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Posts posted by Marcusme1981

  1. 15 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Really don't know, nor have ever thought about that. If anyone should know the answer, it's @Seb Wassell :brock:

    Thank you, anyway.

    13 hours ago, brookie1402 said:

    I would think that the answer to that is yes. Thinking about it logically, both groups will be performing headers. So I'd say yes, the primary and secondary group get the heading focus whichever 'side' of the drill they are on.

    Although it wouldn't be a 'double boost', as the attacking group will get 60% of the attribute focus, and the defending only 20% of it, so more like an additional bit of work on heading.

    Yeahh I know.

    Thank you

  2. 3 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    There is not the "secondary" group, because it's a general session that affects all outfield players, so they all gain tactical familiarity in the specified areas (creative freedom in this case). There are just secondary impacts in terms of attribute-targeting, but that's something different. It means that the attributes listed under the "Secondary impacts - priority 20%" receive proportionally less "boost" than those under the "Primary impacts - 60%".

    Thank you!!!

    That made me wonder what happen to Heading that is in both lists. I  mean, Does it receive double boost?

    3 hours ago, brookie1402 said:

    As it is performed by all outfield players, I would imagine that all of them get the Tactical Familiarity focus. Think of it as a training drill for all outfield players. All players will perform the 'attacking' which gives them a 60% impact, and also all players will also perform the 'secondary impact' (defending) to give the attacking group some opposition, with those attributes being worked on with 20% impact, if that makes sense. Basically everyone gets a turn at attacking, and then opposing the attack, and so in terms of attributes the players will be impacted by the first focus by 60%, then the secondary focus by 20%. So the whole outfield group of players will get the Tactical Familiarity, Happiness, Team Cohesion, etc. That is my understanding of it anyway.

    Thank you! 

  3. I have a question about these training programs; Attacking, Possession and Defending.

    There are two groups of players; outfield players and goalkeeping. However outfield players are split in two and they have different impacts (60% and 20%). I add a picture as It will be easier to see what I mean.


    Outfield secondary group doesn't get any tactical familiarity, does they?  


  4. 17 hours ago, cudithekid94 said:

    Not really. Real Madrid fans see Atlético in a condescending way. On the opposite, Atlético fans really see RM as their eternal rival 

    Not so sure about it.

    I remenber what happen when Atletico made the double with Radomir Antic.  Madrid won both league matches even though they were lost in the middle of the table. Of course it was not the last game of the schedule.

  5. On 05/09/2020 at 14:46, cudithekid94 said:

    Real Madrid winning Atlético on purpose to give away the title to FC Barcelona? You don´t seem to be very aware of spanish football.

    You are not taking a small thing into consideration, they hate Atletico Madrid as much as Barcelona. It's not as they are playing Betis or Osasuna.



  6. On 25/08/2020 at 13:39, IbrahimAliMaher said:

    So if you sit down with your chairman at the end of the season where you finished just off the pace, but you lost a load of matches 5-4 or 4-3 and played really open entertaining matches and had a 'good feeling', you think the chairman will be happy?!

    Klopp was not overly unhappy with losing the first leg 3-0 because they got done for a couple of goals near the end by some brilliance from Messi, and otherwise didn't play too badly nor deserve to lose 3-0.

    I suspect he was happier with the 4-0 in the second leg, i.e. the actual result! 

    Ok, you win you have to be happy no matters what.  

    Luckily we are not machines.


  7. 1 hour ago, IbrahimAliMaher said:

    You're winning the games though! Even if they're not at their optimum right now they're still grinding out results, i.e. the hallmark of a good team...

    Do you think Jurgen Klopp was digging his players out for 'only' winning 1-0 at Norwich this season, or 'just about' beating Bournemouth 2-1 at home, when they were smashing sides like these for fun the season before?

    Football is a results business first and foremost. Do you really want your team peaking in run of the mill league games, or in big finals or crucial matches towards the end of the season?

    Engage brain and think about what you're doing! 

    It's not just about the scoreline is more about how you play. Your could have a good feeling winning 1-0 or a bad feeling, even though, you won 3-0. 

    Barcelona won 3-0 Liverpool last year, Liverpool was much better... I remenber Kloop being happy with his players' performances.


  8. Hi guys,

    I have an issue I don't how to deal with. One of my captains, so an influential player, is moaning about his training additional focus. The problem is, I can't not change it because he is in a coaching course. 

    I think it could be a bug because when you try to change it, it is blocked (which I think is ok) but a message pops up saying he can't undertake any individual training. So I understand he is taking none. 


  9. On 03/10/2019 at 18:16, QWERTYOP said:

    I mean literally anywhere you care to mention. It's not hard to find. If anyone can remember a more widely panned upcoming FM release, I'd like to know, genuinely. Please don't misunderstand where I'm coming from - I WANT to be hyped for the new release! I WANT reason to buy it! But they've failed. I don't mind years when the new release isn't revolutionary. At all. In fact, I've previously said I don't like them changing things for the sake of it. But previously, even on years when the new game isn't a revamp, there's always been SOMETHING to grab my attention. Perhaps last years best selling point for me for example was the Germany license. But this year is just full of nothing. They've moved stuff around a bit and called that "headline features". I think the most telling thing about this years release is the understated nature of the "headline features" reveal. It's normally an all singing, all dancing affair when they're (understandably) shouting from the rooftops. This year, we had a quick post on social media and that was that. I think even they know this years features are really weak. I'm hoping against hope that S.I still have something up their sleeve to give me a reason to part with my 40 quid, but I will not just buy the new game like a zombie without a reason to. That will just further encourage them that they can get away with years like this. 

