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Posts posted by fmjeros

  1. 15 hours ago, Manunited_fan said:

    Hi fmjeros, thanks for the recommendation.

    Could you please provide the link to the article you read? It would be interesting to see the thought process behind the setup. I'm looking to learn and understand tactic development, so for now I'll stick with trying to build my own thing but can certainly take pointers from what Cleon was doing here.

    I appreciate that my post was quite long so probably why there's been few responses. By going through this process, it has helped me to think more about what's going on in my team. 

    I'm still debating on the LW role. It has occurred to me that in the current set up I only have one person trying to score goals (the AF) as the winger, wing back, AM and IW are all more creative options. Therefore, I'm thinking that the LW (Joao Pedro currently) should may be an IF. I've seen people put things like Roam from position on the AM to try and create a bit more space as well. 

    I also saw another thread that if you have two solid DMs then you can put both FBs to Wing Back to add more ball carriers, so might try that (but maybe might need to upgrade on Mukiele in that case).

    this is one is the article , it is for previous versions of FM but the main principles still apply

  2. I have spent a lot of hours this year trying to replicate how city plays under pep. From what i have seen lower mentality + aggressive roles is a much better replication than attacking + conservative roles


    In the above image i tried to replicate the team when walker plays in and his role is something like a 3rd centerback, if the winger has opposite foot i will use him as inverted winger with stay wider(this year works a lot better)

    i will write later with more info but in general i was very happy with how we looked

  3. Your goal is to end up something like this if i understood correctly ?


    You have two options to make it happen

    1) Play like Pep

    2 IWB's , wingers hug the touchline in early buildup and the 2 Mc's push up to occupy the left and right half space



    2)Play like Klopp

    wingbacks hug the touchline,wingers tuck in and the mids compress the center of the pitch



    I read your opening post and i think that you mixed them in order to make that 235 happen

    the problem was the bbm and that you think he will stay deeper which isn't true


    have a read on that excellent article https://weaintgotnohistory.sbnation.com/features/2020/10/14/21515543/re-imagining-frank-lampards-chelsea-a-positional-play-game-model

  4. some thoughts about your tactic, i would swap the 2 midfielders and play the attack minded on the left spot and make the right back attacking to create a natural overlap. Maybe try another role instead of mezzalla especially if he isn't left footed to actually go wide behind  the inside forward who cuts inside.(ramsey is right footed, a simple cm attack woud be perfect for him). also at dmc spot i would try an anchroman or a simple DMC role, that position is the crucial point of any tactic with one defensive midfielder, and certainly pjanic isnt't that type of footballer, he is great but further up the pitch. 

    a possible triangle could be

    DMC(anchorman or DMd) bentancur

    MCR(MC support): pjanic

    MCL(MC attack) : ramsey

  5. 16 hours ago, Rashidi said:

    When you go to a specific players Development> Training page you can  see a panel to the right which breaks down his tactical familiarity, with the position/role/duty for a specific tactic. Sometimes the Position/Role/Duty could be for the wrong position. I find that this is the most common reason why people don't see it changing. I don't train the same role, I just make sure that the tactical familiarity bar reflects the position I am training him for.


    He has been training for two years now as a ball playing defender and i use him as a central defender. As you can see the tactical familiarity bar is accomplished, his position/Role/Duty is the right one 

  6. On 25/12/2019 at 00:49, yonko said:

    I understand the part about the general team training. I follow your model basically during preseason and early season in order to get full tactical familiarity with the training sessions. I did the same thing in FM19. However, in FM20 I think I noticed a change in terms of individual role training when the role chosen is different than the role the player is used in my tactic. 

    I haven't changed the roles of my players in my tactic. I have pretty much used the same ones for the whole season. 

    i have the same problem, been playing all season with same roles but the tactical familiarity is low, if a player let's say a defender is trained as ball playing defender and i use him as central defender the bar of the tactical familiarity is competent or at best accomplished. so my question is you have to train the same role tha you use a player in your tactic in order the player to gain tactical familiarity ? 

  7. On 28/11/2019 at 16:36, ryandormer said:

    I'm trying to get this working:


    Aubameyang as IFa and Pepe as IWs. I've also taken advice on here to try to have the IFa and CMa on the same flank. Results have been ok--better than my last two saves! But my main problems remain the same. I just can't see where my goals are coming from a lot of the time. Here are the stats after ten league games:


    Fifth in the league, which isn't shocking. But only the tenth highest scorers in the league, and my highest scorers (six of them) have two goals each.

    I've tried symmetrical formations but I've never had success with them.

    Well i had similar problems in FM20, i took over Monaco in Beta and tried 433 with similar TI's and it was nightmare. I dominated possession but the football we played was awful side passing no forward thinking and all the time balls over the top of my defence. When the full game went out i started again with Monaco and had the same issues. I was trying to emulate pep's football with IWBs, wingers playing very wide and all these fancy things pep does with Man City...and at September during the break for international games i sat down and said "come on man, you play FM since 1998 there has to be a solution". 

    B2B which is Back To Basics was the solution. 433 from a clean slate template and build from scratch

    I started with positive metality, kept the play out of defence, shorter passing and added be more expressive, the other two Ti's were counter counter press. The front five press more and that's it nothing more. I 've gone 31 games undefeated smashing every team we played even PSG i demolished them 4-0. Top of the league and in the two cup finals (yet to play). The most important wasn't the results but the football we played at times was beautiful generally what i wanted to see from the team. So now i have a basic formation that i know it works and can add step by step some things to refine it even further.

    This is the tactic


  8. I think people often confuse counter football(counter attacking)  with counter-pressing. I think they are 2 completely different approaches, the first one is conservative and the second one rather aggressive. Playing on the counter means playing you have to play defensive football for large periods in a match, so you have to be first of all defensively solid at the back, frustrate the opponents,and  when you have the ball keep it as much as you can in order your defense to take a breath. With this approach the main aim is to keep it clean at the back and if you have a chance to score then is more than enough.

    On the other hand there is counter pressing football which is very popular nowadays as coaches like Bielsa, Klopp, Roger Schmidt implemented it to great success. In order to play counter pressing football i think you need at least the control strategy probably attack with several players surging forward when you have the ball. What you want is to press and steal the ball from the opponents and pass into space quickly to hit them while their def is not organised. With that being said i do not touch the closing down slider, instead i give to 3-4 players PI's to close down more in order to have the rest of my team well organised. I am already playing on attack so closing down and d-line are way up. The TI's i think are must  pass into space,play out defense,prevent gk distribution and mark tighter. Also sometimes playing narrow is good and the passing length depending on the opponent. Recently i found great help when playing with stubborn teams to drop deeper in order to create the space for me to counter attack.

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