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Posts posted by ZWS

  1. I need a bit of help with signings and I have a DOF I can utilise. I've forgotten how to do or I keep going past it and not realising. I want the page where you can ask the DOF to recommend players. The page looks like Squad Planner with all the roles in the formation on the left and you press on the role, select transfer or free agent and your DOF suggests you players to sign on the right. Can anyone guide me towards it?

  2. 16 hours ago, santy001 said:

    The shapes/formations they line up and how they counter them is possibly of use. I've adapted a number of formations based on looking at what beats the rival teams I'm struggling with. 

    Not sure if I read this correctly. Are you scouting the team, finding out what formation opposition teams played to beat them? And where are you finding this information? I receive information in my inbox but I often ignore it as I don't trust the reports and I have my own style of play anyway, although maybe I should be using a formation which the opposition have been beaten by multiple times during the season. But obviously, it would depend on you have the players for the formation and whether you can get the formation to click. Which is why I was thinking about the scout report on teams and trying to use pros/cons /number of crosses etc. (or lack of) etc, that sort of thing to try and copy what they're doing to the best of the information provided. 

  3. FM23 players only - When an AI team is on an unbeaten run in your league, has anyone requested a team report to scout them and find out their formation and the pros and cons etc. so you can try to adapt it to your team in hope for an unbeaten run, and had success with it? Especially if you're on a poor run of form. J

    Just wondered if anyone's done this before and whether you feel the scout reports for a team provide enough information to successfully, not directly copy, but guide you towards the style of play they're playing based on the information, pros/cons, stats provided - and it be successful

  4. @gggfunk & @Kevinmatt I keep updating my AMD Graphics Card. Not having stutters as bad but a bit of stadium lag in the larger stadiums (my 3D Settings is 5*).

    At the moment, I'm suffering with crash dumps when using FM with Chrome Browser (after a while, it'll crash dump) or OBS (crash dump instantly). 

    The Crash Dumps I'm having now is from interference causing the AMD Graphics Card to "time out". But I don't know if FM is causing it or having a multiple window open e.g. Spotify or OBS or Chrome etc. that's getting it into a pickle - or whether the timeouts are caused by an issue on AMD's side. I think it's AMD - as I have seen an increase of reports on the forum in regards to Graphics Cards/Memory - but I can't be 100% certain.

    I would recommend making sure your PC/Laptop is set to High Performance as there has been a couple of Windows updates lately that may have put it back onto Balanced. To do this, search: Power & Sleep Settings > Additional Battery Settings > High Performance

    Other than that, I'm not sure what to suggest at the moment other that to wait for AMD to fix it. You can also go on AMD website, search for your driver and select a roll-back version - it may work better for you then? I haven't tried it myself. Anything before 22.3.0 - so 22.2.9 or 8 whichever was the last one before 22.3.0. Then update your driver again in like a month - the issue may be fixed then.

    Also just to let you know, my AMD Adrenalin when searching for updates sometimes shows no updates are available and that I'm up-to-date, but when I re-installed the software I found there had been an update. I don't know if this is the case with everyone or just me/my graphics card - so you can try to manually see if there's a new Driver update by reinstalling Adrenalin.

  5. 2 hours ago, gunnerfan said:

    I'm in my fourth season of a Save Game and suddenly the Match images constantly stutters. How can I fix this?

    I'm not resolving your issue here so SI staff feel free to reply to this, I'm just making you aware that if your graphics card is AMD there is currently a bug which involves screen stuttering and has been the case since the last graphic card update around a week or 2 ago, incase that may be the issue. I'm currently on AMD and have like miniature screen stutters at time. The stutter happens both on screen and with audio. The issue won't be resolved by AMD until sometime in April or May.

    This is of course, if your graphics card is AMD. If not, it may be an issue with FM (my stutter was mainly happening during setting up a new game on 22.4.0 but occurs every now and then).

  6. On 11/03/2021 at 13:52, Luke Hume said:

    Hey @ZWS

    Are you running any custom graphics eg logo or kits? If so does the error persist when you remove them?

    Hi @Luke Hume

    Nope not running anything at all. Never download any custom graphics/logos/kits. Just straight out of the box FM on Steam.

     I have uploaded a PKM to the cloud: Stockport v Weymouth.pkm  - I uploaded it: 12/03/2021 - Exported from my FM to my PC: 00:20 (midnight) and Uploaded to your Cloud at: 00:27. (I uploaded it twice by mistake). I have also attached one here.

