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Posts posted by Dagenham_Dave

  1. On 23/02/2024 at 09:49, grasu said:

    There have been quite a few FMs that have had major issues which made the game easier, i.e. the massively OP 3 striker tactics in FM10 or Messi being available on a free transfer in the second season of FM12, but, as a general rule, FM has gotten much MUCH easier over the years.

    As a result, the only logical answer to this question would then be "the latest FM" because FM 24 is easier than 23, and 23 is easier than 22, and so on. 

    It's a shame though, because this makes the game boring. I haven't touched FM 24 in 3 months after I won a quadruple with a destitute Milan side in the year 2034.

    I don't ever remember an FM being this easy, where you can just pick a side in disarray, with 2-3 top players, well into their 30s, and win everything in your first season with the team...

    All that says to me is that as each new game comes along, you're more experienced in what to do to make your team win easily. 

    If you gave someone who has never played FM before a copy of FM12 and FM24 and told them to play both, they would find FM12 a hundred times easier than FM24. 

  2. 3 hours ago, XaW said:

    Please don't engage with others if you don't intend to bring anything into the conversation other than discussions.

    Apologies chief, after all these years, you'd think I'd have learned by now how much of a humour vacuum this place is. :rolleyes:

  3. 1 hour ago, Smoo said:

    No Michael Beale was. A man sacked from two different clubs in 6 months. He'll be lucky if he gets a managers job again. And he was able to avoid massive player unrest.

    You're not making your case for your own man management skills any better here...

  4. 16 hours ago, Muja said:

    Are you not aware of the existence of Daveincid's "megarealism pack"?
    It's a meticulous modification of the initial database that, among other things, changes the finances and market preferences of all teams in dozens and dozens of nations, adds individual awards in dozens of leagues to rebalance the reputation system, and increases the number of injuries by modifying the physical integrity of all players in the game.

    It's been around since FM20, I believe, and many people, myself included, believe it makes the game SIGNIFICANTLY better in the long run, and some users won't even start a new game until they have this megapack.

    Don't underestimate the dedication of the game's most hardcore fans. The hundreds of hours some spend testing to find the perfect tactic, or to create a more appealing skin...

    There would be people who would work day and night to make the game better—or simply different in certain areas, to meet the needs of some players.
    And the best part is, SI wouldn't even have to pay them!

    I repeat, it's a win-win situation.

    I've nothing against modding the game. I use lots of mods myself. Mainly superficial stuff like skins, etc. However, opening up the match engine to modders would be absolute insanity. And not in a good way. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, Muja said:

    “You think gegenpress is OP? Use this mod that makes gegenpress unsusteainable for 90 minutes”

    Genius. It's almost as if SI haven't been trying to work out a way to do this for about four editions now. But yeah, Joe Public will fix that in seconds. 

    This place, man. :lol:

  6. On 22/02/2024 at 14:28, Delicate Dave said:

    I've found working out subs to hold a result is pretty easy in FM and has been for years. Each player starts with a rating of 6.7. During the game the rating goes up or down and all these ratings for your team are added up and compared to the other team. This decide which team is on top or has the ball. If you sub a player on say 7.7 for a new player you whole team rating goes down by 1.0. If you do five subs at once and replace all the best-rated players in your team that's a big drop. So best to try and only replace low-performing players. When you do that you are making the team stronger. I've even replaced five players in the first half if the rating drops low enough, this has turned a game around for me that looked lost after 15 mins.

    I've read some nonsensical posts in my time on here, but this one takes the proverbial biscuit. :lol:

  7. 2 hours ago, Muja said:

    It's quite the opposite, someone who is unhappy with the vanilla ME would surely have plenty of mods to try until they're satisfied, instead of coming here in the forums to complain. 


    It's incredibly naive to think that's how it would work. 

    Anyway, the FM match engine is a massively complex piece of code. Put that into the hands of the general public and all you're going to get is utter chaos. SI know this, and that's why it's never happening. Enough of the game is moddable to make the experience better as it is. 

    2 hours ago, Muja said:

    Think of Europa Universalis: the vanilla game is very good on its own, but all the mods out there can bring it to another level and allow everyone to make the game as fun as they want it to be. 

    There's no downside to modding games like that, because there's nothing in real life to compare it to, so you have a completely blank canvas to do what you want. FM is a completely different ball game, pardon the pun. 

  8. On 21/02/2024 at 10:57, Muja said:

    Honorable mention to FM20, for a very particular reason: at some point, the Korean community found a way to modify the ME physics and released "patches" online.
    These modifications visibly altered the functioning of the ME itself, but I don't want to get into whether they made it better or worse.
    However, it was undeniable that these patches breathed new life into the game, and this anecdote has always made me think that FM could benefit ENORMOUSLY from making the ME moddable.

    THE single biggest placebo effect in all of FM's history. 

