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Everything posted by HUNT3R

  1. Sometimes upsets happen. Your striker had an off day or they scored from a 0.05 xG long shot (so 5% chance of going in) etc. so there are times where you are just unlucky. Other times, that long shot happens in the 5th minute, so there's plenty of time to turn things around in your favour. The main factors are obviously the tactical setup on both sides and the players selected to play, on both sides. Player attributes are hugely important. You could have a fantastic tactic that consistently creates good chances (giving you the advantage in the match every time) but it fails against a back 3. Match management - Your starting tactic might even be great and it consistently causes you to be 1 or 2 goals up by the 60th-70th minutes of a match. Is it still as good when teams now try to get back into the game? They might change formation. They'll definitely change Mentality, Roles and Duties, make subs and get people forward. Do you need to make changes? Get your small, attacking right back off and get a strong, defensive fullback on in his place? etc. Or the tactic is great, but you struggle when there's a very strong, tall striker playing up front or against a fast winger (if you maybe have a slow-ish fullback) etc. Those are just examples of where there could be weaknesses in terms of player match ups. Your players' Consistency, Pressure and Big Matches will also affect how well you perform. It'll affect the opposition too, but there's not much you can do about that. Having 1 or 2 inconsistent players shouldn't be a big deal, but if you have 7 (example), what happens if all of them don't "turn up" that day? It's going to be a long 90 mins. Pressure as well. You're in a match and if you win, you can secure European qualification. 9 players are anxious (because they can't handle pressure well) so you see silly misplaced passes, pot shots from nowhere, fluffed 1 v 1s, not reacting fast enough in defence etc. Again, a long 90 mins. Good morale helps, of course. Keeping a firm grip on players' Body Language can help too. You want players to play with confidence and be motivated. That ensures they're focused and willing to give their all. It's a constant balancing act for a manager as you're trying to balance confidence and motivation at a certain level so that they don't get complacent, nervous or lose focus. Player condition you did touch on. Players with very low condition might not perform as well or might make more mistakes. This year we have short term stamina as well and it affects the effectiveness of pressing, for example. Players with very low Condition (so not much stamina either) may not press as effectively, making a poor decision to press or not to press, or just misjudging when to press. Something like that could cost you the game when trying to counter press very late in it, as an example. The flow of the match - what if your key playmaker makes a costly mistake early in the game? He'll have a drop in confidence and could under perform the entire match. Not that you can't do anything about it. You can try to change tactically or bring on someone else with more confidence who might get things done more effectively. Weather plays a bit of a role too. Players will tire quicker in the heat. Short intricate passing and dribbling isn't as easy on a muddy/soggy pitch. Going into the other factors, you have things like altitude, jet lag, the importance of a match (as touched on before), the referee, where the match takes place (home or away, how big the crowd is, how hardcore the fans are) etc etc. I tend to focus on starting with the 11 that gives me the best match ups vs the opposition, keeping my players as motivated and focused as possible and match management, watching how the match unfolds and reacting to what I am seeing. There are times where being proactive helps as well. It has served me well over the years.
  2. That's limited info, but I will say this: You're trying to suggest that it's an artificial limitation. It isn't. There will be reasons for what is happening. Reasons that should reveal itself with enough analysis of what's happening. It is possible that you received a significant reputation boost, being CL winners and so other teams will now be very cautious against you (more than before) and rightly so. That's a guess though as there's not enough info to go off.
  3. It's never wise to instantly dismiss tactics. Especially not if there reasoning is that it worked in a different season. How many seasons are you in? How far into the season are you/which month? Where are you predicted to finish? How are you setting up? Are your players fatigued/jaded? How good are the chances they're getting in terms of xG? Are they often nervous or complacent?
  4. Do you have a link that supports this? Everything that I have been able to find (this was new to me as well) suggests that this isn't the case (it being tied to Steam) and that there were a few games using it. FM wasn't one of them. https://www.pcgamer.com/red-shell-analytics-software-causes-privacy-uproar-over-a-dozen-developers-vow-to-drop-it/ I would assume PCGamer is a decent source of information.
  5. This is a good thread with information from SI around a youth intake and a HoYD's role. https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/500635-youth-intake-in-fm20/#comment-12103524
  6. Just to remind everyone - this isn't a wishlist thread. Suggestions for features should be posted in the feature requests section. https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/353-football-manager-feature-requests-pcmac/
  7. If you ask a player to mark a specific position, he will man mark any player who plays in that position. It's similar to specific man marking, but instead of marking a specific player, you're marking anyone in that position. Even when the starting player is subbed, the substitute in that position will also be man marked.
  8. It means you have 3 intervals/stoppages in which to make the 5 subs. You can make 2 subs, 1 sub and then 2 subs, in the 3 stoppages, as an example.
  9. It should state 5 subs from 3 stoppages, not so? That should be how it works.
  10. I look for Composure, Balance and Finishing in a pure scorer, in that order. Technique will help, as well as other Mental Attributes (Anticipation, Decisions, Off The Ball) that'll help him be in the correct in the first place.
