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Issue Comments posted by Veshialle

  1. First of all,

    I don't care any researcher enough to feel a need to put words in any of his organs, make wild assumptions, feeling a need to argue about what is wild or not and what is assumption for him or not.

    I wonder how many times I need to underline that I did not got removed by some non-activity process or global policy held by SI. I can welcome wholeheartedly if it happened like that on a large scale. 

    Dudes got beef with me, one of them showed it clearly on twitter, other one picks subtle ways to do it.

    There are no strict lines drawn by SI about non-staff activity, I can name lots of people staying in data for an extremely long time and still in-game, both worldwide and Turkey especially. I don't oppose their belonging in data, I don't care. I don't want to look like I oppose their existance by sharing their names here but can share formally with SI. When I did that by e-mailing to SI, that local chief shared it's content publicly on twitter which is way out of his limits. Unprofessionality at it's finest.

    I got added 3 or more years later after that job. If there was a harm in that, it could be shared with me, I asked it, chief said "You should be in it, of course, as long as I am here, you will be here." he said.

    I shared other chief's beef with me with him. Now it looks like they formed a bond together in years. I have no interest to know or observe that honestly, just noticing.

    If there is a definition about what is being inactive for non-staff and people got removed worldwide according to it. It would be awesome and I welcome it.

    Nobody said I am not working or whatever assumption you are making. My removal is all personal. I object to this. If you still not understand what is going on, leave it please.

  2. When I use "Contact Us" option, research team chief in Turkey shares it's content at twitter with heavy interpretation and in a demeaning tone. How can I surpass that amateur and over emotional national research team chief's in this way? Why no one at SI care that breach of confidence? Who is he to share an email's content which I sent directly to Sigames, at twitter? Who is he? What is Perpetua for Sigames, is it more than we anticipate? Should we people at Turkey call him "Sir" or "Milord"? How can he dare going too personal on twitter with football professionals in our country?

  3. If you don't care my responses, why bothering yourself for contributing to the matter and why bothering me replying that nonsense?

    I'm not sure they will similarly got marked NFE. If it would be a large scaled cleansing, I have zero issues about that even thou I had countless amount of jobs in that period which I don't feel a need to share here to get back what I already got before.

    I got removed because of too much personal interest from this research team chief's personal dramas. Plus I got added 3 years later after that job and asked to the chief that should I include or not and he replied "Of course you should be in". I can prove everything I say.

    I didn't said I don't want to be friends with SI, I don't count that amateur & over-emotional national research team's as official SI members.

    I am focusing on what you are saying, you don't care what I am explaining, I hope you will stop and won't bother me replying you further. Make no sense. You are tripping around the topic, not focusing on it's core.

  4. There are people who never worked for a club in game data worldwide.

    In Turkey, it is more common than how it is worldwidely because of their "friends" like I mentioned.

    If there is a grand cleansing type of thing in FM24 based on professional's last activity, it shouldn't be solely on me. That is not the issue.

    My removal is unnecessarily personal. It shouldn't be.

    Plus there is breach of confidence, random guy claims to be a research team chief shares his heavily interpreted & dramatical comments in twitter about a mail which I sent to Sigames 4-5 years ago all of a sudden.

    Too much unnecessary interest from them to me. I don't take that, I won't be their friend or anything. I don't wonder who they are. I even refuse their invitation to research team and guy says I want to be in the team at twitter. Too many people in Turkey are sick and tired with their delusional interpretations.

  5. I couldn't evade their dire needs to be personal. I want to avoid it completely. This being too personal has nothing do with me. I can't dodge that and hopefully dodge later. One of the chief's shared an e-mail's content which I wrote to SI ages ago all of a sudden at twitter without my consent, this is breach of confidence and out of his maneuverability. This guys don't know any boundaries and at everywhere and are very demanding.

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