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Issue Comments posted by hulkius

  1. 7 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, Firstly can you make sure your file is tested and verified in the editor. Then make sure the file is saved as a .fmf file.

    Then check in-game where the editor data is being grabbed from by going to: Preferences -> Advanced -> All -> General -> Location.

    Editor Data is the correct folder in this location.

    Hope this was helpful. :) 

    1/ "your file is tested and verified in the editor" - how do you do this?

    2/ "Then make sure the file is saved as a .fmf file." - they defo have been saved this way

    3/ "Preferences -> Advanced -> All -> General -> Location." - checked where this is and I can do this.

    points 2 and 3 I can sort, but can you give me further guidance on step 1 - i'm not 100% sure now you do this.

    Thanks very much for your help I really appreciate this,

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