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Posts posted by workthespace

  1. 1 minute ago, hufcpaul said:

    I don't get the hate, find it a bit weird. Im 39 and enjoy watching gaming videos on youtube and twitch. Love the away days as well you done last year 

    The hate is far and few between to be honest and I'm used to it, this forum is tame compared to some places! Most of you are absolutely great, I enjoy this thread every year as a lurker and I'm fully aware I and potentially all 'influencers' (I hate that word) aren't going to be some people's cup of tea.

    Sometimes the ignorance and confidence in incorrect takes from some people is a little silly and even frustrating. Maybe I shouldn't care, but I like to correct them on it in the hope it provides some clarity and stops any misinformation. Realise that is probably a losing battle on the internet but it doesn't mean I won't try!

  2. 1 minute ago, Milk Enjoyer said:

    Presumably, that means that if the videos have been signed off on then any alleged licensing-related fires have been put out. So if licensing is signed off, we should be good to go soon!

    The checks to ensure that only licensed teams are featured in the content, there's usually a restriction on leagues we're allowed to show in videos.

  3. 1 minute ago, girotex8 said:

    I imagine those youtubers with early access have to send their initial videos to SI for sign off, before they can publish them.

    It's hardly objective.

    SI sign-off the videos based on some of the licensing agreements and legal restrictions that exist, but never have I heard of them asking creators to make changes to videos for any other reason in the last 10-plus years.

  4. 8 minutes ago, dulee2304 said:

    So, i think SI needs to inform US here on forum about this, because here is like Jack is speaking in name of SI

    Not sure where you're getting that impression from, but to be clear I'm simply speculating and have nothing to do with speaking in the name SI. Although I'd like to think that's obvious to most.

  5. 5 hours ago, Francis Mooney said:

    Hi @workthespace, can I get a little bit more information please. 

    Did the memory leak happen directly after 20.4.4 was downloaded?

    What other programmes are running simultaneously with FM20?

    What is your operating system?

    Finally, can I ask you to attach you DxDiag please as per the below thread: 


    Attached the dxdiag for myself and a friend who's also having the problem.

    The issue has been most common since 20.4.4 but I cannot be sure if wasn't happening on any of the patches earlier last week. Im OS is Windows 10 Pro, v.1903.

    Besides chrome and a few game launchers there is nothing else running at the time of the issue when this happens at night. During the day I'll often have various other programs running but I'm certain FM is the issue, upon killing the game the pc becomes responsive if caught soon enough.

    viking_dan_DxDiag.txt workthespace_DxDiag.txt

  6. Since the most recent patch I've been experiencing a memory leak in FM20 during every extended play session, it also occurs if I just leave game game running overnight. I'm aware of a few friends also experiencing the crash however the game fails to generate a crashdump, the game doesn't seem to display a run out of memory message and instead completely freezes my PC and requires a hard restart to resolve.


    Steps to reproduce:

    1) Run FM

    2) Leave game running for extended play session

    3) Observe PC slowdown into even eventual hardcrash. (can be caught prior to this if quick, screenshot shows FM20's memory usage on a rare occassion I was able to catch the leak before it got too bad) 

    Reproduction rate 5/5


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