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Posts posted by EmmYouEffSee

  1. On 16/11/2021 at 14:26, stevemc said:

    Newcastle United: Season 1 (21/22)

    I did what I usually do and I started unemployed, skipped through to December and played through until March when Newcastle United approached me. There wasn't many sackings in the Premier League, just Norwich City (which I didn't fancy) and Aston Villa (which I did a big save with a few years ago), so next up was the Geordie's, everyone else seems to be having fun with them so thought why not - good club to start my save at!

    Anyway, I had signings turned off at the start of the game, but I was very surprised to see they've not bought or sold anyone in January, they were struggling too. They eventually sacked their manager and I took charge in mid-March. There was no expectations on me, so I was able to play through the remainder of the season with no pressure, looking for a suitable tactic. They were 15th when I took over, and we finished the season in 11th. I've settled on a 3-5-2 as my primary tactic, so I'm now spending the summer recruiting for that system.


    They squad is poor, so it's going to be a complete overhaul with the £190m budget they've given me.



    Font on this skin looks magic.  Is there something like this for FM 23?

    Thanks mate!

  2. On 16/11/2021 at 14:26, stevemc said:

    Newcastle United: Season 1 (21/22)

    I did what I usually do and I started unemployed, skipped through to December and played through until March when Newcastle United approached me. There wasn't many sackings in the Premier League, just Norwich City (which I didn't fancy) and Aston Villa (which I did a big save with a few years ago), so next up was the Geordie's, everyone else seems to be having fun with them so thought why not - good club to start my save at!

    Anyway, I had signings turned off at the start of the game, but I was very surprised to see they've not bought or sold anyone in January, they were struggling too. They eventually sacked their manager and I took charge in mid-March. There was no expectations on me, so I was able to play through the remainder of the season with no pressure, looking for a suitable tactic. They were 15th when I took over, and we finished the season in 11th. I've settled on a 3-5-2 as my primary tactic, so I'm now spending the summer recruiting for that system.


    They squad is poor, so it's going to be a complete overhaul with the £190m budget they've given me.



    Font on this skin looks magic.  Is there something like this for FM 23?


  3. Hi Team,

    Had the perfect skin from FM20, just can't seem to find anything that's working for me in FM21.

    Anyway, bar finding an exact replica of this skin (see below) - i'm looking to import the font from my previous version - but I can't find the font or panel that's different here - can someone point me in the direction of where i might find this within the 'fonts' folder please?  The panel in question is the top bar where it states, HOME then my name and club underneath.

    Cheers guys

    Appreciate your help guys as always!



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