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Posts posted by Blancos

  1. On 23/11/2023 at 18:17, Jonas. said:

    I dont know if im the only one but is normal that we try to buy one player that costs like 14M and they always ask like 30M or 40M and depends some asks even more. But if i liste one player nobody wants him or offer even lower that he is value even he is doing a great season. 

    It's just like bargaining in real life:

    "You think you really want this? Let's see how much you want it!"

    On the other hand, if you wanna get rid of something you don't need, it's so normal if other parties expect that you would lower the price, or at least not mark it up too high.

  2. 4 hours ago, kayyuenchinup said:

    @Blancosso do you change the mentality during the match? 

    Or you adjust player instructions, team instructions or touchline shout?

    Let me be honest: I don't want to. But so far, I did 🤭. Most of the time between Control - Attacking back and forth, and sometimes Balanced. I did it because I feel that my current tactic didn't hit the sweetspot where I can attack safely and defend fruitfully without changing the mentality.

    Changing instructions, is a must for me, because there are some instructions that I've never understand completely (sometimes I miss "sliders" era. The instructions were less abstract than they were today). I like hands on approach, and I always play with the longest speed available that's not a full match. I like watching them play, learn how to counter opponent's strengths, or exploit their weaknesses, etc. I don't know, I just don't enjoy "sit back and roll the dice" type of playing 😁.

  3. 19 hours ago, kayyuenchinup said:

    How do you guys plan for tactical mentality?

    I mean, in real life, you don't see managers on the touchline saying, "Let's go for 'positive' or 'attacking'," "cautious" or "defensive." Maybe they do set up the plans before the game and change the mentality, for example, when they are one goal down, drawing, or one goal up in certain minutes or scenarios.

    More often, you see a team that is one goal down not making a mentality change. They maintain the same tempo and style and then wait for the right moment to go for the equalizer.

    I think managers are more likely to use touchline shouts like "encourage" when they are one goal down or "focus" when the opponent creates clear chances.

    Feel free to share your experiences and opinions.

    In reality, mentality is "how do we approach this game". It acted like a vision, with set of goals, when most are instinctive, unlike in the game. What is expected, for short. It's said before the match starts, probably long before.

    In a match, we're no longer controlling players, we UNLEASH them. What we do the next is basically just balancing act (hold them back when they're excessive, pushing them when they're too laid back (not doing or misinterpreting our vision).

    If they're expecting winning, a draw score would push them forward instinctively. Unlike in the game, when we have to "tell" the players by moving sliders or pushing buttons. Expecting comfortable winning, we don't have to tell players to keep pushing when they've 1-0. And so on.

  4. What's it do?

    Is it the special training regime to train specific players the specific attributes we think those players need in the role we've assigned them to?


    Is it just about training those players so they can get more comfortable in that specific role (like when we wanna introduce a player to a new position so he simply feel natural in it) and nothing more?

    I can't find any guide about FMM's training everywhere, especially the 24.

  5. On 21/11/2023 at 14:46, owl2 said:

    Some coaches have a reputation (Stars), some don’t, any significance to this? I read that in the 23 game this was supposed to be a hidden feature which does not impact gameplay/coach effectiveness, is that correct? I hired a gold badge coach but he has no reputation, I’m wondering should I sack him for someone with a good reputation.

    I take reputation as "fame". It might gives the staff more media exposure, higher level of wages, more temptation from other clubs, etc.

  6. 5 hours ago, jamie_B_105 said:

    The original offer is the top screenshot in the photos showing the £143m offer which was accepted

    I knew that. I mean, the detail of it. I was just wondering because some media nowadays like to accumulate the bonuses into the actual transfer fee.

    But up there it's confirmed as a bug by the developer. So we can hope everything will be back to alright later 👍.

  7. On 29/11/2023 at 21:49, Marc Vaughan said:

     things have to be balanced against readability.

    We'll keep tweaking such things as time goes on, but take pity on those of us who don't have 20-20 vision ;)

    I understood that. I'm just making a point to the pros of making dots smaller, outside of mere cosmetic or OCD reasons. Right now, a player passing towards 4 dots in front of the goal made me "He's CLEARLY marked by 3 opponents, and you still make a pass to him instead of shooting. ARE YOU BLIND?"... while there might be some understandable spaces between those 3 markers for the striker to exploit in the real scale.

