnership in the early games of the season. Likewise, with my Strikers - again they will play according to their preferred roles and I'll endeavour to find the right partnership in the early games of the season.
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