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Posts posted by silentwars

  1. 10 minutes ago, samuelawachie said:

    Football is a mental game; both literally and figuratively! How did the French team just gain so much confidence from their 1st goal after playing nothing till then, and Arg just lose all their fortitude!

     We saw it happen against Spain, Germany and a few others. The World Cup of comebacks

     And that referee deserves a mention. It will take some effort looking for the post to upvote it where others mentioned it, but he had a perfect game getting all the major decisions spot on. 

    Not sure about the first penalty for Argentina

  2. 2 minutes ago, teamemutest said:

    To be honest, we (I'm French BTW) never felt very threatened in the Second Half, after Kane's goal, it reminded us a lot of the Belgium game, we let the opponent do his job but we're trusty enough about our defense (and thanks Lloris and Upamecano) to bear the brunt of England's offense.


    I'll end up by saying that England seems a lot more competent than it was years ago, it would be extremely unlikely if you never win anything with this generation and this kind of play.

    I think you were lucky. Your first goal could of easily been ruled out, we could of had another penalty on top of the two we had, which if converted would of given us a comfortable win. Plus we hit the post. But fair play, every chance you go on to win it now. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, JD nawrat said:

    There's a proper dearth of quality/successful England managers. If Southgate is replaced, it's either going to have to be an absolutely hopeful punt on someone or a successful foreigner. There's no successful English managers. 

    Wouldn't be surprised if Rodgers gets it, if we do change managers. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Ackter said:

    Why wouldn't you? Only reason would be racism.

    Not at all, this is meant to be the best of England. Same way I wouldn't want an English manager if I was from Argentina. I understand smaller countries going for foreign managers, but I'm firmly of the opinion we should be appointing English or at least British managers. Plus, it hasn't exactly worked out when we've both in other highly rated foreign coaches in the past. @skybluedave

  5. 1 minute ago, JD nawrat said:

    When Kane stepped up i did think maybe he should have let someone else take it. Obviously that was never going to happen, but the mental gymnastics he would have been going through - "do i do the same thing, do i go opposite where he went?" etc - would have put too much pressure on him. 

    I thought that before he took it, but then if the other player missed everyone would be raging that Kane didn't take it.

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