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Posts posted by phild64

  1. 3 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

    I just did that and explained it above.

    Appreciate that mate but tried your explanation and it just broke the FLUT skin for me. I would love a skinners view on how it can be done without messing up the skin you are trying to merge it with. No offence though. 

  2. An absolutely outstanding skin and one of the best I have ever come across for an emersion of both statistical data and numerical data. The bonus of being able to play 'attributeless' or to use both attributes and advanced stats is what makes it unique and just perfect.

    The only downside for me is that it doesn't allow the user to display all the wonderful backgrounds that are available to be used in FM -  so it would be amazing if somebody could combine this skin with a skin that has the ability to display background images to there fullest. May be a Bluestillidie00 and Flut merger??  

    Amazing work! Thank you for your hard work.



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