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Posts posted by Curtneedsaride

  1. Recently, I’ve been flipping back and forth between FMM and FMT on my iPhone. It’s fun to compare the two, and it really makes me appreciate how optimized FMM is for a small device and how cool my phone is compared to playing FMT. 😂


    Anyway, I have appreciated seeing who’s received yellow/red cards along with goals on the front match page of FMT. Is that something that might work its way into FMM in the future? 



  2. I’m having same issue. I created a club on my iPad, saved local and on cloud. Opened up app on iphone, went to load cloud save and it wasn’t even there. Then when I play a different save on iphone, and go to save to the cloud, my created club save shows up as being there. But then when I go to load cloud saves, it’s no longer showing up. 

    So that iPad save is in the cloud, my phone sees it only when I am saving to the cloud, but I can’t access it when I load saves from the cloud on my iphone. Any idea why that save would not load?

  3. Great article! Definitely worth the click. I imagine this is how I would feel too. I’ve tried streaming the full version from a MacBook at home to an iPad somewhere else, and it worked. But it just wasn’t great. 

    It’s sad that the even though the iPad is the most managerial device we have, it’s capable of handling any version of the game, and it’s a perfect vehicle for FM Touch, we are relegated to a lower tier of user-ship just to enjoy the game on such a wonderful device. 

    I have enjoyed a few matches on mobile today, but haven’t had the time to open the laptop for the full version. If FMT was on iPad, I definitely would have been able to dive in for a bit. Guess it’s just not our year. Maybe when the console versions stop being financially viable, they’ll revisit the Touch experience on touch devices like tablets. Maybe we’ll someday see FMT on phones, tablets, and computers, and it’ll be the highest selling of all versions. 

  4. My main device to play on is my iPad too, and I have FMT21 which is good. I also bought FM22 on Steam, but you need a computer actively running it to stream it to you iPad. Steam really needs to do the Stadia thing. Anyway, I’m pretty sure you could get it on Xcloud by subscribing to it for $15/month on top of purchasing the game I think. That can be streamed I do believe, just like Stadia did it. 

  5. On 01/11/2021 at 17:03, NEO-BAHAMUT- said:

    I guarantee that FM on switch won’t last. The next best thing to it being on pc should have been on tablet. Even if it cost a bit more. I am interested in the switch version but I don’t think it will go beyond this year.

    Well, that’s probably accurate since the Switch won’t last in its current state. I’ve been wondering how many more years Nintendo can stand on it before the next console arrives. 

    FMT may not make it many more years on the Switch. However, It’s got to be much less expensive to update and test this one (and Xbox) than to try and do fixes and updates for dozens of tablet makes and models. 

    I’m just sad because I felt like a real manager with a touch line tablet when I played FMT on my tablet. Now it’ll just be another video game on a game console. Streaming FM22 from a MacBook at home to my iPad when I’m away just isn’t the same. So, I’m sure I’ll pick up FMT on the Switch. I’ll just end up playing FM and FMM way more. 

  6. I’ve been playing FMM for years and have never found a quick pick option when selecting a squad. It seems like Mobile would be the first version to have this option. Any chance we’ll see that in FMM22? Anyone else have an interest in that? I know it takes even more of the game out of the game, but sometimes I’m so pressed for time, it would allow me to play a match or two instead of just picking my team and having to save and quit. 

  7. On 12/10/2021 at 00:38, RTHerringbone said:

    Just don't expect it necessarily to be a long term home for FMT.

    I imagine SI either have some agreement in place with Microsoft and Nintendo regarding FMT as "exclusive" platforms or they had sunk so much time developing FM22 for those devices that they were beyond the point of no return.

    I still think FMT will be a goner across all platforms within 2 years.

    Yeah, with the news this season, I’m afraid of this being the case. FMT quickly became my favorite version on iOS iPad Pro. The Switch version has a much smaller screen when handheld. Switch’s touch screen also seems way less responsive compared to a tablet. 

