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Posts posted by Cerritos

  1. Not sure where to post this question. I seem to recall that there was a place on each player's individual report where you could get his game ratings broken down by position. He might have an overall average rating of 6.90, but at left back he's 7.00 and at left midfield he is 6.80. I know I can find this information on Team Reports, but I thought it was also available for each player, somewhere on their report. Am I imagining this?

  2. 6 hours ago, Cerritos said:

    Not sure if this is a bug ... too soon to tell ... so I'll post here.

    Understand that I suck at this game, and have for many, many years. For FM19, I decided to start with Liverpool. I was between seasons (summer of 2019) when the last beta update came, followed of course by the official release. I am using 4-1-4-1 DM Wide Gegenpress.

    I rolled through 8 friendlies prior to the 2019 season. Granted, I schedule friendlies against minnows, but some of the scores were a bit startling: 17-0, 15-0, 22-0, 14-0. OK, like I said, minnows.

    I don't run away with every match ... already have a loss and a draw. But my last two matches were 7-0 vs. Leicester in the league, and 6-0 vs. PSV in the Champs League.

    Small sample size. But these performances are so much better than I have ever achieved that it makes me wonder.

    Now that I've posted this, I'm sure I'll go through a five-match losing streak ...

    Just to end this right here, as expected, in my next match, I eked out a 2-1 win against bottom-of-the-table West Brom. No more small-sample-size posts for me.

  3. Not sure if this is a bug ... too soon to tell ... so I'll post here.

    Understand that I suck at this game, and have for many, many years. For FM19, I decided to start with Liverpool. I was between seasons (summer of 2019) when the last beta update came, followed of course by the official release. I am using 4-1-4-1 DM Wide Gegenpress.

    I rolled through 8 friendlies prior to the 2019 season. Granted, I schedule friendlies against minnows, but some of the scores were a bit startling: 17-0, 15-0, 22-0, 14-0. OK, like I said, minnows.

    I don't run away with every match ... already have a loss and a draw. But my last two matches were 7-0 vs. Leicester in the league, and 6-0 vs. PSV in the Champs League.

    Small sample size. But these performances are so much better than I have ever achieved that it makes me wonder.

    Now that I've posted this, I'm sure I'll go through a five-match losing streak ...

  4. This may be a doubly-stupid question: it's a stupid question, and it may have been asked/answered many times, although I can't find it via search.

    What foot is best for corners? If a right-only footed player has a high corner rating, do you have him take corners from the right, left, or both? When I picture it in my mind, I want him taking corners only from the left ... it's hard to use your right foot to take a corner from the right side.

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