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Posts posted by Gamage

  1. Someone help me out with these add/remove leagues 🤣🤣

    I added about 6 new league about 3 seasons ago, the new leagues didn't take any affect and my English leagues stayed the same for those 3 seasons, Prem to Vanarama.

    I havnt done anything since and now it says no leagues playable even though I'm still Leeds, when I go on the staff security page there's a few jobs available but the APPLY FOR JOB button is greyed out 🤣🤣

    So if I get sacked from Leeds then I have a save with zero playable leagues by the looks of it, I cant even add manager as every nation is now greyed out as no leagues are playable 🙈.... this is the only save iv got and it was started with the BETA, its bugged is all I can think of.

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