    I would provide PKM of Carlisle and Doncaster, as well as a few other teams I have seen it happen on (I think Luton possibly too and some more). But I can't view highlights from these teams to be able to upload them. They are in different divisions.

    This was tested in the previous 21.2 game version and also 21.3.0 (the latest version).


    EDIT: Just to add as I have seen others post similar posts about black kits/black seated stadiums. It's been an issue for me since I bought the game in November not just on the latest game version. I have also experienced the 3 kits (home, away and some players in black kits (ONCE), and also kit invisibility (TWICE)



    Stockport v Weymouth.pkm

  7. I have noticed this too. It's almost like, when the game wants to score a goal against you, it'll either do a freekick where the player will pass it and take a long shot, or just in general, long shots around the outside of the area are flying in in the lower leagues (I'm playing in the National League). I've also scored quite a few long range goals. The accuracy is unreal from these standard of players!

  8. 7 hours ago, RossoneriGunner said:

    I hate training with a vengeance lol, I would sooner have my teeth pulled out without anaesthetic. I also leave all the training to my Asst Manager BUT, what I did read somewhere was that when you choose your tactic formation and load it, load it as no.2 and no.3 as well. This way they will only train on that tactic. So if you use 'Joe Bloggs 4-2-3-1', then load that as no.1, when you load it again as no.2 it says 'copy of Joe Bloggs 4-2-3-1 and when you load it as no.3 it says 'copy of copy of Joe Bloggs 4-2-3-1.

    I start preseason with 7 friendlies, thats Arsenal 1st XI vs Arsenal 2nd XI, then I choose 6 friendlies ranging from teams we will beat by 10-12 goals and making the next one harder until I end up with one of the 'biggies' like Real Madrid, Barcelona, PSG, Juventus or whoever is available a week before the Charity Shield with Liverpool and by then my team is almost 100% ok with familiarity because that tactic is the only one they have been learning and get used to it very quickly.

    I use 2 formations. I can't get the Team Cohesion fully green (only 1/3rd) and I can't get the Familiarity fully green (3/4ths). So it often drops off back to "unfamiliar" territory quickly without manually adjusting training.

    Just to point out, I'm 2 seasons in at a new team and haven't changed these formations once. But we can't ever seem to get FULLY familiar with either of them or keep that familiarity for a length.

    On my squad screen, players are more familiar with my "other tactic" rather than my "primary" trained tactic... it's the same tactics they've been using for 2 seasons? On the training screen, it says the primary trained tactic only just edges the other tactic out.

    I will try what you said as it's the next best idea. Hopefully, there's someone on here with more depth on 'training' and how to overcome and improve this, rather than a quick fix.



  9. 20 hours ago, cplpeters1900 said:

    This is how it is going to be going forward.

    I have just searched up that there is going to be a Future FIFA Club World Cup: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_FIFA_Club_World_Cup_(China)

    Whether this will be the NEW Club World Cup as of 2021. When I read the dates, this Future Fifa Club World Cup is going to take place in July. It has been delayed from 2021 to 2022. So it may explain the gap for 2021.

    So the dates may not be a bug now. I didn't know that until now. 

    But I don't understand why there is a gap in 2023 and 2024. Does this competition only happen once every three years now (2022 - 2025) Or is this a bug?

  10. 2 hours ago, MrPompey said:

    I'd raise this in the bugs forum if you have a save just before this happened

    Sadly not. I didn't realise until I first moved into the Stoke-on Trent Community Stadium. The stadium was built a year prior and the Alan Shearer Stadium two years prior (that stadium makes no sense at all). 

    I may have uploaded a save previously when logging other bugs they can look at. If they're looking at this, it may be under Stoke SSN 4 ongoin.fm but I don't think it stretches back before the summer of 2024 (or 2023) nor do I have the save now so there isn't much I can do.

    I wasn't sure whether to class it as a bug or just the progression of the game, but it does take the realism out of the game slightly and hope it's something that gets fixed for realism sake.

  11. Team Cohesion and Dressing Room Atmosphere plays a big part in the success you have with your formation.

    I leave training to my Assistants & Coaches. The issue I'm having is, the team in my opinion aren't doing enough Teamwork and Match Tactics. Once every couple of weeks isn't good enough. Team Cohesion stays high but as you press "go to game" and that briefing screen loads, it says my team aren't familiar with the tactics. To avoid this, after every game I am manually adding an extra session of of Teamwork and Match Tactics per week.

