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Posts posted by dewhirst

  1. One thing I would love to see added to the game is player narratives.

    Often in the media there is hype around a player, or a player is openly criticised. Even on social media there are lots of different narratives the fans can drive of a player. 'Boring' James Milner, McFred at United to name two.  These narratives can often shape a players career and is now a massive part of the footballing world as we get closer to the players via social media. 

    The 'Player Narratives' could be placed in the information section of the player profile and also come into your inbox (if requested). 

    Different narratives could focus around:

    Game-time: e.g. Van de Beek at United

    Performance: Salah being talked about as the best in the world. Pogba being criticised repeatedly over the last few years.

    Personality: Afinfenwa with his infectious personality, or Eric Cantona with his hot-headedness.

    Lifestyle: (Old but gold) Beckham dating a popstar and having a crazy lifestyle, people getting into trouble for over-spending and living lavishly.

    Social media presence: Ronaldo with his big social media presence, or Rashford with his actions over COVID. 

    Adding these narratives to the player information section with a few different player story archetypes, would allow the player to use their imagination more with regards to newgens, and build a clearer story of the players in our squad. These would also be easily added to existing players.

    It would help make for more interesting and engaging inbox content, and could help towards introducing more player-related content in the future.

  2. Agreed 100%. The stadium design in general has been lacking in a long time. Every new release I pray for an improvement on that side of things. Some of the design choices are baffling, and ruin the immersion to the game. I understand that they might have issues replicating real-life stadiums in game, but at least have the stadiums make sense from a structural point of view. When you get a new stadium without corner stands and you increase the capacity, the sides just get higher and higher. I can only imagine the lawsuits when someone inevitably falls off one of the sides haha.

  3. The In-Game editor allows us to change the players hairstyle and color, but this is very limited and you often only get to choose between 2/3 hairstyles. The options for choosing your manager's hairstyle, however, allows for many different options. It would be great if we could get more options in the editor to allow us more flexibility when editing our newgens. 

  4. Stadiums have been a bug-bear for me for a very long time. I generally accept the notion that SI are limited in their stadium design by copyright. However, recently I noticed something when playing in Europe that made me think that SI can make improvements without changing anything in the design itself.

    Here is a 32,000-seater stadium used by a team in Sweden built in 2013. It is built like an 'arena' with stands consistently all the way around. There is a huge chunk of the roof missing, but we'll just let that fly. Some fans gonna get wet, but it's all good. 



    Now here is my brand new stadium, with a similar capacity (35k). There are two giant buildings in the corner stands meaning that i'll never be able to build there, and I don't have any corner stands despite it being a modern stadium.



    My suggestion is that SI use the 'bowl' stadium type for all new-build stadiums over a certain capacity. This is because all modern stadiums have corner stands, at least in the Premier League.

    Thank you.

  5. I literally have what looks like a hospital in the corner of my BRAND NEW Premier League stadium. The lack of corner stands in stadiums with over 30,000 seats is just ridiculous. I get the fact that they have to be careful with licensing, but there are stadiums with corner stands in the game so I don't get why all new builds don't come with corner stands.

  6. This is a very simple request.

    It would be cool to get a news segment or email about a title parade when you win something major like a Premier League/Champions League. It could talk about the numbers at the parade and maybe some quotes from players interviews from the bus.


  7. I have built a successful tactic and this season have only lost 6 games across all competitions. However, only 7 out of my 25 man squad have an average rating of over 7. Usually at the end of a season I look at my players stats and think if they have over a 7 average rating then they've had a good year, and if it's below then they need to start performing better or be sold.

    This year, using that measuring stick, i'd have the replace the majority of my squad every summer.

    So, I have to ask. Are the player ratings harsher this year, or is it my tactic (despite the success in results)?

  8. 10 hours ago, Falahk said:

    The rating system for cm's is skewed towards things like interceptions, tackles, headers, key passes etc 

    The game don't really care if your player completes 120+ passes with 97% accuracy even if this would indicate that he infct was the best player on the pitch

    So you really should not worry so much about ratings, it's more important to ask yourself if the player is doing what you expect from him, if he is doing his job than that's all you need to know really 

    Okay, I understand. Thank you!

  9. 13 hours ago, denen123 said:

    It is not clear how you want to play. So many instructions. How do you want to play?

    My influence is a bit of Klopp, but also the way I usually set up on FIFA career mode.

    4-2-3-1, inside forwards creating a 4-3-3 with wing-backs overlapping in attack. In defense, press high up the pitch and don't commit my wing-backs too much that I get caught on the break. One midfielders staying deeper and providing the backward pass options/dictating play, the other midfielder being more of a workhorse and being everywhere. 

    Are any of my instructions contradictory?

  10. 1 hour ago, Jaye said:

    Could be the players you're choosing aren't suitable for the roles in your set-up. Or it could be something specific to the set-up itself. 

    Their rating then depends on their number of key passes, chances created, passes received/completed, tackles, interceptions, and whether they've made any errors. I recommend popping into the analysis page of one the games they struggled in and looking at their stats. Doing that will allow you to isolate which areas they're struggling to perform in. After that, we can then see if it's a player problem, or a tactical one.

