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Everything posted by Rob1981

  1. Should be 2-0 Australia. Might regret those misses later, Tunisia starting to have more of a go.
  2. I guess the other Oceania countries would need to vote them back in as well? And not sure how likely this is if it harms their own chances of qualifying.
  3. It’s hard to see they would ever miss out on qualifying from Asia though, because as well as Oceania getting a guaranteed spot, Asia is going from 4.5 to 8.5 In general, I’m quite supportive of them going up to 48 teams but Asia is probably the one part of the world where letting more teams in dilutes the quality. 8th/9th best in Asia and you start hitting teams like Iraq, Oman and Syria. If they went back to Oceania, probably more chance of Australia losing the automatic spot to NZ than losing out to one of those. So maybe they are still better off where they are.
  4. On paper, today is the best day so far. Surely? France v Denmark and Argentina v Mexico. Plus the Saudis again, who can now go through early if they beat a lacklustre Poland.
  5. Tunisia another side in the ‘Scotland’ club. Multiple qualifications but never reached the knockout stage - 1978, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2018. Never seemed to get mentioned as contenders in the same breath as your Senegals and Nigerias and Ivory Coasts. But they keep turning up when it’s tough to qualify. They must be doing something right.
  6. Tough to call this one. Before a ball was kicked I fancied Tunisia to sneak through this group, but Australia looked better than I expected when they lost to France. Draw doesn’t help either side much so hopefully it opens up and it’s better than last nights game
  7. I don’t know I mean it’s hard to defend tonight, but there’s no reason for us to play so negatively unless it’s deliberate. Unless we are looking at that 4231 and working on our defensive shape and seeing how we go on managing the game without much possession. There has to be a plan, right? RIGHT? I mean it just felt like a training session tonight at times. Not in the sense that it was easy, but in the sense that it felt like we were trying to implement a certain way of playing. Even though we had the players to go up a gear and cause them more problems.
  8. I think there was an element of this tonight. Possibly trying something out with the knockouts in mind, given that we have had limited preparation time and we knew we had three points already in the bag from Monday. Cede possession a bit but set up to try and stifle the opposition. And he’s done it with four at the back instead of his usual five and limited USA to one shot on target all night. Clearly need to sharpen up going forward, but imagine if tonight gives him the confidence to play a back four against France or Argentina, and push another body higher up the pitch.
  9. You guys Never change. A nothing group game where a point suits both teams. Don’t overthink it. USA had one shot on target ffs.
  10. Yeah, I was trying to work this out. 2-1 Ecuador win here and they are +3 and Senegal are 0 GD going into the last day. So Senegal would need to beat them by two goals to put them out. Or they could both go through still if Senegal beat Ecuador by any score and Netherlands don’t beat Qatar.
  11. Bit weird, but another goal doesn't change a lot here for Ecuador. Think they've got to go and take a point vs Senegal whether they win 2-1 or lose 2-1. For Netherlands, result here makes a much bigger difference potentially.
  12. Can’t believe how much this stadium is being re-used. Grass is already cutting up badly on some of the pitches. This is the third game here already. Then it’s in use again on Sunday, and Tuesday, and next Thursday, and again a week tomorrow for the first R16 day. Seven games in thirteen days. Letting them host with eight stadiums instead of the usual 10-12 is an absolute joke.
  13. Superb. Just when I said it would be cagey, that’s one of the earliest goals all tournament
  14. Not sure I'm expecting much here. Cagey. A point probably suits both teams. The Dutch know they only have Qatar left to play after this. And a draw is a great result for Ecuador... keeps them ahead of Senegal going into the final day so they only need to draw with Senegal and not beat them. In fact, even a one-goal defeat for Ecuador is enough for them. As long as they don't lose by two they would stay ahead of Senegal on GD. So even if it's 1-0 to Netherlands with half an hour to go and Ecuador are actually losing... Ecuador probably still settle for it. Rather than pushing to get back into the game and risk conceding another.
  15. Senegal might regret not turning the screw there and racking up the GD. Every chance they have to go and beat Ecuador now instead of a draw being enough.
  16. What we can say for certain is that if Qatar lose here, they will be officially the worst host nation of all time. South Africa in 2010 was the only previous group stage exit by a host, but South Africa managed four points from nine that year.
  17. Jonathan Pearce on comms, so you can absolutely guarantee he will start talking about Qatar/Senegal being eliminated for definite if they go behind. Even though there is still a scenario for the loser here where they could get through with a final day win. If the group finishes 9-3-3-3 that is.
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