    Making the Match engine moddable is an horrendous idea. People already change so much of the game by putting in wildly unrealistic input then crying wildly when they get the obvious unrealistic output. This would be 100 times worse if the ME was ever opened up to be modded. 

    Thankfully I reckon SI will see the sense in this and never allow this to happen. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Jonthedon26 said:

    This is a very good post. Scouting currently feels like a completely broken mess to me. I either get no results at all for very basic parameters that you would imagine there should be hundreds of matches, or very few results that keep getting recommended to me over and over again. I often see other teams signing players who are decent from a region I am scouting and I sit there scratching my head as to why they were never in my recommendations. I would go as far as saying I hate the new scouting system, especially as scouting is such a big part of the game.

    To get the best from recruitment focuses, you need to, you know, actually focus on something. I see so many people just having open wide parameters and expecting hundreds of results. If you're doing that, you're as well just using player search and scouting players individually. 

    Narrow your search down. Don't just search for players 15-18 without any other focus. Give your scouts instructions on the type of player to look for, otherwise they'll have no clue who to recommend. 

    I've not had any issues with scouting in this year's game, and this is the method I use. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Rodrigogc said:

    In FM13 they had a set of instructions you could give without having to go to tactics, like "press more", "play short passes", "play low tempo", etc... I used to find that very useful, I don't know why SI removed it from the game

    They didn't remove them from the game, they are now tactical instructions which you can still very easily change in-game. 

  11. On 18/01/2024 at 16:24, LingLing said:

    As someone who fell in love with the game in 2009, I feel this is the most inconsistent version of Football Manager franchise ( I won't even call it a new game, because it is not. You stopped with the new games long time ago, all you do now is 'reskin'

    Of all the hilarious bits of the post, this is my favourite. 

    Tell me, what exactly were the mad advances in the game from FM09 through to FM13? 

    There has been a far, far, bigger advancement in FM from Fm19-now than there ever was in the period you started playing. 


  12. 14 hours ago, Slink Shady said:

    How many times have you been killing a team with loads of shots in a game on target and suddenly the opposition keeper is completely unbeatable from any shot your team takes, and you end up with a draw only to find the team you're chasing for first place drew as well? It happens FAR TOO MUCH to be coincidence. In the same season the team I'm chasing loses, I lose. I draw they draw. I win they win. I've been 3 points behind them for nearly 20 games. It's a joke. This IS NOT coincidence.

    What is it then? 

  13. Won't be the same in everyone's save. as the reactions to the responses are based on various factors including things like morale, reputation, who is complaining, dressing room atmosphere, managerial support, etc etc

    And there will be occasions when only one possible answer will placate the players. Sometimes none of the answers will make them happy depending on other stuff. 

    But yeah, 'broken nonsense'. :rolleyes:

  14. 28 minutes ago, gunnerfan said:

    Looks good as a guide, but it's still descriptive rather than quantitative. And that strikes me as odd, given that this is a game driven by numbers and percentages. It's as if AI wants to keep us all in the dark. 

    One of these times when it's correct not to have exact numbers for something. Because if you did, it would become extremely easy to 'game' the system and never have any players complaining about game time, which isn't very realistic. 

  15. 9 hours ago, flauta kicma said:

    Strikers score too little. I don't know about others, but for me the more interesting part of the game is to see if a striker can have more goals than performances, but in a realistic ratio. It's impossible on FM 24. It seems to me that the dispersion of goals among the players is too larget. Maybe it's more realistic, but it's not fun.

    There is too much struggling away from home. That's why sometimes the matches seem scripted, it's simply harder to win. I see that it has no effect on the final ranking because it is the same with AI, it seems SI simply reduced the corpus of matches that are won in a  season. Maybe that is more realistic, but the performance itself in practice is somehow not playable. As if the charm had been lost. 

    Do you think SI will improve all this in the next patch?

    As much as some of the game still needs improvement, absolutely nothing that you have perceived above needs to be. 

    Plenty of people (including myself) have had strikers score bags of goals.

    Away matches will generally be harder to win than home matches. That's what happens. Home advantage is a big thing in real life too.

    And no, it's not scripted. For the gazillionth time. 

  16. On 17/12/2023 at 19:06, chrisnlnz said:

    Player interaction are unrealistic, uselessness of staff is unrealistic, ME is unrealistic, tactics creator in unrealistic, low injury rate is unrealistic, ai squad management is unrealistic, regens attributes are unrealistic, regens having more facial hair than most grown men when they are 16 is unrealistic, transfers are unrealistic. luckily the regen faces in game are realistic though! give and take right SI?

    You forgot to add 'my expectations' into your rant there. Here to help. 

  17. Wait until after the leagues tick over on 24th June, and you should have more players wanting to join you. 

    It's an area I wish they'd improve on FM - The promotions/relegations should all be completed asap when the season ends. Either that or improve the code so the game knows you're moving up/down a league and therefore be able to sign the appropriate players. 

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