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Posts posted by kaiser_franz

  1. Hi guys I found this when loading a game


    It happens everytime I load a recently created game. If I try to load a different savegame, it works. But whenever I try to load a game created in the last week it crashes. I tried to create a new game, and also crashes. Every new created game it goes fine to the end. Then it lets me save it, but when I try to load it, crash.

    What does it mean? It says it tries to allocate a ridiculously high amount of memory. That's 48 GB!

    Thanks for the help in advance!

  2. Hi all, I'm creating another fantasy league and I came through an issue I never saw before. I am building a Top Division as a group phase (4 groups), and then there is a stage for the Championship with the 2 best teams each group. The problem is that no matter what I do, when I test the competition in the editor I've noticed that the teams that go to the european competitions (Champions, Europa League) are the best positions in the group A (of the first phase), and it's not taking into account the second championship stage.

    Any chance on defining which positions are qualified to EL and CL and from which stages? Tried to play with the league fate actions but no luck.


  3. Hi guys, I'm having a strange issue on my custom league. I have set up promotion and relegation playoffs, but the teams promote or relegate before playing it lol. For example,


    this above is after finishing the regular season. For example, for the relegation, only 3 teams should relegate now, and teams in positions 13 to 17 should play now a league playoff to decide other 2 relegation places. This is even said on the "Rules" screen ingame:


    And this is the relegation playoff stage, before starting (teams start here with a percentage of points on league stage): 


    Anyone has a clue of why is this happening? Same occurs for promotion. Teams promote now, no matter what they do in the promotion playoff. I'll paste some editor screenshots in case it helps. This one is the qualification rules for relegation on regular league stage:


    and the qualification rules on the relegation playoff stage:



    If anyone can help I woud be really grateful. Thanks in advance guys!!






  4. 34 minutes ago, Chris M said:

    Have you added the matches from the first round into the second round under "Extra league games"? It's under league settings.


    4 minutes ago, Unknown Hacker said:

    On the settings page for the second stage you need to change 2 areas. Firstly under 'Extra League Games' you need to add stage 1's games, then under 'Transfer Standings' you need to specify that you want stage 1 transferred over. I think apart from that you don't need to do anything else. If you want to look at a template for how to do it, maybe look at how the Belgian 1st Division handles things.

    Oh! I never added anything on "Extra League Games"! Never thought I had to! The editor should be more explanatory sometimes...

    Thank you both very much! I was really puzzled with this as I was sure by reading the options that it could be done, but the missing piece was left. Thanks!!

  5. Hi all,

    I'm trying to create a cup where there are two group stages, and then the knock-out rounds. The first group stage qualifies 5 out of 8 teams to the second stage, and then this second stage qualifies the teams for the knockout. But I would like the second stage to get the team results on the first one, so that there is some "advantage" for the teams that performed well on the first stage. For example if a team got 23 points in the first stage, they start with 23 points the second stage.

    I'm not able to get it to work. I have tried the "Transfer Standings" option on the Stage 1 (the second one), tried also the "Process results into stage" option, tried to play with fates, ... Nothing. Could somebody give me some light? 

    Thanks in advance!

  6. Hi guys, I'm struggling with something for the last days. I'm trying to build a cup competition that consists in a group phase, then the knock-out. I have 52 teams, 13 groups of 4 teams. I'd like to qualify for the knock-out the best two teams of each group (easy), but also the 6 better third positions, so that I can build the eliminatory round of 32.

    Is it something that can be done with the advance editor? Thanks!

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