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Posts posted by Zodiak

  1. Thank you! Same thing for roles, right? So if a striker is dark orange for false nine, it’s just a recommendation based on his attributes and he won’t actually be impacted if played as a F9? I feel these things were brought in to help new players, but they have a strange psychological effect on me in that they make me think twice before going for what I feel is right. When you see a role in red and one in bright greens, you are bound to pick the green one even though red would work better in your system.

  2. Does the match engine actually penalize fielding players out of position (red circle and all that?). Or is it just a recommendation to the player? An extreme example: putting a CB on a striker position - will the game actually make him play worse because of this, or is it just a matter of his attributes not being well-suited to a striker role, so he'll play as he does, but just won't produce goals because his finishing is bad?

    A practical question in terms of borderline roles, for example what if my CM can't play DM at all, but has the attributes for it. I put him in the DM slot, it's all in red, but I know he can actually do a decent job. So I'm worried if the game goes out of its way to somehow make him play worse than he could, only because I had the audacity to put him a different slot. Or, say, an AMR/L being told to play in the MR/L position (without knowing it). 

    Please reply, as I've always been wondering... How much freedom do I have to decide where to field my guys based not on these color-ratings, but on their attributes. 

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