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Coulthard's Jaw

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Everything posted by Coulthard's Jaw

  1. That bit is done in private at 7.30pm, but we're going to get another service soon which they are showing.
  2. Everyone is online so much I don't think "lol messageboards are weird" holds much water anymore. This place is normal compared to a lot of mainstream places.
  3. What's interesting is there isn't really any effort to explain what's going to people who aren't religious at all.
  4. Yeah, also BBC kept cutting away to interview some talking head, ITV seem to be just the pictures which is all I want.
  5. Everyone is gagging to get back to normal, you're straight into v important fiscal events this week.
  6. One thing I've learned with this is I have no idea what the vast majority of world leaders look like
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