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Posts posted by dabbsjoe

  1. 56 minutes ago, Michael Sant said:

    So I've double checked and there is no way around it requiring OS11. That in itself is a limiting factor. We do have an article which details the update process and provides some additional links to check if your system is compatible and how to get the update should it be needed.


    thanks, unable to update to anything past 10.17 OS.

    new laptop ordered already

  2. 2 hours ago, Coachnuno said:

    Pourra t-on jouer au jeu sur notre mac demain (le 24 novembre)? Y'a t-il quelqu'un qui peut nous donner des informations ? Nous dire au moins si ça peut marcher ou c'est définitivement mort ? Ça manque un peu de communication...

    Unfortunately looks like we might be in a hold pattern when the only way we know if it is working is when we hit play on steam once the full game has been downloaded.

  3. On 13/11/2020 at 17:19, Neil Brock said:

    To confirm we are aware of an issue affecting users on 2011 Macbooks where the game may freeze or crash during matches or when creating a manager. These specific machines from what we've seen are on 10.13.6 and have an Intel HD 3000 graphics card. This is an issue we've been made aware of and we're trying to source a system to reproduce this. 

    Whilst we try and make sure to test across every combination of system as we can, this has been especially challenging this year as the entire studio is working remotely due to Covid-19. Hopefully as soon as we can get a system we can get this issue investigated and fixed. 

    For any user having similar issues who IS NOT on 10.13.6 or IS NOT running a 2011 Macbook with an Intel HD 3000 graphics card - PLEASE CREATE YOU OWN THREAD.

    We ask this so we have clarity on the issues affecting users to make sure nothing gets missed.

    Whilst we understand this is frustrating if you have this system, we are working as hard as we can to get the issue fixed. 


    Thanks for this Neil, if you are struggling to source a machine with those specs on i'm sure there would be a few willing to borrow to assist.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    Can all of you affected by this issue please provide your System info as instructed here? - https://support.sega.co.uk/hc/en-gb/articles/360015264478-How-to-Find-my-system-DxDiag-system-information#text

    We're fairly certain it's affecting users on 10.13.6 with Intel HD 3000 graphics, but would be good to clarify.

    If any of you are in a position to update your Operating System (which is free on Mac) we would suggest trying to do so. 

    attached system info and screen shot of system info, also tried software update and it's the most up to date.

    Screen Shot 2020-11-11 at 19.15.59.png

    MacBook Pro.spx

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