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Posts posted by griffin99

  1. FWIW since I posted this I've worked out that I think by using the "back of shirt" switcher, you can actually have 3 x 56 = 168 unique default kits in the game, which gives a lot more variety - spent much of the past 2 years mucking about trying to work out which 168 give the broadest range of classic kit styles, current kit templates and teamwear designs used by loads of lower league clubs... though I haven't *actually* tested how best to create the views of the shirt fronts in the shirt back view in the editor, it looks like it's possible...

  2. On 04/02/2022 at 05:20, phd_angel said:

    Is there any other way of editing the colors of my jersey (as their appear on the field during a match)? If my kit is locking the edit, how can I unlock this? 

    Many thanks in advance.

    You can edit kit colours in the pre-game Editor (as you have), and there's also an in-game editor you can buy on Steam which I think has a tick box for removing licensed kits.

    I think it's probably that the club you're using has a default kit set in the 3D folder, if you delete it from the files hidden in the Resource Archiver, you'll probably find it uses your default colours instead - that way to remove licensed kits is in the thread from FM20 linked here... 


  3. On 19/11/2021 at 17:56, FCUtdWill said:

    If you've not got the Cymru Football app that's available on all good smartphones, I'd recommend it, it's got every competition and club on there.

    I've got a list of teams from there. 

    It's pretty epic - also has a massive player Db, if only I could work out how to scrape it, I'm even in there and I haven't kicked a ball in competitive football in Wales since 2003!

    Interested in this as I've been doing my own Welsh db for the past 8 or so years, but every time I get close to finishing it they launch another version of FM or restructure the bl00dy leagues, and of course there's only so much twitter surfing you could do to get kit colours and ground locations, all of which I created (along with my old local parks pitches for the bottom divisions).

    Got as far as 13 tiers including Newport & District Third Division a few years back with Sunday teams filtering in from a hidden pool of extra clubs, but the regional promotion/relegation drift wound me up a bit, and then the Npt and Dist shrunk so only about 11 tiers was possible, and then they siphoned up the Welsh League into the Ardals too and lost another tier there - as well as clubs I'd created 5 years ago now being in the game by default.

    Plus almost every team I ever played for no longer exists as of a couple of seasons ago or has merged into others, eg Christchurch-Hamdden-Villa Dino-Graig and Pill AFC/Newport YMCA merging. so even my trick of updating Date of Birth for the 50-odd ex-teammates leaves them with no-where to play.

    Anyway, good luck - the team/stadium Editor Generation tool on here for creating XML was really useful last year when I decided to start rebuilding the whole thing from scratch, too!

  4. Hi,

    I've done a bit of replacing 2D and 3D default kits, but as well as changing the kits which appear in the Editor and the default 3D kits in the game (which I've already done), I'd like to be able to change the name of each of the 57 kit styles to match the kit designs I've changed them to.

    Anyone know where the text name is for those kit styles in the Editor and how to edit them? Or are they graphics files somewhere?

  5. On 24/12/2020 at 18:24, awell said:

    which program do i need for this and the templates are inclued ? 

    Sorry about the slow answer... only just bought FM21 and started looking at the forums again.

    Short answer, you need FM, FM Resource Archiver, FM Editor (or in-game editor) and a Paint program to create the images to do it yourself.

    Long answer - here's the whole process (I'm sure someone might be able to streamline it slightly, you only have to do Part One once to extract the files, if you make backups you can use those instead of extracting the originals again).

    Reminder - this is to change the DEFAULT 3D kit styles in game - so the 56 templates can be replaced by different designs and you can use the colour change function in the FM Editor or the In-game editor. This isn't for individual team custom kits or changes to 2D kits.

    Start by using the FM2021 Resource Archiver - go to Create Archive, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2021\data and click SELECT.

    Then choose the location on your device where you want to save the contents of the data folder, in order to be able to edit it later. (eg the Desktop). Click SAVE and it will create the extract of the data folder from FM21 onto your device, a file called "data.fmf".

    Then, in Resource Archiver, go to Extract Archive - it should still have the location of the data.fmf file wherever you just created it - select the data.fmf you just created, and click LOAD. Then choose a location to extract the file structure that's currently within data.fmf - I call it something obvious like "FM21 Extract Graphics Original".

