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Posts posted by Medders

  1. I'm managing Bologna in 2029 and been doing well. Last season I won the Champions League for the second year in a row and the Serie A for the 4th in a row and all 5 competitions I entered and the Board rate my performance as a B. For context my U18 and U20 and pretty much doing likewise. This is not right...

    Screenshot 2021-05-14 at 11.38.30.png

  2. I'm managing Bologna who have a requirement of signing mainly players under the age of 23. They are getting more and more irritated when I don't which is very very rarely...Every time I ask my DOF (2nd one in post during this save) they always recommend players over 23..They need  to comply with the same club requirement (or they are useless in this important regard) or there needs to be a way I can ask them to suggest a player and be able to set an age limit on.  If there is a way and I've missed it, soz.

    The Recruitment Meeting equally is pretty much a waste of time in this regard as all they do is recommend players over the age of 23 or a few who I am ALREADY scouting and know about.  



  3. Thanks Paul!  I'm keen to do a long term save having enjoyed Forest Green Rovers and FC Utrecht on FM 19 but I'm still unsure as to whether to do an Eibar one as a capacity 16K doesn't get you very far but I'm still a little tempted though....chronically undecided still.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Qemyst said:

    Have you tried deleting your skin preferences Medders? Search up about it, it might help.

    I have now thanks mate, tried various things from playing about with my preference settings, clearing cache and even changing from GPU rendering to software on my Steam account all of which means very little to me if I'm honest but hell I've given it a go!  Spent conservatively 3 hours on it all told and I'm about to give up certainly for tonight unless another kind soul has an inspired thought! Thanks again.

  5. Hi, I love the look of this skin and although I've successfully installed other skins on FM 17 (Tempo, CFM, Sky Sports and Wannachup) whenever I follow the same process and try and load both this and OPZ Elite while it shows as a folder in my FM 17 skins folder it simply doesn't provide the option to load it via preferences in the game.  Has anyone else had the same problem or have any advice?  I've looked at the video on installing the skin and I seem to be doing what i should be but no joy and I'm developing a very bad case of Virtex Skin envy....Many Thanks in advance for any help :)

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