    I think using buttons is a novelty that some might enjoy. But it just felt like a lot of buttons to remember. I just wanted to tap on screen and it often was unresponsive on the Switch. seeing it on the TV so easily when dropped into the dock was nice. But as a toddler dad, my kids don’t usually want dad’s text based game on the TV. 

    I really hope we’ll see FMT on tablet and PC/Mac again, but fear it didn’t do as well as I thought it was doing. Honestly, I had hoped it would merge with mobile. But now here we are with settling for a version on a handheld console only. And one I can’t have out during a meeting at work. 🤷‍♂️

  8. One of the biggest UI/UX things that I’m hoping might see a change is when swiping between screens during a match. The bars at the top and bottom are the same info on each screen, but I get visually confused when those bars swipe along with the center portion. 

    it would be slick to see the bars stay put while the center section swipes, as if they are layered on top of the other screens. And then only the little dot on the top bar would change position. It would definitely feel like a little cleaner UX when navigating those during a match. Any chance that could happen? 


  9. On 07/10/2021 at 07:38, HUNT3R said:

    There is no FMT for iOS anymore, unfortunately. The blog states that it is falling away.  There won't be a FMT22 or 'streamlined' version of FM for iOS. As the blog states, you can stream the Xbox Edition to your tablet, so there is an option to play on tablet.

    I just set up Steam Link to stream from my MacBook to my iPad, and it is definitely not as convenient as just playing FMT natively on it. Plus, the moment I step away from WiFi, the game can’t be played. 

    I think I’d much rather see FMT live on desktop PC/Mac as well as tablets. As a PlayStation/Switch gamer, I’ve never dived into the Xbox universe. And I won’t pay $15/month to stream it when Steam offers a similar experience for free as long as my home computer is on. And I’ve got it on the Switch as a novelty every Christmas, but usually just go back to playing on my iPad. 

    But if Microsoft is paying the big bucks and the App Store doesn’t make financial sense, I get it. It’s just the most disappointing thing the series has done since I’ve jumped aboard. And it probably means most of my playtime will be back in Football Manager Mobile. 

    Honestly, I had been hoping FMT and FMM would eventually become one app that allows us to choose between layouts and functionality, especially since modern mobile devices can do more than the Switch. 


  10. I’ve bought on Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Switch for years now. Honestly, I mostly just play FMT on my iPad now. I used to be a huge FMM person, and still jump in a bit, but FMT is perfect on an iPad. I barely touch the Switch version just because it’s smaller and I can’t just flip between FM, web, YouTube, etc. The tablet is a perfect place for FMT. I might just go back to playing FMM mainly though. 

    There might be value in trying to remote play FM from my laptop at home to my iPad, but then I’d need WiFi. And as I wait for my toddler to get out of school, that’s not an option. 

    So, the only other option is Xbox… another subscription. I’m just surprised there are enough Switch FM users to jump from tablets to Switch only. 

  11. My apologies for condensing the issues I’ve had. All of the issues I’ve noted here are on FM Touch on my iPad Pro. In my screenshots, all 4 screens on the left are FMT and are being compared to the same 4 screens on the right which are screens from full FM on my Mac. 

    Unfortunately, I’m not sure what name each of the screens are called or through which menus. I believe the middle two can be found in the post match analysis screens, and the last screen is just recaps of other matches in comps that my club is also in. We see that score page, but can’t tap on any of those matches or see any details about them. 

    And I’ve found going into my fixtures page where I’d like to view details about my past matches has the same problem, as seen on top screens. I can’t tap on any of the matches and see the View Match button. So, all the details of my past matches are inaccessible if I don’t access them through my inbox, which can’t be the only way to view those details can it?

  12. I began my love for FM on mobile, and find it a bit easier as in there are less variables. I’ve definitely won more on FMM. I play Touch on both my iPad and my Switch. It’s awesome using a huge TV as the monitor when I play on Switch. I end up using my iPad more whenever I’m on the go or at work. But the Switch has some nice use of the controller in my opinion.

    I hope you enjoy though!

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