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Posts posted by Garlic

  1. What if you try to change the DC-L-DC line with a BPD-DC-BPD, where the external dc have the PI "stay wide" and "dribble more"?
    In this way, when the team builds from defence, if the DC has the necessary space it can rise above the half of the pitch, attracting an opposing Fb \ WB \ DM to it, opening a hole for the combinations between your WB \ IW \ AF a left and WB \ T \ AF on the right.

  2. A note I would like to make is the ease with which, season after season, the staff is constantly changed until you have the best, often choosing members from all over the world.
    I would like a sort of staff "cohesion" to be introduced as happens for players, so that the more time a staff works together, the better results will be obtained in the long run and, above all, if changed too often, they make the group lose cohesion. having total performance lower than their normal value.

  3. A note I would like to make is the ease with which, season after season, the staff is constantly changed until you have the best, often choosing members from all over the world.
    I would like a sort of staff "cohesion" to be introduced as happens for players, so that the more time a staff works together, the better results will be obtained in the long run and, above all, if changed too often, they make the group lose cohesion. having total performance lower than their normal value.

  4. 9 ore fa, lpcinder ha scritto:

    Hi all


    I have two questions:

    I decided to play with Sampdoria, so I had a challenge with this aging squad. On top of that they have no money to spend so I to start buy loaning players. I am now in my third season and won the league and cup in the third season. 

    1) Is it normal Italian teams get such low financial reward for winning the league? I got something like 3.5 million euros or something like that. 

    2) I saved my game in two versions: one with normal budget, being close to nothing and one with a sugar daddy. When does a sugar daddy start showing an effect. I have had zero results from this, in fact, the board are rejecting all demands for extra budget.


    Would be great if someone could answer this.

    Here in Italy the prizes for placing in the league are ridiculous compared to the premier league; it's not a bug, it's exactly like this :lol:

    An English mid-table team takes almost as much as the scudetto winner ...

  5. Hello everyone!
    I'm having a problem at the beginning of some games: as you can see from the screenshot, sometimes I get stuck in this screen and have to restart the game.
    In the screenshot there is the game in 2d, but it also does it in 3d.
    It happens in an apparently random way and, although the pc is quite old, it never gave me problems of the kind with the previous versions, but I always played peacefully.

    The configuration of my pc is as follows:

    cpu q9300 @ 2.5mhz

    4gb ram ddr3 @ 1033mhz

    vga radeon 6950 2gb

    I repeat that up to fm2020 I never encountered any problems and, even with fm2021 I play well, without any problems whatsoever.

    I uploaded the save to the cloud with the name "garlicissue".




    3 ore fa, RocheBag ha scritto:

    Could you please expand on what you're seeing here? 3 man defences working properly are what will make me buy right now instead of waiting for the demo.

    3 man defence works pretty nice IMO.

    Here an example on how CB overlap is :

    I use a 343 or a  wide 523 tf

    red lines are DC ( bpd-libero\s-bpd)

    yellow lines midfielders

    blue line attackers



    dc overlap.jpg

  7. Hi everyone!

    I don't know if that's the right topic, but in my save Ajax made these transfers in the very first transfer window.

    It seems doubly unrealistic to me: Ajax hardly buys like that, and the same players would hardly go to Holland at this point in their career and at that price.

    Let me know if I need to post to a different topic.

    Thanks for the work you do and for your commitment!


    Ciao a tutti!

    Quante facce conosciute...bello ritrovarvi!

    Veniamo al dunque: non so se è il topic giusto, ma nel mio save l'Ajax ha effettuato questi trasferimenti nella primissima finestra di mercato.

    Mi sembra doppiamente irrealistico: l'Ajax difficilmente fa acqusiti del genere, e gli stessi giocatori difficilmente adrebbero in Olanda a questo punto della carriera e a quel prezzo.

    Fatemi sapere se devo postare in un topic diverso.

    Grazie per il lavoro che faet e per l'impegno!


  8. Hi everyone!
    I'm really enjoying this beta!
    Besides all the things already mentioned, I love the CB in the 3-man defense which now overlap if set well!

    Beyond the criticisms already exposed by other users, there are 2 things I can't stand:

    - not being able to change, by drag&drop, the position on the field of 2 players in the player bar, during the match.
    - when reporters contact you to ask you a single question on a particular topic, I hate having to click to access the question, just as I hate having to click every time to quit from quick chats, even though there is nothing left to answer.

    I close by joining other users who ask to not nerf the attackers because of the complaints of those who use exploits.

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