    Yes this does make a difference to the outcome of the game. I nearly bottled promotion last season because I realised teamwork and match tactics were no longer being taught. I manually added these sessions to training and we began to pick up the points again.

    Should this be the case? Is it down to my Assistant not being good enough for the lead training role? 

    Is there a way for Teamwork and Match Tactics to be scheduled every week, whilst my Assistant leads training, without having to manually put it in the schedule yourself after every game? Otherwise I might as well just lead General Training myself


  12. By the end of Season 3, Wigan were relegated to the National League. After being a fair few points clear, they went on a horrendous run at the end of the season, bottling a return to the EFL via. Champions. They also bottled the play-offs. Season 5 they finished top-half. Season 6 finished 2nd (joint 1st), missed out on GD. Then lost in the play-off semi finals.

    Keep chuckling everytime I see them bottle it :lol:

  13. Something I'm interested to know is why over the years, the game adds new stadiums randomly. I saw in my save (2027) that the next Euros will be hosted in Scotland and Wales in 2028. Not England.

    Why has a stadium been built called the Alan Shearer Stadium and why has it been built in Sheffield of all places? He has no affiliation to that area. No team plays at the stadium neither. And why was it built in 2023?

    I was the manager of Stoke City and took them to the PL title in 2025. At the end of that season, the club decided they want to expand the Bet365 Stadium but not move out. Whilst construction works went on, for 1 season 2025/2026 we moved to the Stoke-On-Trent Community Stadium, built in 2024. Why was this stadium built? It is owned by the council, so why would a council build a new 42.2k stadium for no team to play in it? 1 year before we needed to "borrow" it for just 1 season.

    Why would these stadiums be built at all is the question?



  14. There are some issue at the moment in regards to playing in the MLS. Whether you're playing in the MLS with the Salary Cap, or playing as a different team with MLS loaded (playing or read only).

    •  MLS teams will bid for your players in the transfer window. You'll accept the bid but the deal won't go through until e.g. February or March. Come that date, the deal never goes through and is cancelled.
    • MLS teams signing players for a fee, then releasing them a few days after signing them as they have too many players that don't meet the MLS restrictions.

    Many of these bugs come down to the international player restrictions or salary cap.

    As a manager in the MLS, if you read the rules of the competition - MLS > Competition > Rules - you may gain an insight as to how it may work. Unfortunately, there is no help. You will make mistakes and learn from them on your way in regards to the salary cap and international player restrictions. 

    It's a broken league but can't help but laugh when an MLS team pay £3m for one of your subs who rarely plays, then releases him. Then you resign him and resell him in 6 months. Easy way to make money.


    Quite a few stadiums seem to have black seats instead of colour. These are all their original stadiums - not rebuilt, extended or new.

    It may be black seats or a bug, or a texture issue. It's odd that these stadiums would have black seats as these teams and stadiums have been in the game for many years.

    I don't recall seeing this problem whilst playing in the PL. Only lower rated teams. These "black seated stadiums" also occur in other leagues, one being the Polish League.


    Stadiums should be colours of the home team. If you look at Doncaster in particular, their colour icon on the scoreboard is red, flags are red and white, their goal netting is red and white. So, the game knows they playing in red and white - the seats/boards around the stadium should be reflecting this.


    Schedule > Choose a HOME match to view OR simulate until next home game and play the game.


    If you want to view a previous home match, load: My Name - Stockport SSN 7.fm

    If you want to simulate to next home game, load: My Name - Stockport start of SSN 7.fm














    Club World Championship not taking place every year and wrong dates for the competition.

    Description of Issue:

    [Bug 1] Club World Championship happened in 2020, 2022 and is currently in progress 2025 (in my save). As I post this, the Club World Cup is happening right now in real life in Qatar. Japan are hosting 2021 in real life. On my game, there wasn't a 2021, 2023 or 2024.

    [Bug 2] The competition in 2022 and 2025 have been played throughout June and July, although from past history in real life, the competition tends to take place in December.

    One exception to the CWC 2025 in my save is that, South Korea are the hosts and it can be cold during the winter in South Korea. Moving it to June/July could possibly make sense. In real life, the K-League ends in November and starts back up in February. But whether the game understands this or not is another thing or whether it's a bug.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    Competition > Club World Championship

    Files Uploaded to the OwnCloud:

    myname - Stoke City SSN 6.fm






  17. I have posted a similar post in the Specific Leagues: France - but I would prefer you to delete that post as this post better explains the issue now that I have had time to process the season and observe it.


