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Posts posted by dealmeida

  1. Hi everybody,

    First of all, I hope I'm placing my question in the right section if not pls forgive me.

    I just have one question that has been bugging for a long time. Due to the financial strain placed on my club I edit (with the in-game editor) a player's contract right right after I have "signed" it.

    Now, comes the question:

    Do they notice it? do they notice that their salaries has been, let's say, halved?

    If anyone knows the answer I'd love to hear it.

    Thanks in advance,


  2. 4 hours ago, turnip said:

    In addition to the question about how many players are in Algeria in your save, check the preferences for the Scout assignment - if he's only going to report on players 4* or better and you've got a good team, that's really going to limit how many reports you get.

    I know and that shouldn't be a problem as my team has come from the second division :rolleyes:.

    But the (main) question still remains to be answered: is it normal that it takes so long?

  3. 16 hours ago, Balahara said:

    I doubt there would be many youngsters in Algeria in the game database, let alone ones that your scouts would be willing to recommend. Other than that though, you won't see them making too many reports on their own. You gotta ask for reports on players separately if you really want to make use of them,

    The Maghreb Region is perfect to find talented players at low cost. It's not easy to find them but when you do. you get Mo Sallah...

  4. As the title suggests, I'm finding the scouting assignments way too slow at least in comparison with the previous titles in the series. Is this something new, a bug, or that's the way it should be? I sent (as an example) a scout to. well, scout youngsters in Algeria and six months later he's still there (scouting assignment set to: until finished) with NO reports! the other ones are the same: one in Portugal, one in the USA and one in Austria (albeit with some reports). But reports or no reports, the time is way too extended. 

    As anyone any comment to do or at least can assure me that, that is the normal way and no bug there? I'll appreciate it.



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