    Click Save and it says "Extracting files" until the full data.fmf folder structure from within the game is on your device.

    You can now go back into the Resource Archiver AGAIN and go into the data FOLDER you just created, (*not* the fmf this time) then the game folder, and select the graphics.fmf. Extract that to the same "FM21 Original" folder, it includes the images of the default kits under graphics\pictures\kits\3D\default though that's not where it takes them from! You can copy the templates from here - this is the format the 3D shirt images are in, including the red/green/blue format which is used to enable you to change shirt colours in the FM and In-Game Editors. 

    The file structure in here shows you the default kit and number:
    01-0 is shirt style 1 with the same back style as front,
    01-1 is shirt style 1 with a number square on the back
    01-2 is shirt style 1 with a plain coloured back
    02-0 is shirt style 2 with the same back style as front, etc.

    One last trip into the Resource Archiver - click on Extract Archive and go up a level to the data folder, and extract the file simatchviewer-pc.fmf - click LOAD, and choose where you want to put the file (I keep them all in the same top level folder), click SELECT and that will show you the contents of that file, which includes the actual location where the default 3D kit files (in DDS format) are kept.

    Now you've got the original extracts of the graphics and simatchviewer-pc folders on your device, you might want to take copies as a backup - I copy to "FM21 Extract Graphics Edited" and then do all my changes in there. I don't bother to back up the data folder as for these processes you only change those two files.

    So... that's all the getting to the files sorted - you only have to do this bit once, time to actually make some changes.

    PART TWO - EDITING THE KIT IMAGES---------------

    You will need a paint tool, something like Paint.net, PaintShopPro etc. which is able to save files in DDS format.

    Go to your copy of the images in graphics\pictures\kits\3D\default and open image 01-0

    As a test, and proof of concept, just paint a big, obvious shape on the front and back of the shirt using either the green (R 0, G 255, B 255) or blue (R 0, G 0, B 255) default colours. Then save the file as 01-0.DDS in your copy of simatchviewer-pc\textures\generic_kits, overwriting the original - do the same on the front of 01-1 (green square on the back) and 01-2 (plain red colour back) and save those to the same location.

    Once you have your test file, you'll want to import your updated file into the game...


    You now have an edited simatchviewer-pc file which you want to put into the right location to work in FM.

    Firstly, go to C:Prog Files x86/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Football Manager 20xx/data/ and back up simatchviewer-pc.fmf 

    To create/replace simatchviewer-pc.fmf in C:Prog Files x86/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Football Manager 20xx/data

    Go to Resource Archiver, Create Archive, navigate to your edited simatchviewer-pc, click SELECT
    Then navigate to C:Prog Files x86/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Football Manager 20xx/data and click SELECT. If there is already a simatchviewer-pc when you click SAVE it will ask if you want to overwrite the existing file - say YES (if you have made a backup), if you renamed the original it will just create the new simatchviewer-pc.fmf when you click SAVE and the program Creates the Archive.

    PART FOUR - START THE GAME---------------

    Now all you need to do is launch FM find a team using the kit style 1 in the game (or change a team to that style using the FM editor before you start FM or using the In-Game Editor if you've loaded it). You may even see it on the wall of the changing rooms before you start playing! Remember you may need to delete the cache and reload the skin etc - you may also need to disable licensed kits(!) and the on-pitch 3D kit will have the design you created (and you can use that design in multiple colours for lots of different teams). As there are 56 shirts in the game you can change 56 styles to whatever generic designs you want! (I think 57 is for keepers, not sure). 

    NB this won't change the images in the FM Editor, so the kit designs in the FM Editor won't correspond to the default kit styles you're using in game when you're trying to change colours. In order to do that you need to edit the default 2D kits using a similar method and extract and overwrite the contents of the graphics.fmf file in C:Prog Files x86/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Football Manager 20xx/data/game/

    Hope that helps, credit also to everyone on this thread who helped me last year!

  6. On 30/06/2020 at 22:23, Unknown Hacker said:

    Usually you just need to create a separate set of rules for the competition that you want to run differently. Upload your file and I'll see what I can do to try and fix it.

    I've already done that though it's not quite working, happy to work through it myself, but I just need to know which fields activate the separate rules when there's not (eg) fewer teams and I just want to run one set in 2019/20, and one in 2020/21 to get back to the usual schedule. 