    French League "Wrong/False Player Statistics Bug


    A few players from the French Division are showing different player statistics across different pages depending on which page you view them on. it is happening across both Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 (possibly further down the divisions too but I only have Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 loaded so I can only comment on what is happening in these leagues).

    I have used Rennes as an example as they have the most players with (although it is happening across all of the French League). I have only seen this bug happen in the French League so far.

    A connection between these screenshots are that all of these are players that have been moved up from B teams - it could be that it is including goals they score for the B team (I am almost certain this is the issue - it is putting that players stats across both division rather than as separate competitions). It is worth noting that these B teams are in the National 2 Divisions which I don't have loaded).



    Because Rennes 2 (as are a few B teams in France) are in what would be classed as a competitive competition albeit it a few divisions lower. If he was playing for Rennes 2 permanently then I feel his statistics should show his statistics for that division. But, these players are in the Senior squad, not B squad. So, his goals for the B team should be classed a 'minor' competition, aka. reserves and "non-competitive". If the player is in the B squad, his History and Player/Season Stats should show he's been getting appearances in the National 2 division.

    THE BUG: However, the 'History' page and statistics on the History page says he's got all those goals in Ligue 1, not National 2. That's where the bug is. He hasn't got any goals in Ligue 1. The statistics have been bundled together it seems and classed as him scoring all these goals in Ligue 1 because he is part of the Senior Squad, but his goals have actually come in National 2.



    Possibly every database from release. I first noticed it in Season 3 (currently in Season 4), I can't confirm if it was happening in Seasons 1 and 2 because I wasn't specifically looking for players in France.

    France is a loaded nation as READ-ONLY (Ligue 1 and Ligue 2).

    UPLOADED TO CLOUD: (my name) Stoke SSN 4 ongoin.fm





    SS 1: Shows high number of appearances and goals, as well as high ratings for below average players.



    SS 2: Ligue 1 - The players Season Stats are different to what the Squad Overview suggests.



    SS 3: Ligue 1 - The History page and stats at the bottom of the history page is also different to the Players Overview Season Stats. 




    SS 4: Ligue 1 - An even better example - Squad Overview shows this player has 22 appearances and 4 assists. Season stats say he's only had 1 appearance. Valued 13.25k and poor stats, it's clear he hasn't picked up 22 appearances. But he's picked them up from somewhere? Possibly the B team as is a recurring theme with all of these players, they either play for or have been promoted from the B team.



    SS 5: Back to the Rennes striker, 22 goals would have him top of the goalscoring charts. This screenshot shows he is not at the top - or anywhere near it. So his statistics aren't happening in Ligue 1 - so why are they being registered?

  18. SUMMARY:

    Having 2 teams in the same division with the same media prediction.


    2 teams in the same division having the same media prediction. It doesn't happen in every league.

    Things I have noticed or may be a coincidence is that Newcastle were promoted back to the PL while Stoke were already in the PL at the time of this happening. Meanwhile, Wigan had just been relegated to the VNL whilst Stockport were already in this division. I'm not sure if it's just a coincidence or if this can occur with teams promoted/relegated.


    • Club > General > Media Prediction


    Probably every version since release. I noticed it in Season 4 of my game but it probably begins to occur from Season 2 onwards. Stoke/Newcastle happened in SEASON 4. Wigan and Stockport in SEASON 5.

    FILES UPLOADED TO OwnCloudFOR STOKE/NEWCASTLE: (My Name) Stoke SSN 4 ongoin.fm     OR     FOR WIGAN/STOCKPORT: (My Name) Stoke SSN 5.fm






  19. SUMMARY:

    Missing Information on some Managers Milestones


    Some managers have been at numerous of clubs but this doesn't reflect in all of the managers 'milestone' history. It shows up on the managers History (on their Overview page) and also in the biography but doesn't show in milestones - so there are no milestones for this manager managing Las Palmas in 2015, Real Hispalis in 2017 or Barcelona in 2019. This doesn't happen to all managers but I have seen it on a couple.


    • Quique Setien > History > Milestones
    • You will see missing milestones.


    Every version since release.