    On 29/11/2023 at 21:49, Marc Vaughan said:

    When it comes to writing 'guides' though, I've only limited time in the day and do have a family who want to spend time with me for some reason ;)

    (I'm also a big fan of allowing our players to express themselves as much as possible by writing content for the game, making suggestions for its future etc. - while I might be involved in making it, the opinions and feedback from users help guide its direction and the more I hear from them the better that guidance is imho :) )

    Yeah... But those guides would still be USER's guide, and by that, I meant non official/uncertain/unconfirmed/can be right as can be wrong. In fact, if we retraced my assumptions of tactics we've recently discussed (mentality & instructions, IF, etc), most of those assumptions came from "comprehensive" guides that were around FM forums for decades. Little example: iirc, my "mentality affects my team instructions" assumption, came from once famous TT&F guide, which indicated that turning the mentality slider up PLUS turning the tempo slider up, would result in the on-pitch tempo being too fast than what we really wanted (because of the double adding), which is not true according to your interpretation.

    I sincerely don't mean to contradict anyone against each other, pardon me. This is just my "journey to seek for the truth" 😄.




    I just found something that can make my point clearer:


    In these photos, we can see there are some gaps, so we won't hold it against the player if they decided to pass through (FM scene) or took a shot (Rodrygo vs Napoli). In FMM, the scene would show how crowded the defender dots  are in front of our player. Yet, he still decided to force a pass or a shot through, and we thought he made bad decision. While in fact, we're the one who looked at wrong presentation 😁.


  8. 1 minute ago, Marc Vaughan said:

     but because of the small mobile screens that didn't work as well as on PC, now resolutions and screen size are larger we can probably revisit it.

    While we're at this subject, can we have a bit smaller dots representing players? Not for scale or any aesthetical reason, but tactical. With dots and ball that big, the penalty box seemed too crowded most of the times. It basically suffocated me, or even feel a bit claustrophobic, especially with instructions that resemble maneuvering inside that crowd (I don't feel the same way when watching FM in 3D, because I could still see gaps the players could use). FMM doesn't have to have 3D in it, or doesn't have to have perfect scale. Just be reasonably smaller would suffice.

    22 minutes ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    lol - you sound like a real-life manager now :D

    Hahaha... That means your game successfully "bringing the Pep out of you"... There it is, your FM25 official tagline. Patent it for me, please 😁.

    27 minutes ago, Marc Vaughan said:

     because its a hugely complex app (1,000,000 lines of code and counting ;) ).

    I see. We are just the players, who demanded too much from you at times, while we often forget that to you, that game is a job, a living, not an entertainment like to us 😁. No worries, man... I'll try to look around for some good ones. Thank you!

  9. 8 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    Just one thing to bear in mind a lot of crosses, especially if a player has cut inside aren't 'high' they're more fizzed in for someone to finish or hoping for a bad touch from a defender - Brighton do these all the time in real-life and the only striker we have who is good in the air is Evan Ferguson really (and frankly he's just great at everything, if he can just stay fit for a while).

    Ow really? I see. We can't see the height of passes/crosses in 2D.

    I think I just get frustrated by my incapability to tell my players what they should/shouldn't do. If I can, all I wanna say to them is "YOU'RE TERRIBLE IN THE AIR, ****ERS! KEEP THE BALL DOWN, GOD DAMMIT!" 🤣.


    Just curious... Do you guys have a plan to make an comprehensive official guide specifically for FMM24? Something like TT&F, maybe? 😁. Maaan, how I love to read that guide, even on this days 😍.

  10. 2 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    some strikers are all about scoring and will shoot even if a team-mate is in a better position arguably

    Cristiano, in the first time when you introduced Inside Forward to be a feature in FM, is the first thing to come in my mind the second I read your comment there. God dank... I did the opposite back then: how to reduce the amount of ambitious (if not mindless) shootings that guy did 🤣.

