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Posts posted by DamienQilBormliz

  1. 33 minutes ago, Erimus1876 said:

    The problem with watching youtbuers is they don't really do the match engine justice.  The vast majority of them play the game on fast speed, from the same generic camera angle, and the whole show is about getting through each game as quickly as possible. That seems to be the general format of them all imo.  So a lot of the subtle things about the 3D match are lost or missed.

    The only way you can really compare older versions to the fundamental change that came with FM18 and onwards, is to play them yourselves and spend time with them.  Play a season in FM17 for instance, and one in FM21.  You see both have their pro's and cons.  21's ME is more advanced (obviously), has more animations etc.  FM17 has better visuals, and more stadium variety, and 16 different camera angles to choose from, as well as a wealth of graphical options to chose from in preferences (as mentioned earlier in this thread, here: Link).

    Sorry you cant get your FM17 to work to try this.  I'm still playing it to this day and have provided a selection of screenshots from around the world on my current FM17 save.

    There just seems to be more "character" to the stadiums, and the visuals add that little bit extra to my game, especially the lighting.  I played FM19 and 20 extensively, and FM21 for a few seasons too, but they're so generic looking and bland compared to the overall matchday experience that FM17 offered.  Its hard to put into words how its different, the only way to see and feel it is to go back and play those pre-FM18 versions and see if you notice it too (hope you get it working).


    Stadium variety, shadows, and lighting from my FM17 save...

    Scottish lower leagues











    Denmark lower league







    One other thing that I think has been lost with recent versions of FM is the ability to mod the 'between highlights' match panel, which at one time provided us with a wealth of useful info that was visually pleasing to the eye.  This being my personal favourite in FM17...



    I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think the kind of modabilty we once had of those panels is possible anymore.  It was those subtle aspects of the older FMs that also helped improve the whole matchday experience too, i.e. little things like the aesthetically pleasing match scoreboard on those screenshots I posted.  They may seem inconsequential to those who don't notice or care about that stuff, but for players who love watching their games and put a lot of time into the 3D matchday experience, they are important.  I really dislike the direction the later FMs went when they made it harder for modders to create things like that.


    Oh man I miss those turf pitches and it's lightning! much more realistic than today's default and custom pitches to be honest :(

  2. 18 hours ago, a31632 said:

    I didn’t find any solution for this. If you copy the code from only of the scoreboards in the slot that “FA Cup” scoreboards is using it also isn’t showing properly. So to your point, the coding is correct, but something is “off”.

    In FM 20 it also wasn’t working in the FA cup slot, only FM 19 for which this mod was intended works good.

    By the way, what happened with your “quick tactics” section in the top right, did you delete the code?


    No no mate that's because in the screenshot I took I was re-playing highlights from a finished game.

    Here's one properly :D


    Sirens v St. George's_ Pitch-2.png

  3. Anyone found a fix for the "score" in FA Cup scoreboard? Coding looks fine, like the others but for some reason it isn't assigned well :( 

    I've replaced the FA Cup scoreboard but still has the score colour issue as per below ;1466013750_St.GeorgesvValletta_Pitch.thumb.png.c65fbfd1be6f9546088a18874f177bf7.png1898804707_St.GeorgesvBirkirkara_Pitch-3.thumb.png.f584fee3896885f71e4ac411868a7aad.png

  4. They have been quiet for two days now on twitter, with the latest big news being the new match engine features which ended with "And don't worry, we'll be showing you the match engine in all its glory in the coming days..."

    Do you guys think that by that he meant that we will get to see the match engine for the first time in the BETA? and it can actually drop anytime soon? I hope so because I don't want to keep waiting for the footage without the release of the BETA...


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