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Posts posted by Gangor

  1. 53 minutes ago, HopOnBaby said:

    Sounds good, thanks! I think my head was slightly turned by the prospect of 20GB of RAM!

    While more RAM is helpful in some situations, it's far more important to have a balanced specification so no one part is so poor that it slows down the others. On a £5-600 budget you should be targeting 8GB of RAM and an i5 or Ryzen 5 'U' type processor (or maybe one of the Ice Lake processors which end with "G1", G3" etc). If you can spend £7-800 you should be able to find an entry level gaming laptop which will still have an i5 or Ryzen 5, but it will be an 'H' type meaning it uses more power to produce higher clock speeds and consequently better performance. A gaming laptop will also have a discrete GPU meaning the 3D match engine will run better and you'll be able to play other 3D games.

  2. 19 minutes ago, HopOnBaby said:

    What's up, party people? So, after eight years, my PC is giving out - keep getting memory crashes. Just manually tweaked the virtual memory and it's behaving a bit better, but I wouldn't mind something with more power.

    After looking at some guides, this seems to tick most of the boxes for FM, but could it do the job for some more graphic-intensive god games? Top budget about £800.

    Within that budget entry level gaming laptops will be available which would perform much better both for FM and more demanding games. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, ScottishPep said:

    Also losing the bigger SSD in favour of the smaller 240 SSD. I think I do need the wireless card and PCS advice says upgrade to AX200, which is the price of losing the LED strip that was on.

    Well the good thing about it is those cards generally include Bluetooth as well, in case you want to use wireless headphones or something.


    Better case in the build also. Plus, and I think this will be very much worth it, 16GB RAM in a 2x8 pair at 3200Mhz instead of standard 2400mhz.

    Good call - higher frequency RAM helps with Ryzen CPUs.


    I'm about to submit the build, any problems that you can see?

    350w power supplies are at the bottom end of what most PCs would have. If you were to decide in the future to install a more powerful graphics card it may not be able to run it. If the cost isn't prohibitive (I would expect maybe £10-15) maybe get one with 450 or 500 watts? Make sure whichever one you choose is 80 plus rated. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, ScottishPep said:

    There is a 1650 'super' option. It is £56 more than the Nvidia 1050.

    According to this: https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-GTX-1650S-Super-vs-Nvidia-GTX-1050/4058vs3650

    (I think they're the correct gpu's)

    The super is 111% better? All down the list it looks head and shoulders above the 1050, surely it's a no-brainer even though there won't be many other 3D games. Gives pace of mind if I see a 3D game tomorrow that I must play?




    That's what you'd be buying it for. FM's 3D match engine really isn't that demanding. 

  5. 2 hours ago, ScottishPep said:

    Not entirely certain what the chappy from PCS was talking about? I've had the quickest of plays to work on a set up and my first draft is the above. It's under budget and I'm now considering upgrading RAM to 16gb and going for a slightly better graphics card than the 2GB NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 1050 - DVI, HDMI, DP.

    Do the other components look ok? The motherboard? Storage? I'm also considering slightly upgrading both the sound card and the cooling? Any point?

    Silly question, would the above set up let me hear the sound or do I need a better sound card or additional speakers or something?


    Some modifications that I could make....


    I probably have maybe £100 extra in my budget:


    Geforce GTX 1650  +£34

    Geforce GTX 1660 +£122



    16GB +£47



    1tb SSD +£41



    Frostflow cool 100V2 +£19



    Creative Sound Blast Audigy FXOEM +£29



    Also, I can save £55 by switching from a Blu-Ray to normal drive.

    Can you save by ditching the optical drive and the wifi card? They are both redundant for most people, unless you can't get a cable from your router to your PC. Even then you could get a powerline adaptor set which is not too expensive and more reliable in my experience. Also unless you're going to be installing several AAA games at a time you can probably get away with a 240/256GB SSD. If you're only playing FM the GTX 1050 will play the match engine (from FM20 at least) just fine, though if you're planning on playing other games that require 3D you might consider the 1650 Super if they offer that. The 1650 is significantly worse for only slightly less cost. If you can afford it more RAM is a great idea, but it is also an easy upgrade later.

    Edit: Oh yeah, if they offer an option for a higher wattage power supply it would be worth considering, in case you want to get a more powerful graphics card in the future. Also it wouldn't need to run the fan so fast so might be quieter. 