    2 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    One thing I noticed in your tactic is 'work into box' - it is possible this might be cause some of this because its telling the team to play the ball into the box, so if they cut inside and a striker is in the box already it'll be encouraging them to 'work the ball into the box' via. him potentially

    That's my mind processing also. The tactics I've showed you is the basis, the match starting one, because I think it's better that I do the "possesion and probe" first so I can see how much room I can get if I need to take riskier options later (such as tick the WIB off, or turn Shoot On Sight on, etc). Unfortunately, the IFs were still act more like Wingers than Forwards when I turned WIB off...even when I desperately turned SOS on.


    2 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    With the team you have available I'm betting that regardless of who is scoring goals (or not), you're not struggling too hard for results?

    Ah... With this question, I think I wanna clarify what bother me the most about this IF topic. Yes, I didn't ask because I desperately need goals. I asked because I love to fully understand FM's intricate tactic buttons, in hope that once I understood how those work, I know how to translate "what I have in mind" into "which buttons & sliders I have to manipulate".

    So yeah, it's not the goals I directly need from those IFs. I need to them do whatever I want them to do! In my case, I just want them to:

    1. To cut inside like IFs, not hugging the lines. That's my Wingbacks' job, not theirs.

    2. To get near and do short passes like the others if they need to, not uselessly do crosses from out wide. Crossing is not my style, plus I think most of my forwards are not good in the air.

    3. To shoot more like forwards. I set them that way from the start so they can SHOOT with their better foot, just like I set my Wingbacks up for CROSSING. Give me plenty of shots, because I can see obviously that in my team's current stature, almost every other teams bring their bus on the pitch! To continously force the passes towards lone target between swarm of desperate bodies is an ignorance (if not dumb) thing.


    Just so you know, these mental exercises are why I LOVE CM/FM. So I appreciate every efforts you developers made to show that you wanna help us out of our frustrations! Thank you👍🙏

  11. 4 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    if you want an IF who scores then make sure he's got the selfishness required to go solo

    WOW... I've never thought of that 😲. I was always just assuming that because football is a team sport, the higher the Teamwork the better. 13 is the lowest Teamwork in my team's first XI.



    4 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    make sure his shooting is higher than his passing skills ideally.

    Hmmm... I see. Only 2 in my team have that: Joselu and Rodrygo, and only Rodrygo had positioned in flanks. Still, his goals came from his time in FC slot, not in FL/FR/AMR/AML.

    (Side topic: While I can agree with that "the lower the teamwork -> he's selfish -> wants the glory for himself -> shoots more than pass" concept, I also must argue that putting low Teamwork as one requirement for IFs to shoot more is just too harsh, imo. They're forwards, it's their main job to finish the team moves with shots. TW can be a factor, I agree. But it should be a very small one, especially for forwards. Or at least, give us the capability to give instructions for specific individuals to shoot more, like in the main version).


    These are my current, basic tactic settings. But I've tried many things to force my IFs to cut inside and shoot more, including positioned them in FL/FR slots with IF role, or even switch on the Shoot On Sight, etc... just to see if those made them do what I want. No luck so far.

    My main problem is I set them this way (right footed on the left, left footed on the right) specifically because I want them to shoot when they cut inside, instead of wasting crossings to my often-surrounded lone striker. I want them to be finishers first (share the load with the spearhead), providers later. If I want them to mainly cross, I would swap them around.

  12. Is it a bug in FMM24? I experienced this thing happened when Roles get introduced in the early days of FM. IFs keep crossing like common wingers and not providing any second line shootings like they're supposed to. I've tried so many ways, just to see how the tactic settings work, including something as desperate as Shoot On Sight, etc. But no, my IFs are still acting like providers, not alternative finishers.


    Anyone experiences the same thing?

  13. On 15/11/2023 at 21:36, Leedsutd87 said:

    And so glad you managed to sort the IFs out, my current IF has 13 goals in 22 games. Abit more real, as last year, you were lucky if you had 5 goals in them. 

    But... HOW??? My IFs are almost always end up crossing the ball to the hopeless lone striker, when I hope them to be my alternative outlet of goals in case my striker got bullied in the center.

  14. 1 hour ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    Overload with slow tempo will mean the inter-team passing will be slower, tempo indicates the speed with which passes are made - high tempo means that they move the ball quickly between players and will lead to more one-touch passes.