  7. Hi, 

    I'm looking at editing the 2019/20 Premier League season dates into the game to finish in August 2020, then returning to the normal schedule (by 2021/22), but having created duplicates of the main rules in advanced editor I'm having a couple of problems - firstly I'm not clear how the game identifies when to use an exception set of rules (eg what should go into "year", "year interval", "valid years" etc). 

    I've used the "comp errors" test file which shows its finding multiple files for 2019 but don't know how to enforce using my rules not the default season. There's no change in team numbers, just length of season and fixture schedule. 

    And secondly even though the rules for 19/20 and 20/21 have different season end dates, Date Ranges and Season Update Days set, the game still defaults to the Nation Season Update Day. 

    Couple of other questions related:

    Is the Season Update Day used for the first season at the beginning or at the end?

    There are also settings for Do Rules Apply to Game Start Year Only? which I'm not clear about.

    If anyone could clarify the right fields to amend to get this to work, that would be great, thanks! 

  8. I'm basically using it to replace the default 2D and 3D styles with 1970s kits, because they're mostly plain and only need manufacturer logos on them as club badges were rare until the mid-70s, plus there are some iconic designs soon after (tramlines as above for instance). That way people can use full 3D images where they want and the defaults are still there if they don't want to make their own/import ready made ones.

    I've also sodded about with the default numbers to use the classic 3D number font from the 80s, and the line-up shirts to have the old-school number font as used by England 1966 and basically everyone until around 1980, but will probably revert those as the 99 numbers in 6 different sizes are a huge hassle to create.

  9. 5 hours ago, wkdsoul said:

    Have you tried dropping the 3d files into a downloaded base skin, rather than in SI graphics folder? 


    I have now, I put it in Base20 and the only thing that's changed is that it uses my 2D kit by default rather than having to untick "Licensed Kits". The 3D kit still doesn't show (the 2D does, and the ability to change colours in classic 70s templates is v cool).

    Having said that, I haven't yet deleted all the 3D files from the original location and replaced the graphics.fmf from there, so I'll try that next.

    Annotation 2020-05-26 192001.png

  10. Hi, so I've already extracted graphics.fmf, edited the 2D default RGB kit files and replaced them with some 1970s styles, enabling me to see them in the pre-game editor and add the classic Admiral Leeds style etc to the game with the opportunity to have them in any colourway as set in the Editor. That has saved, and is visible in the Pre-Editor.

    What I can't seem to do is get the game to overwrite the default 3D kit templates with the new style default 3D templates I've created - I used the same process (Resource Archiver, edit the graphics.fmf, re-insert it) as I did for the 2D stuff, which works, but the 3D kits are still finding the FM20 original default templates even though I have replaced those default 3D templates with different ones in the graphics.fmf.

    To be clear, this is not intending to use imported 3D images for each club, (eg in the "eng" or "cro" teams folders) it's trying to replace the choice of kit styles with RGB colours in the "default" folder.

    Is there some part of the cache-clearing or database buiding process that automatically builds the 3D files from a default held outside the 3D folder in graphics.fmf irrespective of what's under pictures/kits/3D/default in graphics.fmf ? If not, do I need to edit a config file somewhere (I've already deleted all the files for custom/licensed 3D kits and the configs for those so there aren't any realistic kit image files overwriting the default) - I don't want to set the config file to point at a default file because I've matched the new 2D kits visible in the Pre-Editor and 3D kits in-game, so I should be able to set the styles of kits available in the Pre-game Editor (as well as being able to pick those styles in the in-game editor and have the 3D kit still be accurate in game as well).

    Am I missing something? [Note in the screenshots: 1) the changed 2D kit styles - I'm using style 4 - hoops with navy shoulders, the secondary colour is on the shoulders 2) the changed 3D kit templates - created to provide 3D shirts matching the editor templates - again with navy the secondary colour on the shoulders and 3) the on-pitch kit on the left, same colours but still uses the default style which has much narrower hoops and the primary colour (the green) on the shoulders (see image 4).

    It's a bad example because the kits are quite similar, because if I picked, say, kit number 55 (Admiral Coventry/Wales Tramlines in the 2D kit) it would still show the default #55 3D kit in match which is Pinstripes. How do I fix this so I can set the default 3D kit files and have the game use them in matches?





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