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Posts posted by kevez27

  1. 21 minutes ago, TCSSkin said:

    think the skyboxes are generated in real time, unfortunately the night sky box doesn't exist, its just a void

    Ahh that’s a shame but thanks for the info

    Its very frustrating as daytime matches look beautiful and run super smooth in very high settings but as soon as the lighting is different in night matches it’s incredibly laggy

    I appreciate the reply cheers 

  2. 1 hour ago, keysi said:

    I'm not sure if it's possible to change it, I would say it isn't. For the European cups for sure not. But maybe the league games yes. Did you try this option in Preferences? 


    Maybe you would also have to set the exact day/time in the editor. 

    Hi Rensie and thank you for taking the time to reply

    Yes I thought of that option but many leagues have many midweek matchdays as standard even without the TV matches

    Are weather graphics hard coded so cannot be changed? I've seen people make improved textures for pitches and stadiums but not for sky/weather unfortunately 

  3. Is it possible to disable the black sky and floodlight effects in FM24? 

    Essentially I want to make all games look like they do in the daytime as I can play in very high settings smoothly in daytime matches on my MacBook Pro but as soon as I have a night match with black sky and floodlights, I get lag even in low settings and it’s ruining the experience for me.

    I think it might be due to HDR which cannot be disabled on MacBooks 

    thanks in advance for any help 

  4. This thread is super helpful so thank you @Brother Ben

    To all of the Mac users who report high and very high for graphics levels:-

    Does that include night matches when sky is black? 

    I have an M1 MacBook Pro 16” and I can run the game in very high settings and it runs super smooth if it’s a daytime match but as soon as the match is at night with black sky and floodlights on, I get lag and this lag remains even with settings turned down to high and even medium

    Anybody else get the same? 


  5. I am getting terrible FPS on night matches in FM24. I use an M1 MacBook Pro and recommended graphics settings is High and graphics rating is 5 stars. Performance is good when matches are in the daytime but as soon as I have a night game with black sky and floodlights, I get very bad lag even when dropping down the graphics to medium or even low. I suspect this may be to do with HDR which cannot be disabled on Mac to my knowledge 

    Is there a way I can disable the nighttime graphics so that every game looks like it’s daytime? (I don’t want to have to do this but it’s better than the lag I’m getting)

    Thanks in advance for any help 


  6. On 26/01/2023 at 10:16, Neil Brock said:

    Yeah frustratingly enough we have heard that a reinstall should address this - do bear in mind all save games etc will be kept safe during this process as they can only be removed if you do so manually. 

    How do I re-hide the notch? There used to be an option to do so but it seems to have been removed or moved? Thanks 

  7. 4 hours ago, FM-Lee said:

    How difficult is that to do? I don’t have many files on mine either? 

    It’s fairly easy if you can follow instructions. I’m not great with this type of thing but I found this article very helpful 


    Since downgrading it’s been better but I think the video adboards in game are causing lag as I can play in 3D in smaller stadiums on very high settings with no problem but as soon as I play in a big stadium with the moving adboards, performance is noticeably poor. Hopefully SI address this soon but I’m much happier on Monterey overall than on Ventura

  8. 17 hours ago, FM-Lee said:

    I have a 32GB M1 Max MacBook Pro. Towards the end of FM22 I was having some issues with the smoothness of the match engine, particularly after updating to Ventura. The only fix was to play in Windowed Mode, it was noticeably smoother then. 

    I downloaded the demo of 23 and it ran fine in standard mode, so I bought the game and it was running fine, until it randomly went back to being choppy and stuttering for no apparent reason. Yet again, the problem improves in Windowed Mode, however, that’s not how I like to play the game. 

    I’ve tested it on the highest graphics and the lowest graphics and its the same for both. 

    Can anyone help as the Mac was very expensive and FM is my favourite game, and to be put off playing it is a massive shame. 



    I have a 16 inch M1 Pro MacBook Pro and also found FM23 performance was worse after updating to Ventura. I re-installed MacOS Monterey as I didn’t have many files to backup and the FM23 performance is really good again so I’d recommend doing this if it’s an option for you 


  9. 8 hours ago, talhak said:

    Hi, I recommend you to take a look at the great Performance Benchmarking Thread by @Brother Ben for your laptop to see the performance of the same/similar machine. Then, a couple of things might let you play in the "High" graphics detail level as follows:

    • Use the machine plugged in as recommended by @DarJ,
    • Set the Windows' power management mode to "Maximum performance",
    • In Nvidia settings, set the “Select the preferred graphics processor for this program” to “High-performance NVIDIA processor” for FM
    • Enable threaded optimization,
    • Disable triple buffering,
    • As a general rule of thumb, close all other running applications,
    • Be sure the Nvidia driver is up-to-date via the GeForce Experience app,
    • Reduce the crowd quality in game settings,
    • Disable the HDR through Windows settings

    Hope these help you.

    Many thanks for the suggestions @talhak @fc.cadoni

    These tips do seem to have helped quite a bit and I am now able to drop it back to medium without it looking like 360p video. High runs pretty smoothly too but fan noise is loud but this is still the case on medium so I might as well stick to high and learn to deal with the noise 

    Thanks again for your help, much appreciated 

  10. Hi, 

    I’ve just purchased a Razer Blade 17 as my old MacBook Pro was started to struggle 

    It has a 3060 GPU in it so I was expecting it to perform very well. Although high graphics look good, there is the occasional stutter and the fans are in overdrive so I thought I’d drop it down to medium to get really good performance with less pressure on the laptop 

    However, this looks awful. It’s incredibly blurry which makes no sense as my previous MacBook didn’t have the blurriness on medium 

    Any ideas as to why it’s doing this? 


  11. Hi, 

    Is it possible to change the size of the icons in the 2d match? 

    I play on a retina MacBook Pro and the icons are too big for my liking which is caused by the Retina display so would like to make them smaller if possible 

    Thanks for any help that can be given 


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