    FILES UPLOADED TO OwnCloud(My Name) Stoke SSN 4 ongoin.fm




  20. French League "Different/False/Phantom" Player Statistics Bug


    A few players from the French Division are showing different player statistics across different pages. it is happening across both Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 (possibly further down the divisions too but I only have Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 loaded so I can only comment on what is happening in these leagues). I have used Rennes as an example.



    If you view the screenshots below, you will see the statistics of the players are different depending on which page you view them on. 

    Either these are Phantom Statistics OR a possible connection between these screenshots are that all of these are players that have been moved up from B teams - it could be that it is including goals they score for the B team (whilst part of the Senior Squad, getting minutes under their belt or when they've been promoted from B team to Senior squad in that particular season. Also, these B teams are in lower French divisions which I don't have loaded).



    Because Rennes 2 (as are a few B teams in France) are in what would be classed as a competitive competition albeit it a few divisions lower. If he was playing for Rennes 2 permanently then yes, but he isn't - he is registered for Rennes Senior Squad so playing for the B team should automatically be classed as "reserves" in this case - not competitive. If he played for Rennes 2 and was in their squad list not Rennes, then you could class that competitive as they are in a lower division in France. But 'History' page and statistics on the History page says he's got all those goals in Ligue 1, not National League. That's where the bug is.



    Possibly every database from release. I first noticed it in Season 3 (currently in Season 4), I can't confirm if it was happening in Seasons 1 and 2 because I wasn't specifically looking for players in France.

    France is a loaded nation as READ-ONLY (Ligue 1 and Ligue 2).

    UPLOADED TO CLOUD: (my name) Stoke SSN 4 ongoin.fm




    SS 1: Shows high number of appearances and goals, as well as high ratings for below average players.



    SS 2: Ligue 1 - The players Season Stats are different to what the Squad Overview suggests.



    SS 3: Ligue 1 - The History page and stats at the bottom of the history page is also different to the Players Overview Season Stats. 




    SS 4: Ligue 1 - An even better example - Squad Overview shows this player has 22 appearances and 4 assists. Season stats say he's only had 1 appearance. Valued 13.25k and poor stats, it's clear he hasn't picked up 22 appearances. But he's picked them up from somewhere? Possibly the B team as is a recurring theme with all of these players, they either play for or have been promoted from the B team.



    SS 5: Back to the Rennes striker, 22 goals would have him top of the goalscoring charts. This screenshot shows he is not at the top - or anywhere near it. So his statistics aren't happening in Ligue 1 - so why are they being registered?

  21. SUMMARY:

    Paying 0% Wage Contribution for Loan Player with Recall Option


    If you place a loan offer/suggest terms for a player who is available for loan and offer 100% wages for both played and unplayed/whatever the terms are that the club wants, but remove the recall option (don't remove it from negotiations), it will prompt a renegotiation that will re-include 100% wages with player recall. Once you've had the renegotiation offered to you, you can keep the recall option there (as the likeliness of teams recalling players is extremely slim unless they aren't playing to the agreement in the contract) and put both Playing and Unused wage to 0%. They will accept the offer. 

    I would understand if maybe by having the recall option it may drop the wages from 100% to maybe 80% or 70% as it is a negotiation, but to 0%? I assume this is a bug unless this is something that does happen in real life?


    • Pick a player from the loan list, use the terms the club have set but remove the recall player option (once, not from the negotiation completely) and press 'suggest terms'
    • This will prompt a renegotiation which includes the same terms (fee and wages), but will reinclude the 'recall player' option
    • Now, set the Playing and Unused wage to 0%
    • Offer will be accepted


    Has happened on every game version since release. I have been using it to my advantage to sign high calibre players on loan who are unwanted at better clubs.

    FILES UPLOADED TO OwnCloud: (My Name) Stoke SSN 4 ongoin.fm

  22. I have been noticing many disallowed offside goals in the current 20.2 match engine. I cannot upload anymore pkm as it says "full match details are not available" (I have full detail level for this league on). 5/8 games had disallowed goals. Some of these games had 2 disallowed goals per game. There are 7 disallowed goals in total out of 8 games, in 5 of the 8 games.

    In a couple of the games I can't upload, I had something like 3 offsides goals out of 4 games (2 goals disallowed in 1 game, 1 in another, so 2/4 games had offside goals)



    St. Albans v Braintree.pkmSlough v Braintree.pkmBraintree v Maidstone.pkmBraintree v Hungerford.pkmBraintree v Bath.pkm

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