    In a 4-2-3-1, the two CMs need to have good Positioning, Off The Ball, Bravery, Work Rate and Tackling relative to the level you're playing at because these guys are expected to do all the midfield dirty work and support the attack afterwards. The BBM role requires good Off The Ball and Decisions because it roams by default and your player needs to know where to move and when. If you're players are lacking in these areas, they may struggle to perform. 

    For example, your DLP is your holding player. You might have someone there with good Passing, Decisions, Vision and Anticipation who's great when you have the ball. But if he has low Work Rate, Positioning, Tackling and Bravery, he's not going to be much use without the ball.

    If the players are fine, we can then look at the tactic and see if there's anything going on there. Maybe they don't have the space to play, maybe you're cutting them out of the play, or perhaps they're overburdened in defence. That's just off the top of my head, but until we can specify the issue we won't know for sure.

    Wow. That's really in depth and great advice. I'll check out those attributes and make sure i'm playing the right players in those roles. Also, looking at the analysis for a good performance vs bad is a great shout! Thank you!

  11. Hey guys,

    I use a 4-2-3-1, with a DLP and BBM. I play the ball through the middle of the park and in most games have more possession than my opponents. I have been promoted back-to-back from League Two to the Championship.

    Despite my success, no matter who I start in midfield (even if it's a loanee from the Prem), they always get between 6.6-6.9 ratings.

    How can I improve these ratings? Has anyone found a system where the midfielders perform well? 

    Thanks for your help.

  12. 3 hours ago, Mr U Rosler said:

    I'm into and enjoying my save now.

    I know from experience at work that you eventually get used to a hideous UI, sooner or later you learn where everything is at which point it doesn't matter how intuitive it is. I fear for those coming to the game 'new', I can imagine a lot playing the demo and thinking "I can't be bothered with that". In it's current state I suspect it will cost SI a lot of new sales whilst the 'old guard' will plod on with it.

    My reputation at Stockport is increasing so i'm getting more respect from players, I started with 'Sunday League' experience but half a season in, we're 2nd and they're listening more to what I have to say. I can only say that's as it should be and is well implemented.

    I've had a couple of mutinies, one player got the hump when I fined him, he came to see me a couple of months later to say he's moved on and is happy at the Club, nice touch.

    I had the player requesting first team football, I normally used to get round it by saying 'so & so is in the form of his life', that doesn't cut it this year. We had a row, he's training with youth players, half the team support me, half him but the key thing is, it DOESN'T seem to be impacting Match PERFORMANCE very much.  

    At this level there is a clear difference between the weaker and stronger teams in the Division, i'm pumping the weak teams and have my hands full with the stronger teams, again as it should be.

    I'm playing an Academy Challenge so I've not used the scouting yet, but its good to see I already have the option to improve Youth Recruitment, last year I had to wait until I was in the Championship.  

    Tactically I now have a reasonably high scoring and entertaining tactic which helps enjoyment immensely, I can't work out if my non-league Centre Backs are passing the ball like Kevin De Bruyne or whether they're just 'hoofing it' and my front line is making them look good. Seen some great goals with a lot of variety.

    The guys at SI know what they're doing, they're smarter than most of us, they've been ambitious this year and this is only the Beta. Eventually I think FM18 will be a great game and possibly a watershed moment in the series.  

    And at least they're not 'dumbing down' the series, kudos for that.

    Keep the faith.


    I'd like to know more about your tactic if it's not too cheeky.

  13. 5 minutes ago, scholesvolley said:

    Not sure if this is already posted but waiting 4 days to get scout report is a very bad move. I wanted to scout few players very close to deadline and I didn't get scout report at all, ended up signing players based on gut feeling rather than scout report. 

    If Scout report takes 4 days then at least there should be option for some quick scout report when we are close to deadline day. 

    agreed 100%. Long scout reports are annoying but bearable, but when you are close to the deadline you need quick reports. 

  14. So many people are complaining about the extra clicking this year. I've got a feeling FM 19 will be more 'user-friendly' and they will advertise that it will take 'less clicks' to get things done because they 'listen to the fans'. :lol:

    I feel like this game is more in-depth, and you are going to be outside of the matches for longer, which isn't the worst thing for me, as I prefer the nitty-gritty stuff (choosing staff, searching for players, finances). 

  15. 6 minutes ago, JayArr said:

    One day we'll get better team talks, right? My Everton team just won 2-1 in a pre-season friendly against Wolves and these are my options:


    1. I say nothing and get no reaction - may as well just stand there mute, staring at my players as they get changed.

    2. I'm not happy that you won a game you were always in control of.

    3. I wasn't expecting you to beat a team from the league below us, I'm delighted.

    4. I wasn't expecting you to play so well against a team from the league below us, I'm delighted.

    5. Don't get complacent in the next pre-season friendly.


    In context, none of those options are that useful. Where's the "well played, you got the job done, let's go home"? I know this isn't exactly feedback on FM18 because this has been the same for a few years now, but this feels like something that was implemented ages ago and never properly revisited. Let's have some context-sensitive teamtalks!

    I am underwhelmed by the team talks as well. Wouldn't be hard to write a bit more script and give us some different options. 

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