    Edit2: How does this compare to PCS? NB Windows not included in the price: https://www.box.co.uk/create-your-own-custom-pc?s=2886668,2675330,2736475,2568864-2,2834944,2417424,2869516

  6. 5 hours ago, ccfc_joe said:

    After thinking this through, I should maybe stretchy budget to around £500.

    Do you think I will get more for my money with a desktop computer as I am now leaning towards this way.


    From what I have read, providing I have 8/16 GB RAM, at least i5 processor and 250GB SSD then I’ll be fine?



    Yes you'd get a better experience on a desktop - taking into account the inconvenience also. If you already have a monitor and peripherals it should also be a lot cheaper.  In terms of budget options, you might consider a system with a Ryzen 3 3200g. Here's an example spec from BOX, though you could get something similar from many suppliers: https://www.box.co.uk/create-your-own-custom-pc?s=2886668,2609300,2657467,2568864,2417424,2869516,1556441

    A couple of things to note - I've chosen a high quality motherboard which is far overkill for this processor. The reason is that CPUs compatible with this board will be getting a lot cheaper in the next couple of years and it would be a great upgrade to grab one second hand (or maybe new as old stock) in a couple of years and add in a modern graphics card. Also I chose a single 8GB DIMM of RAM because Box doesn't offer the option of 2x4GB. That would be a better choice if you can find it as it will mean more memory bandwidth and better performance. Lastly, I didn't add Windows. Typically you'll be charged around £100 for this on a new PC, but it's trivial to download the installation files from Windows.com and buy a much cheaper licence somewhere else. 

  7. 1 hour ago, niallt said:

    thank you for the help mate, is this one okay just i have a voucher for currys, thank you for the help :)) https://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/laptops/laptops/asus-e203ma-11-6-laptop-intel-celeron-64-gb-emmc-grey-10204221-pdt.html

    Like @EdL says, although if you decide to play via Stadia it could be okay.


    Edit: Just looking through the Curry's website, the best you're going to find within your budget is an i3/Ryzen 3 for around £350. That would run FM, but don't expect to run a load of leagues or to run 3D matches at full detail. Be careful too - they are offering laptops that are several years old as new - this one has a five year old processor in it: https://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/laptops/laptops/geo-book3si-13-3-laptop-intel-core-i3-128-gb-ssd-silver-10193308-pdt.html

  8. 3 hours ago, niallt said:

    Hi, I‘ve just got a paycheque and want to buy football manager and a laptop but I have literally no idea what I’m doing, I was looking at this laptop https://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/computing/laptops/laptops/hp-11-v051na-11-6-chromebook-intel-celeron-16-gb-emmc-grey-10182348-pdt.html but am unsure if this would run it, if not could anyone help me out and link a laptop for me, budget is £100-£400, thank you in advance :))


    This was found by someone else earlier in the thread. This spec would usually cost £500 upwards, so this is pretty good value

  9. 49 minutes ago, Smurf said:

    Buy cheap - buy twice! 

    Moral of the story get the best you can afford and you'll save money down the line. 

    Well, to an extent. For computer hardware, the cost increases quickly for small increases in performance, so often buying a mid range system now and then another one in 2-3 years will give you a better experience overall than buying a top of the line system now and expecting to use it for 5 or 6 years. Tech ages quickly. If you look at a top end gaming laptop from 5 years ago it would be handily beaten by current mid range systems. 

    Check out this difference between two generations. The i7 7700HQ was top of the line for laptops a couple of years ago whereas the i5 9300H is entry level for gaming PCs now. I know which one I'd prefer. https://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare/Intel-i5-9300H-vs-Intel-i7-7700HQ/3448vs2906

  10. 50 minutes ago, carlpne said:

    Hello im looking for some recommendations for a new laptop to play FM20.

    My budget is £1200, i want to have 20 or so leagues playable, download all graphics etc into the game (including the lower pyramid of the English leagues) , play a long save ie. 25+ seasons, the game to run at a reasonable speed, and run 3D match engine to its potential. Any help would be much appreciated. 

    I will also by using the laptop pretty much solely to play FM20 and the occasional browse of the internet. 

    Kind Regards, Carl. 

