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Posts posted by WelshPrem

  1. Hi. I reported an issue a while back where my team got decimated by international call ups but match not cancelled. My solution was just to go on holiday. 

    Now I've taken on wales, I have an issue where it won't let me choose the team. I drag the tiles but they don't stay. 

    I've kept a save game but I've found managing club and country tough so far, from an interface point of view

  2. Background: I have an unsettled superstar. Wants a transfer but no one makes an offer because the players current salary is off putting. He's only on 50k, must be a bug somewhere because previously I had a 150m bid for him, only worth 46m. but anyway....

    I thought I'd try offering him a player coach role. I clicked coach and all of a sudden, at the age of 26, he is a coach. anyway, he was still unhappy so I click 'sack coach' as I did previously, to make him a player only again.

    But it appears he was ONLY a coach and left my club. I have lost my superstar. Funnily enough, with only a coaches profile, I tried to sign him again and he claimed I couldn't afford him. I wonder if he still thinks he's a player?

    I did keep a save just before I offered him the coaching role.

  3. 23 hours ago, Louie Silvani said:

    Hi Welsh

    Sorry for the delay in response. 

    I see what you mean - do you think a way around that would be if the player was upset at the manager saying 'no' on the confirmation date?

    Absolutely, they should be furious (to the point of refusing to play in future?).

    - Also, players are always happy if after turning down offers you offer them a new contract, All past unhappiness is curiously forgotten. As much as I love the fact that I can keep all my stars, it doesn't feel quite right. :)

    I'm testing one more cheat/bug at the moment - when offering to clubs,  If you set the sale price first, you can't set the Buy Back Fee to be lower, but if you set the Buy Back Fee to be 0 first, then you can increase the sale fee to whatever you want. ££££

  4. As a player of lower leagues (mainly Wales) , these are the things I would like to see in FMM 2021. Sorry but you won't find a 3D match or additional league requests here... 

    In context, I'm currently penryncoch, a village of 1200

    - realism. Why am I able to get to the Champions league final? It's nice but when Madrid start Mbappe on the bench twice, despite being 3 nil down on the first leg. Come on. 

    - realism. Why do my reserves get beat every week yet the players all succeed at European level if I need them

    - realism. The board think winning the league Cup is amazing. Champions league final, yeah that's OK. 

    - bids. Why can I turn an offer down from a massive club, upset a player, then placate him instantly with a new contract. 

    - Fixture backlog, if I have a pile up, why can't I cancel training? 

    - bids, just seems a mess, especially multiple ones

    - realistic attendances. A very average village team should only be drawing a very average crowd. 

    .... I could go on and on. Its a great game that goes stale in the long run cause other teams don't develop or randomly get sugar daddies. I want to feel like a win in the first champions league qualifier is a big deal. If my club can become overly big, then where is the incentive to move? I should crave the TNS job in Wales.

    Hopefully this runs true with other players

  5. As a player of lower leagues (mainly Wales) , these are the things I would like to see in FMM 2021. Sorry but you won't find a 3D match or additional league requests here... 

    In context, I'm currently penryncoch, a village of 1200

    - realism. Why am I able to get to the Champions league final? It's nice but when Madrid start Mbappe on the bench twice, despite being 3 nil down on the first leg. Come on. 

    - realism. Why do my reserves get beat every week yet the players all succeed at European level if I need them

    - realism. The board think winning the league Cup is amazing. Champions league final, yeah that's OK. 

    - bids. Why can I turn an offer down from a massive club, upset a player, then placate him instantly with a new contract. 

    - Fixture backlog, if I have a pile up, why can't I cancel training? 

    - bids, just seems a mess, especially multiple ones

    - realistic attendances. A very average village team should only be drawing a very average crowd. 

    .... I could go on and on. Its a great game that goes stale in the long run cause other teams don't develop or randomly get sugar daddies. I want to feel like a win in the first champions league qualifier is a big deal. If my club can become overly big, then where is the incentive to move? I should crave the TNS job in Wales.

    Hopefully this runs true with other players

  6. This is a serious game spoiler.

    Continually deselecting everyone, individually promoting reserves.

    I think the national sides should have more talent pools than my very average players, they even take the reserves.

    'Show reserves' on 1st team page would be a massive improvement. But that's dealing with the symptoms.

    The cause is unrealistic callups and no acknowledgement that my squad is decimated. 

    Please look at this.

  7. I'm in Wales, It's always been this way in past versions but I've established a really good squad, so as time goes on more and more of the players get called up.

    I'd keep a bank of weaker players but my board wants my head on a plate if I do.

    There seems to be 2/3 times a year when I have to change my whole squad for a couple of matches. Ruins the experience if I'm honest.

  8. On 21/08/2020 at 11:54, James Akintayo said:

    I'm not seeing it on my end, can you try uploading the save again using this link.

    OK, done. Just let me know if you still can't see it.

    Just as a follow-up to this problem - The board also seems to be upset at my recent run of results despite the fact I am a lowly Welsh club playing Man United etc. in the Europa League. Shouldn't they be pleased that they are at least competing in the competition?

  9. This has happened over many many years of FM and now FMM.

    In Wales, if a club gets into Europe, then a fixture backlog occurs and other teams play more league games before I can catch up. So every year the board confidence sinks because they apparently think I'm doing terribly in the league.

    Any way they can consider that I am in fact in europe and have 3 games in hand. Win percentage maybe?

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