  11. Like I said, I don't think you're too far off right now. You have a defensively solid base, so you don't need huge changes. Campbell as the Poacher? Not sure how far you're in, but Huddersfield have Koroma (I see he's a sub) and Rhodes (I don't see him) who are more lethal goal scorers than him. I'd even select Ward over him. I'm just going off of the squad in the database as the game starts.
  12. Good. You noticed something. That's a big step. The match stats show us that you created poor chances in general. There were 2 okay chances at least, so you're probably not too far off with your tactic. You seem solid in defense looking at the match stats. As you've noticed that teams sit back against you, it will pay to watch how you're attacking. I am specifically looking at you trying to counter attack. The way you set up will see you win the ball deep and then you're going to try and counter attack against a team that's parking the bus. They're possibly all waiting for you. It could be why your attacks are not good enough. This is probably the main thing I watch for and change in matches these days - changing what I do in transition depending on who I face and what I observe.
  13. How would you compare the standing Rangers have in the Scottish League to where Newcastle is in the Premier League? Do you see similarities or differences? I don't think you're taking into account that you won a league with a very aggressive tactic, with a favourite and trying to do the same with a mid-table team against teams like Man City and Liverpool. You would need to re-think the tactics entirely, imo, of course. That said, you are getting away with it in a sense, as you're still 9th which is where you're predicted. I'm a naturally cautious manager, so I am not 'normal' in the community, but it is working for you right now, tbh. It might get better as you improve the squad to actually be able to dominate teams. Keep in mind - facing a Man City is going to be very different to facing Brentford. You may have to think about having different setups or slight changes depending on who you're facing. Edit: Regarding Aouar and Rice - these things matter. The club standing, what the overall aim of the tactic is, the tactic itself works as a whole and whether the players fit the tactic and is familiar with it, all are big factors into whether you'll have success or not.
  14. I assume you've tried it? How is it going? You're 9th. Is that good? Bad? Where are you predicted to finish? Considering the previous question, do the tactics suit the situation, do you think? Solomon is your IF. Does it suit him? In the second tactic, Aouar is your DM. Does that suit him? Also in the second tactic, Declan Rice is your CM/A. Does it suit him?
  15. I really cannot suggest anything. Like I said, half the tactic is missing. Mentality, TIs and PIs are a big part of a tactic. That's without even looking at who is playing where and whether it suits them or not. Try it out. If you have issues, report back, but include the full tactic and what the issues are.
  16. Hmm.. That's interesting. I'll have a look in my game now and hopefully have an answer to come back to you with.
  17. This is working as intended. Changing the delivery options (your first screenshot) changes what the defaults are in the scouting centre itself. That's the bar at the bottom. The right click menu (your 2nd screenshot) is not connected to the scouting centre directly. I appreciate that it's a little frustrating. Might be worth logging this as a feature request in the Feature Requests section.
  18. Try them out, tbh. It's the best way to learn, imo. It will depend on how you're using this formation, roles and duties. You still need to select a Mentality. Not sure if you're adding any TIs or PIs, but this (including Mentality) can drastically change how the tactic plays out. I'd look closely at the midfield of the first tactic you want to try though.
  19. Yeah it really depends on the rest of the tactic and the players you have. I've partnered a Poacher, AF and CF/S with an IF/A, all with success, but the rest of the tactic also fit the two roles I chose on each occasion.
  20. You've shown 3 tactics. Given very little context around it. If we don't know the thought processes and what you were facing, we can't help very much. A 'tactic' that you show is only how a match starts. Matches can swing depending on goals scored etc. A tactic might be great for 65 mins. It will not help if the other team changes and you're not capable of handling it. We do not have any of this information, which is needed. If you really do want help, provide us with more context, please.
  21. This is not helping anyone. If you want advice, we need more detail and specifics. There are plenty of people willing to help, but with limited info, there's only so much to say. You either made a tonne of changes randomly or there were reasons for them. If it was random, there's no hope. If there were reasons, we can try and progress.
  22. @trueblue9877 We can see your tactic for the first season. We have no context around it but you massively over achieved. Did you get promoted or did you stay where you were? It seem like you weren't promoted. Ok. So, you then used... which tactic *exactly* entering the second season? Apparently you were sacked in December... surely you must have noticed issues in the 4-5 months leading up to December? What did you notice? What did you change? If you do want advice - it's worth (as I've said before) providing as much info as possible. With the barebones we have, there's very little to be said.
  23. Yeah, fair point. It's a combination of the tactic, the quality of the players and also the type of players you select. Setting up to be compact and fairly defensive, while looking to counter attack, for example, you realise you're going to need to soak up pressure. In a case like that, I select players who will do just that. The back 4 will have players who are defensively very sound. I don't care how good they are going forward, that's not what they're going to do for a lot of the match. Stay defensively strong (good Strength, Balance, Positioninig, Anticipation and JR) and I'll select faster players (as opposed to creative players or slow, strong players) up front who could counter attack quickly. It gives me a good chance to get something out of the game. No guarantees, but as long as you can sneak enough wins/draws over a season. As you say though, the better teams might just turn up with a very good player who wins the match all by himself. That can certainly happen as you're up against mostly better teams than your own.
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