    Purely based on the processor: https://www.box.co.uk/FA506IU-AL019T-ASUS-FA506IU-AL019T_2860285.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjJK58MuU6QIVFeztCh1kGgWdEAkYASABEgLt-PD_BwE

    NB laptops with this processor are in the process of being released so you might find a cheaper/better one by waiting

  11. 17 minutes ago, Rookie FM said:

    Thanks Gangor  :-)

    To explain what you're getting, higher quality motherboards will be better able to provide the required amount of power to the processor without overheating their own components. This wouldn't prevent a cheaper processor like the DESH supporting the 3900x, but it would likely cause it to "thermal throttle" and run at a lower speed in some circumstances. Generally you'll also get some other features like faster networking, more and better I/O, support for more fans and more M.2 slots (for fast SSDs) too. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, Paddy2201 said:

    Good find! For the specs that's really good value. It will be significantly worse performance-wise than the other one you were looking at and wouldn't be nearly as suitable for 3D but it would easily run four leagues. Even 8 or 10 should be fine. Battery life is likely better.

  13. 4 hours ago, Smurf said:

    It's still true - it's a plastic casing brushed to look like metalic and it's designed as a workstation rather than a gaming laptop (in a lot of their cases).
    MSI are more game-centric builds with better cooling solutions and aluminium cases. 

    Lenovo are notorious for their cheaper alternative of plastic casing - part reason why I stopped recommending Medion laptops for a while, but they seem to have this sorted now so happy to re-recommend them.

    But to be clear there were 2 laptops on show that day - and one was more game-centric than the other.


    Not arguing with you at all. I've never actually used one so I wanted to know if the plastic construction you mentioned would have a major impact on the product from a user's point of view. I thought it would be relevant to anyone else considering this model. 

  14. 4 hours ago, Rookie FM said:

    What Motherboard should I get if I am using AMD RYZEN 8 3900 CPU?

    in the less expensive price range a good B450 like the Tomahawk from @Smurf 's list or if you need a MATX form factor (like the one you had originally) then the MSI Mortar MAX has good reviews: https://www.ebuyer.com/911265-msi-ryzen-b450m-mortar-max-am4-matx-motherboard-b450m-mortar-max?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9vLqnq2T6QIVQWHmCh3dVQffEAkYASABEgKTffD_BwE

  15. 3 minutes ago, Weasek said:

    I brought a Lenovo ideapad l340 for £659.with 4 gb graphic card,16 gb ram with 2.4 ghz i5-9300 h with 4.1 turbo.i wanted to give my impressions of it to help people as I think you wont get any better for price.see picture below if the leagues I am running. So far it's been quick to process the days so maybe I could run more.the game engine looks really good too.i think the battery life could be definitely better tho as seems to run down quite quick.its my first lap top for fm so really happy with it.any one wants to know more just ask.i know far better lap tops out there but for the price which is reasonable I thought this might help a few people


    @Smurf expressed some reservations about build quality. Can you give any insight on that?

  16. 59 minutes ago, Rookie FM said:

    £600 is my Budgets as I already got Power Supply(PSU) and Graphics card. All I need is Motherboard, Good CPU, Ram and Case as that about it!


    The Ryzen 5 3600 is probably the best value current gen CPU at the moment and a system based on that should come in well under your budget. You might stretch to the 3700x but that would be a marginal improvement unless you're running a lot of leagues. 

  17. 30 minutes ago, ThreeFiveTwo said:

    Hello everyone, i'm looking to upgrade my current laptop (Celeron N2830) to something more modern.

    I have got my eye on this: https://www.dell.com/en-uk/shop/laptops-notebooks-and-2-in-1-laptops/inspiron-15-5000/spd/inspiron-15-5593-laptop/cn59308?view=configurations

    I want to run ~5 leagues with a medium/large database using 2D... how would this laptop cope? E.g-The star rating during game set up. 

    It would be fine for that. Ice Lake processors like the one in this laptop run at quite low clock speeds, so you might consider a Comet Lake (also 10th gen) based laptop instead such as https://www.johnlewis.com/asus-vivobook-14-x412fa-ek865t-laptop-intel-core-i5-processor-8gb-ram-256gb-ssd-16gb-intel-optane-14-inch-full-hd which would be a bit faster. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Smurf said:

    Well that's not exactly what happens.


    Well it was slight hyperbole. But not much. Most of these laptops will have been perfectly functional when returned to Dell as in the low end it's just not worth investing a lot of time to fix the broken ones. That leaves the "careful examination" which will involve switching it on and checking the I/O, screen, touchpad and keyboard is all functional. 

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