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Posts posted by Pezamaria

  1. To add to the above here’s a bug thread where SI explain some of the playing time expectations

    Also if you go to the happiness tab on a players profile and go to suggest a change in playing time (something like that) it will tell you if they’d be unhappy with the proposed playing time before you select it - but only if they have an agent.

    So i click down each one until I get the agent message saying they’d be unhappy. Normally allows you to knock them down a little.


    Hopefully I’ve not explained that too poorly


  2. The only thing I can think of (without being cynical) is that if you’re not watching on comprehensive highlights (or more) you’ve missed a handful of corners where you played it to far post - then you only see a highlight where they’ve worked it out and are marking him.

  3. This can be really tough. Pre match I find it hit and miss but I’ve recently started choosing to also praise defence, midfield and attack separately and telling them individually “I have faith in you” which seems to works well.

    At half time if I’m losing or drawing I go with the top option - the most angry one. If I’m winning by only one goal I go for the second from top - so still angry but not the worst.

    If I’m 2-0 up or more I say the one like “you’ve had lots of shots on target, keep it up” and that makes everyone happy normally.

    Hope that helps!

  4. At the moment when you make a board request you have to do so one at a time.

    For me this means I’d ask my most important one first in case they turn it down in favour of another.

    My suggestion is to allow you to select multiple choices and submit them as one.

    The board could then agree to all, or some, or say they’ll only fund/allow one and you then pick which you’d choose.

    Additionally it would be good to have timelines/targets. For instance the board may agree but say they’ll do it at a future date or if a target is met (ie qualify for champions league).

    Using the suggestion above of multiple board requests in one go this could also mean the board say they’ll do one this season, and another next season etc


  5. At the moment if you enter contract negotiations with a player but don’t have the budget it limits what you can offer, sometimes so it’s impossible to make a deal. For example they want £7,000 a week but you can only offer £40

    My suggestion is, when you don’t have the budget, to allow you to offer what you could if you had room in your budget (within certain limits) but have a warning flag to say you can’t afford it at the moment and to suggest how you could. Ie “you’ll need to raise £1,000,000 transfer revenue” or “reduce wage bill by £500pw”

    The idea being you could agree the terms with the player and then you have a few days/weeks to find the money.

    At the moment you can sometimes go in with what looks like a reasonable wage budget but the game still limits what you can offer (presumably due to other ongoing contract offers) and the player will reject and refuse to speak to you again.

    This way the player agrees and you have time to fix, rather than the player says no, you have time to fix but they won’t speak to you now.

    Above I refer to “within certain limits” and what I mean by this is perhaps basing it on existing contracts. So if your highest earner is on£10k a week you can offer up to that amount.

  6. I’m sure I read that this year there will be a roadmap for the game updates showing what fixes are expected to be due and when the update is likely to land.

    I can find two previous posts but can’t see the next one. 

    Have I misunderstood what was going to happen? I thought it was a great idea as it’s nice to know certain issues are lined up to be fixed.


    @Jimmy Wongtagging you (hope you don’t mind) as you posted the previous two.


  7. In my current save I was asked about a player's contract expiring in a pre-match press conference. Just before the press conference (the day before or the same day) I'd offered that player a new contract.

    The news item didn't have any options for me to reply to say we'd offered him a deal. In fact all of the options felt very "wrong" given the fact we'd offered a contract and we'd met his terms (implying he'd likely sign the contract, or at least the negotiation went well).

    My suggestion is to add a response to say something like "We've just offered him a new deal and expect him to sign it" or similar wording. Perhaps options based upon the manager's confidence, i.e. "We've just offered him a new deal, but we'll have to wait and see" or "We've just offered him a new deal and I'm confident it's a formality".

    Screenshot to show the question that prompted this post


  8. How do you remove a scout assignment?

    I’ve got two of my three scouts analysing my next opposition.

    Can’t for the life of me work out how to take one of them off that assignment?

    On FM23 btw

    Thanks in advance!!

    I did search the forum and it seems there is a related bug….but I’m not sure if they have the option and it doesn’t work, whereas for me it’s that I just can’t find the option at all

  9. Today I beat a record held since 1921 (ish) by going unbeaten for 20 games. The news item (see pic) doesn't really say much at all.

    I think an improvement would be to comment on the previous record, the length of time since it was broken and also any similar records soon to be beaten in the league.

    For instance "Southampton's twenty games unbeaten from X is a new team record. The previous record stood for a staggering X years when the team went from X to X without losing a single game.

    Southampton are also unbeaten in their last X games at home and X away from home. The current Premier League Record is X games unbeaten so the team are close/have some way to go to beat this too" Unbeatable.png.8cf0af76a04fd2127f53e807406bffe0.png

  10. On 28/06/2022 at 06:31, samuelawachie said:

    I know you’re trying to help but this response is not really answering the question IMO

    SI needs to work on the UI of their game as this question is something I’ve always wondered too. The conventions are sometimes reversed in other situations in game too. Just a whole mess as various other parts of the UI. 

    We even had to beg for them to put arrows in reports and stat screens in earlier iterations of the game. 

    There’s much more to say and a lot that’s wrong with various UI screens that I don’t have the patience and energy to do so. 

    Thanks for your reply. I’m glad it’s not only me. I’m hoping someone at SI can actually confirm for certain on this area of the game.

    @Seb Wassell - not sure if this is your area but any chance you know the answer to the original post? Thanks in advance!

  11. Hi all, I'm hoping someone can help clarify something for me please.

    In analyst reports they refer to the area of the pitch the opposition have assisted from and when they've conceded in what areas those assists have come from.

    In the below screenshot they are saying they assisted from the right side of the pitch and also conceded assists from the right side of the pitch..........but is that my right or their right?



  12. If you have a good enough scouting/analyst set up then it would be good to ask for and see data on other leagues.

    This would be great when looking for new players.

    In real life I assume there’s the ability to buy data such as this. Opta, for instance, track lots of data (no idea if they sell it) and I see lots of content on Twitter for free showing data such as we see in the data hub for our own leagues.

  13. I wonder if this may actually be a bug. I’ve not noticed it myself (I will check now though) but I’d expect this only to be for serious injuries. Like if a player breaks a leg or does their cruciate I would expect it, but not for minor things.


    if it’s happening with every injury then a bug I’d say!

  14. This idea has come about because I recently had a non-negotiable promise when signing a player to improve our defence.

    Since signing the player I’ve brought in a centre back permanently and two loanees.

    The player still feels I’ve broken the promise. I get that there’s likely legit reasons for this, for instance maybe he doesn’t count the loanees, or maybe the perm guy isn’t good enough in his eyes.

    My feature suggestion is that when you have the conversation with the player over the broken promise that we have the option to refer to those signings.


    i.e. “I have strengthened the squad with XYZ signings”

    The player can come back and disagree, allowing us to do the usual compromise, disagree etc.

    This would then give us chance to convince them that we have strengthened.

    At the moment (unless I’ve never seen it) there’s no option to do this which takes away realism.


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