    Come on, man! They are doing a twitter poll every day, now hidding some info about the feature. 



  10. 2 hours ago, Double Indemnity said:


    • Match engine seems in great shape. Most dramatic leap forward in graphics in a while. Lots more variety in transitions. Quality of play at lower levels seems worse (in a good way!), with moves breaking down because of believably stray passes. Crosses aren't as absurdly dominant as they were in FM16 (although full/wing backs still get much higher ratings than other positions, and you can presumably still exploit this by selling them at inflated prices every year or two). Prior to 17.1 it felt like there were too many awful shots — and just low shot accuracy in general — but I'm not getting that sense now. Don't know whether anything changed in that regard, but I'm not scratching my head at bizarre row-Z shots as often post-update.
    • UI feels a little more polished throughout. I got confused about one or two things moving to odd places (like looking at a player's ability with their weaker foot), but in general it seems slicker than before. Little details like keeping the Tutoring menu in the same view/on the same screen are nice.
    • I like the player promises and greater detail in transfers and contracts. Remains to be seen how that all pans out over the course of a season or five, though. I've always felt Backup/Rotation players gripe over playtime a little more than is reasonable, for instance.
    • Genuinely love the Brexit stuff, though I'm surprised it's not a pre-game option you can just adjust for each save. I guess the idea is to force people to grapple with it rather than just turning it off?


    • Not much to report here. I will say it seems people are having problems tinkering and modding behind the scenes, with the game not respecting changes to certain files after updates. SI probably can't comment officially on that sort of thing, but it might be worth taking a look at...
    • I guess I have a slight philosophical problem with how frequently your staff suggest things to you now and how much of the game can just be run from your inbox. I appreciate that it's good for novice players, but it feels a little too paternalistic and intrusive to me, especially because their advice is still pretty hit-or-miss, and I feel bad rejecting them over and over.
    • *Also disappointed that, from what I've heard, stranger player roles like inverted wing backs and half backs still aren't working as advertised.** It always feels like the engine respects more conventional tactics — and especially traditional English wing play — and doesn't always do justice to the diversity of global football. Sure, you can make some wacky asymmetric thing work, and you can trick the game into something resembling modern gegenpressing or la salida lavolpiana in very narrow contexts, but in general it's safer and more consistent to just bang in any old 4-4-2 or 4-2-3-1.
    • I actually loathe the player avatar. The jacket is horribly ill-fitting! He's not even wearing a belt! I wish you could turn him off entirely, especially how he appears on the main splash screen.


    • I'm not sure what the social feed adds except vague "immersion". And that gets eroded when you realize how predictable it is: in 90% of cases, everything that happens will get two positive comments and one contrarian one; you could sign Messi for Leeds and one of your fans would still say, "Not sure what all the fuss is about #Messi #Leeds". I get that it's just been rolled out, and it doesn't cost anything to glance at it or not, but any time the series uses writing or flavor text to communicate things it tends to get transparently repetitive over time. See also: press conferences and player interactions.

    *Although I agree that some roles are not working as I expect them to, I am not sure whether they don't work as SI wants them to. I think I have different ideas(concepts) about those roles. For instance the wingers "debate".

    ** I always felt the same and a bit frustrated of not being able to apply deeply some kind of football. 



  11. 6 hours ago, MHovel said:

    I saw this sort of goals tend happen in FM17 more often (watching people's stream).

    I would really check if the player who passes the ball, pass the ball with his weaker foot? if yes, in-case his weaker foot is weak or reasonable, this can really happen in really life.

    if the pass was with his strong foot i would say it doesn't really make sense it went so inaccurate.

    But if this scenario tend to happen for you!!!! twice or 3 times in a season i would say that sort of annoying and i would have post this as a bug.

    I would say what makes it unrealistyc is the keeper's reaction. Although own goals like that happened, happens and will happen in real life, you'd expect him to react in some way.

  12. On 21/10/2016 at 02:43, Earnie is God! said:

    In FM16, they apparently act more as IFs. They don't cut inside to play MC, they go further up the pitch and then cut inside to more of an AM position.

    In FM17, they won't work either.
    Herne: " It's not currently possible in FM17.  The Inverted Wingback role won't achieve similar positioning to what you may see at Man City. "

    OK thanks for your answer. 

  13. On 18/10/2016 at 20:55, RTHerringbone said:

    How should it work? ?

    FIrst of all, as you can see I am not a native speaker so It may be just a language problem. I think a inverted wingback should operate as wingbacks do in Man City this year. When trying to get the ball out of defence DM goes deeper, as a third Central defender, and they(wingbacks) come inside (acting almost like MC's). I don't know whether this is the case in FM2016 (still playing FM2015) but in FM2015 they stay wide till they get the ball and then cut inside. 

    I hope I made myself clear, sorry if I don't.

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