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Posts posted by biglew90

  1. I’d suggest removing counter like the post above states. I also found with an advanced forward I got more balls hoofed up the pitch.

    You also have to watch and see if the opposition are pressing your back line so your goalkeepers only option is to lump it up. 

    You can play good possession football with a cautious mentality the issue you can find on this mentality is the opposition are pressing your players are more likely to take the less risky option of lumping it up. Especially if your player on the ball has poor composure and decisions.

  2. Yeah goals will always be an issue unless you get runners from deep in a 433. 

    What I would suggest is looking at your tactic and pick a player who you would think should be scoring the goals if your striker doesn’t score. Then during your pre season, watch the player playing in that position. Is he getting high enough up the pitch to support the play?

    My concern looking at it is the right side. I don’t think you need the overlap instruction because that will reduce your wingers mentality but increase your FBs mentality. You already have an attacking wing back on the other side but only one possibly 2 players (your striker and IF) are attacking the box. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, raktim0699 said:

    How does this look

                                                      DLF/PF (S) /   TM (s)

                                                                 SS (A)

                                                     DLP (s) or (D) /  Car (s)

                                          CWB (A)                                    WB (A)

                                                        BPD (D) BPD(D) BPD (C)

    If there is lack of support then maybe change SS (A) to AM (A) and also my focus here is to build play down the both flanks in possession to be more vertical

    Really interested in this as I would like to replicate Nagglesmans tactic myself. What I would say about the roles above is with no wide players in front of your DL or DR these positions will be more aggressive anyway as they have no one in front. So you may find attack duties are too aggressive with a narrow formation.

  4. 8 hours ago, gam945 said:

    It seems like everyone who had this error resolved it by moving R and my app to the C:\ drive. PM me a screen of the location of Rscript.exeapp.R and the content of FMapp.bat

    When installing R don't install in the program files, create a new folder like 'Installed Files' on the C drive and install it there. That seemed to solve my issues.

  5. @dan_bre_1988 it seems like you have an idea of how you want to play. What I would suggest is maybe watching highlights on comprehensive and look at your CM with the Get further forward PI (does he get up the pitch enough or do you need something more aggressive in there movement). See if your wide players are doing what you want them to do?  Look where your attacks break down if they do at all or do you not create enough? You could maybe increase mentality to create more risk. As much as you don't want to get caught out, you need to be aware every tactic has a weakness even the most thought out ones. It's all risk, reward and experimentation. 

    For what you want to do with possession a striker on DLF is a really good choice as a lone striker but you need players to go beyond him he's going to hold the ball up and try to bring people in to play but if no one is there he's going to lose the ball, shoot from distance or go backwards. I'd maybe play around with only having either play out of defence or work ball in to box rather than both. I used to always have both of these selected but I've recently removed one as both together seems to lead to meaningless possession. 

  6. I agree with @Experienced Defender there isn’t much of an identity to the tactic. It’s trying to do a bit of everything keep possession but counter in transition but think about the tempo you have set.

    i think your left side is good your right side could do with a tweak and you midfield needs a rethink.

    On the right both players are on support it’s a bit blunt, you could possibly have an overload on that side like you have on the other side with the wingback just by changing a duty. Especially as you have the wide TI set.

    The reason I say midfield needs a rethink is all 3 are on support and all 3 are quite static roles. You have a lone front man with no runners to support him in the box. Think about how to get a player to support him but then think about possibly supporting the defence in a transition if you push players forwards.

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