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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Aston Villa

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  1. Hello fellow managers! Ive been working on this magnificent database for quite som time. All the original players and staff etc, have been removed and im adding person by person. So far Ive reached about 2800 persons which is not a lot, but only 18 players is needed for a club to be defined as playable. This due to the no substitutions rule. My main plan is to make the big leagues (top div) playable in England, France, Italy, Spain and maybe Scotland. England, France and Italy are soon to be finished but theres still lots to be done. This includes a complete revamp of the league structures since the differences are quite big and we gotta keep it like it was back then. The league structures are finished and so is the French D1. If you know about some hidden famous players etc feel free to write them down in the comments. If you want to add a player or two, test it or just follow the developement then feel free to join my Discord. Send me a message if theres anything you want to do. This is gonna be awesome!
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