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Posts posted by bluebeardrex

  1. 7 hours ago, KUBI said:

    Try to remove the weeks days in the transfer window. Tues and Mon, use - instead. 

    When I test the competitions there are error messages for the Junior level 6 and 9 (not matching teams and promotion/relegation error.

    Tried it, no joy - still skips the 2021 league. In case anyone else has any ideas, I have uploaded the latest version, plus the tester save up to Feb 2022.
     Irish Mega Pyramid test 2.7.fmf

    MP Test 2.7.fm

  2. Thanks for the idea, KUBI, I will try it out - I hadn't even noticed a day attached, so hopefully that might cure it - I will report back if and hopefully when I see it has been cured! 

    Odd that those messages are cropping up about the pro/rel thing.  Every time I went to use the "test competitions" button, I would find invariably one or other team had been shifted from one division to another, so I would fix it, the same problem would show up, and it was a different team this next time, or a different division.  It was laborious stuff, and then I noticed that when I tried the test under "rules", it worked, so I stuck with that.  I had imported much of the database from an FM19 mod I made, loading it on top of the current ones, and perhaps this is why, but I am still baffled why it was doing that.  All that said, my editing knowledge is comparatively shallow, even though I have been doing it a while, so I would expect it is operator error.

  3. Hi folks,

    I am in the process of building my annual huge Irish pyramid, and in testing it in the game, I am seeing that the 2019 and 2020 seasons run as they should, but there are no league fixtures in any division for 2021.  2022 comes back as it should, but 2023 is gone, we have a 2024, but 2025 is missing.  Even stranger still, there is no change or problem with the cups, which run through all seasons as they are expected to.  As best I recall, this has been happening before I even dared to open advanced rules (just to see if I can fix things).

    Looking in advanced rules, I see the opportunity for a year interval under "Season Period (New System)" which was the closest thing to a solution I read somewhere, but it is left blank.  Looking at the top tier league, the year interval is 1 (which is the same for the cups, so I presume this is right) I see under Date Range zeroes for start and end year offsets

    I already tried reducing the date range from Feb 1 - Nov 30 to Feb 1 - Oct 30, but that seems to have done nothing.  It is a big mod by Irish standards - 700+ teams, 70+ divisions, 100 Cups and Supercups - but I think that there are others that are bigger, and I have gone close to this many before, so I am not sure what the solution is.  HELP!  I include the latest save (without having gone into Advanced), in case that helps.

    I cannot find the same problem elsewhere here, so please direct me right if I am missing the solution

    Irish Mega Pyramid test 2.6.fmf

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