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Issue Comments posted by Markuss

  1. 55 minutes ago, Kyle Brown said:

    I appreciate it's been a while, but hopefully better late than never.

    We made some changes in the Winter update and we think we've got this resolved now. 

    If you are playing the game over the next few days, please do let us know if our changes have been successful.

    I'm sorry once again for the length of time this took, can only thank you all for your patience. 

    Dear Kyle, this is highly appreciated. Got a old-school LAN party this weekend and I will let you know for sure mate!

  2. On 01/02/2022 at 11:52, Kyle Brown said:

    We cannot offer micro patches as each patch we release covers a multitude of fixes in all corners of the game. It's something we'd like to explore and improve upon, but at the moment we can't be as frequent as a lot of people would like, it wouldn't be practical. 

    I'm truly sorry it's taken this long, I play lower leagues myself so I recognise the importance, I can only ask you to all show patience for just a little while longer.

    If I could give you a concrete day for an update I would, but I'm not at liberty to discuss that publicly. 


    Fair enough you took the time to reply, thank you for that. 

    I know that it would be not that good to do multiple minor patches, but this is broken since the day beta came out. The only joy that I, and a lot of others (+ you), had with FM is to build a club from zero. And it's really sad to see that it's still not possible while it's February. 

    I hope you could fix this with the next patch, but my hopes are getting lower and lower to be honest. 

  3. On 20/01/2022 at 02:46, Zoz said:

    It's an absolute shambles by SI.  I'm never going to do the 'buy it every year' thing again, or even buy them on release when they just push out broken games.  So disappointing.

    Exactly this, what the hell is so hard that they couldn't fix this in months.. Please tell us SI, we bought a game with a bunch of bugs and I think it would be fair to communicate to your customers.. 

    @Daniel Wells 

    @Ben Kenney

    @Kyle Brown

  4. @Kyle Brown Any update possible? This game is now for 3 months in my Steam Library and I couldn't play a single LLM save. How is it even possible that we are 3 months further and still this bug does appear? 

    Please don't focus you on those people who wants to play with oil-money. Focus you on the players who wants to play with their local team and play (in-game) or 30 years. That should be the focus. So, please come with an update, we've been waiting and waiting.

  5. What a horrible news. This is, for me, the first time CM/FM really let me down to play a save. Since CM 01/02 always enjoyed it, but now without LLM I couldn't find any challenge in this game. It's always so satisfying to build on a small town club. Each year tons of trial players to decide which one fits the best in the team, also financial. 

    It's almost January, another lockdown and no FM: life's sad ;)

  6. @Kyle Brown Thanks for this update, hope you could solve it really fast. We are now in a new lockdown here (Netherlands), just wants to start a LLM game and that is not possible for me because of the style I play: lots of scouting reports/trial players. 

    It would be a very nice Christmas gift if you could fix it, game is now out for so long and still no fix. Good luck!

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