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Everything posted by keysi

  1. 1. I always said I don't want money for something that's available for free for everyone. 2. I got a lot of donations during last three years and I always send them to some charity because of what I said above.
  2. I think this response is the perfect example of how people can act when you reply you won't share the skin (or some panel/file) with them. Just because I decided to not share I'm not entitled to share it on social media... I mentioned it in the past in several places and in the blog post too but there are too many "skin makers" who download all the skins around, merge them together and if they are clever enough rename the skin at least. I still remember when someone released his FM21 skin but when you downloaded and extracted it, the skin name was "FM20 Rensie skin". I learned a lot from many people here and I think we would all mention the same or very similar people. And I'm grateful I started asking here because without it I would learn nothing. If I'm really sad about something it's the fact that it's still only a beta version but some individuals take the FM22 skin, change the version number in the config and release it as a new skin. And they absolutely don't care about changing gaps, IDs or whole files. The person properties.xml file is a fantastic example as it contains the new statistics, for example. I know it's mainly because I'm a perfectionist but the main thing I did in the previous days since the beta version was released, was not to create something special or new, but I mainly checked what is wrong and what I have to update with the default panels/code/IDs to fix small details of what was working already. This is absolutely fantastic small piece of FM world and it's great how several people are able to help here every day. Stay strong, everyone.
  3. I know it's a small thing but probably the least I can do when I decide to use some files from others
  4. Take a look if you will be able to use the "complete" league table in that tab within the home page, I'm sure it would look better if you would have more data here. I love to use this kind of table within Competition overview/review screen so I can see more than only three columns.
  5. Lovely, I was just editing it. Already moved the appearance of the whole container and divided it to two.
  6. No, I won't share it, sorry. I published the player profile here just as an example of how things can be adapted or tweaked a little bit. As was said above, I only edited the boxes with statistics and added them to my already-made player overview when I replaced the bottom line to make it fit.
  7. Hope you don't mind, Ben, but I decided to tweak your statistics boxes for myself (mainly) and use it in my skin. The main point of my edits, if someone is interested, was that I changed the class of the containers to the "main_subtle_box" - mainly to make it fit the overall box and adapted the colours of all the boxes with the stats to the colours I'm using for goalkeeper/defensive/midfield/attacker lines within the tactics screen/tactics pitch and the team stats are made with the primary/secondary colours. I also reordered boxes in terms of team statistics as the first box, physical, defensive, possession and attacking (but that really is a personal taste). Once again, you did a fantastic work with these stats!
  8. Try that my code, I have it with the big enough gap between title and the rest of the content.
  9. No, the problem is with the "ID" within the translation. Delete translation_id="402385" from your code and it will use the title in value="Player Traits" <widget class="preferred_moves_panel" file="player/player information preferred moves" id="pfmp" auto_size="vertical" late_loading="true"> <translation id="title" translation_id="402385" type="use" value="Player Traits" /> </widget>
  10. You have to create/add code of these widgets. For example like this. <!-- FORMATION SELECTION --> <widget class="menu_strip_popup_button" id="form" secondary_icon_alignment="centre_right" icon="icons/16px/formation" icon_alignment="left" popup_alignment="left,top" appearance="buttons/custom/my match/button" size="10" auto_size="horizontal" default_width="200" alignment="centre"> <record id="modal_popup_properties" dcep="true" /> <record id="widget_properties"> <translation id="title" translation_id="316746" type="use" value="Tactic[COMMENT:team report, tactic name]" /> <integer id="width" value="380" /> <flags id="auto_size" value="vertical" /> <flags id="alignment" value="top" /> <symbol id="appearance" value="boxes/popup/standard/titled/paper" /> <symbol id="default_widget_type" value="hint_text_button" /> <symbol id="submenu_type" value="subtle_popup_button" /> <symbol id="separator_type" value="picture" /> <record id="default_widget_properties" /> <record id="submenu_properties" fixed="true"> <event id="click_notification_event" event_id="DMCN" item="NULL" /> <event id="menu_layout_notification_event" event_id="MLNO" /> </record> <record id="separator_properties" file="dividers/standard/vertical/line" auto_size="vertical" /> </record> <string id="mpmF" value="generic/modal popup panel match" /> </widget> And I'm sure you don't have to ask in every thread around this website or create a new thread for everything. Just be patient when someone will answer.
  11. Thank you, I remembered there was a thread about it. Just found it.
  12. Can I ask you what and where I have to edit to use my own scoreboard everywhere? thanks
  13. Great work, Ben, as it was said above, you can be proud. The container with the stats will always be named after you in my files EDIT: spotted you have "Jadendess" in the first box of the fitness, maybe you will want to rename it
  14. 1. You need to edit the match team talk person info panel.xml if you want to add the player pictures or edits the backgrounds etc. You have to add the code for the player picture and this edited file has to be in skin/panels/match <!-- Profile picture --> <widget class="picture" id="prop" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre_x"> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <!--Facegen data request--> <record get_property="fcgn" /> <!--Fake name request--> <record get_property="Pfke" /> <record get_property="prpc" set_property="valu" /> </list> </record> </widget> 2. You need to edit the match players bar widget.xml from panels/widgets 3. match console panel.xml and match console quick tactics panel.xml
  15. I'm sure it can work if you will create the widget with the 'player additional attributes panel' - this file contains preferred foot, personality, media description and player traits within the default file if I remember it right.
  16. Good you found it, I recently wanted to edit a couple of things but I didn't find any file to edit or something in the settings file so it's probably out of control. But it was very small edits and small things so nothing important. EDIT: low stat with white and excellent stat with 'blue 800'
  17. Not sure if it will help you somehow but this is from the 'person properties.xml'
  18. Perfect. I'm making a skin for myself but I didn't have enough time to play properly.
  19. Open the 'player overview small selector panel' and copy paste this to it's own line. <!-- Preferred moves --> <widget class="preferred_moves_panel" file="player/player information preferred moves" id="pfmp" late_loading="true"> <translation id="title" type="use" value="Player Traits" /> </widget>
  20. There are some workarounds like using some match screens from the previous editions and you can get to the analysis tabs/screens through opening opposition instructions or when you click to the name of the style of your formation in the upper part of the heat map. But I think I read in the official blogs that the analysis will be available also through the game in FM23 but not sure if it works or if it's right.
  21. That's not a skin issue, it's a common and long-term issue of the game itself even using the default skin.
  22. 'person snapshot club overview' it's the missing file to have the content in this container. I can spot my own mistakes in that screen...
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