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Everything posted by Barnzy

  1. Probably ease him in over the groups so he’s more ready for the tougher teams
  2. I mean that sounds like a successful tournament - Southgate’s been our 2nd most successful manager not sure it’s a bad thing having more Southgate but getting to more finals or semi finals
  3. Blanco’s bunny hope sticks with me for some reason
  4. Comparing the TV licence to countless human rights violations is a bit of a stretch 😅
  5. I blindly said England more in hope than anything else - expecting a France or Argentina win
  6. Glad you found a positive out of it, I’m the same find it really difficult to switch off and live in the moment - and same for me, I managed to switch off from the worries of day to day life and relax
  7. That a forum for people that play a football management game having a politics thread could be perceived as a strange place for it, I’m not saying it’s weird but you can understand there could be a perception that it’s weird from people that are not involved
  8. I’m not saying it’s weird, I’m saying there could be a perception that it’s weird
  9. Because it’s a football manager forum, ask someone that’s not here if that seems weird - I bet they’d agree
  10. Yeah I’m supposed to be working away In London 20th , ideal for me to get out of it
  11. This is bizarre - Bristol we’re playing Bath in the rugby tonight that’s been postponed until tomorrow when Bristol City should have been playing Preston in football. Shambles
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