    That's what I meant. I finally got that, only after years of playing in the past 🤣. Btw, since we're in the subject, maybe you guys should consider to change the term into something more clearer in the future, since "Tempo" term is easily misinterpreted as "how quick the team moves when attacking or defending", and not "how fast the ball when the team circulates it around". A term like "Passing Speed", maybe? Therefore we can use "Tempo" term to represent what it commonly means, "the speed of the game" (should we rush things, or take it slow). Just an input to avoid further misinterpretation 😁.


    1 hour ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    So low tempo, counter attack and long ball would likely lead to players looking for a willing runner up front and punting the ball to them so they can attempt to get through on goal, the low tempo would mean the player looking for a pass would be somewhat patient waiting for the movement before attempting the pass, whereas a high tempo would mean they'd punt the ball to an 'area' more often rather than a man unless they have exceptional decisions, passing and creativity.

    I think I got the rough idea from your point. So yeah, changing Mentality doesn't change the tactic I've set before into lesser or more level (e.g: what was slow before, is still slow after Mentality change). I'll re-read your explanations and take them in later. Thanks a lot, keep up the good work! 👍

  15. 11 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    Mentality determines the teams 'overall' behavior style 

    I understood that, but "OVERALL behavior" itself is what makes it very abstract. Because in my thinking, all setting slider in Tactics basically also determines how we want the team to "behave". What I'm curious and asking is: does applying any change on the behavior X (mentality slider), affects the behavior Y (current tactic settings)?


    11 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    Each of these obviously combine with the other settings and some might suit particular settings more than others, i.e. if you're playing contain then short-passing is more likely to leave you losing the ball in your own half, while a long boot up pitch to a target forward might get you a lucky half chance once in a while etc.

    Ok... So what you mean is that changing Mentality doesn't change our current tactical settings at all. Do I get your point right?

    Let's talk hypothetically so I can come into the right conclusion... I currently set low "Tempo" in "Control" mentality. If I happen to change the mentality to "Overload" but leave the "Tempo" on low, you're meant to say that my team will swarm forward but still doing it in slow manner, not fast?

  16. On 07/11/2023 at 04:39, Marc Vaughan said:

    The App should also now be available if you check the Netflix App, there was a slight delay to this being visible.

    I just want you to know, that some other long time players appreciate SI & Netflix cooperation. Now, I and some friends can play FM again after decades FOR FREE, because we can't afford PC/laptops, and we happened to have Netflix subs.


    We also think, if some people don't have/don't want Netflix but wanna play FM game, they still have the option to buy the original PC/console/etc versions. With having that many other options, taking away our only option to play the mobile version for free is very rude (if not greedy).

  17. Finally, I play FM again after more than a decade hiatus because I don't have any PC/laptop anymore. Thank you SI & Netflix for making it happened for me 🥳🥰.

    I have a lot of questions. But since this is my first post about FMM24, I'll make it simple:

    I think I can grasp about what Mentality is. But I don't really sure I understand how it relates to other aspects of tactics. I mean, in this case I attached, I'm on Control. Now, what will happen when I tweak it towards Attacking/Overload?

    Will my on-pitch width gets to Wide (even though the Width slider doesn't move)?

    Will my players get to expressive in creativity?

    Will my team's passing styles get to long/direct passings?


    I think it's a very important knowledge. Because not knowing how the correlation works, we might make things worse by over-compensating (changing the Mentality to Overload, AND setting the tactics to Wide - Expressive - Direct pass - Direct GK Distributions - and so on), which will not helping our performance on the pitch.

    Screenshot_20231125_224315_FM24 Mobile.jpg

    Screenshot_20231125_224350_FM24 Mobile.jpg

  18. Hello managers :)

    Can I please have someone to help me learning FM 2013 tactics concept? I manage Real Madrid (with original players mostly) with its real world's tactics 4-2-3-1, but I wanna play that formation with beautiful style football like Brazil/Barca/Spain nowadays, or Madrid in Del Bosque era (short pass, relatively narrow, patient build-up, killer through passes).

    I prefer the tactics concept/philosophy about how to understand so many parameters/buttons in FM 13 and their correlations one another, so when I understand all of those parameters, then I can use my own creative thinking to create the tactics myself based on those understanding.

    You'll have my biggest gratitude if you help me here.

    Thanx a lot, managers :)

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