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Official Oxford United Thread: 8.0.2


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this is hilarious, because i won the league and was tired i holidayed the last 7 games of the season in league 2, automatically nicholas mazzola played the last 7 games in the reserves league haha wait for it, he managed to grab and incredible 21 goals!! he ended up being the top goal scorer, says alot about the quality of forest green reserve players!!

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By 2013 (7th season) Mazzola has overtaken Ganea for the top striker position on my squad. He was actually chosen over Ganea in the 6th season by my Ass Man but I stuck with Ganea. So Mazzola is a definate purchase (20k)

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Going to do a little update with the players i have now signed.

There is alot of old ones i know.. But its for tutoring the younger ones/also being made into a coach when they retire at the club(shouldn't be too long)

Sburlea - Free

Butt - Free

Trundle - Free

N'Gotty - Free

M. Hall - Free

North - Loan(Watford)

Darcheville - 26k From Rangers

Robbie Savage - Loan (Derby)

Nade - 1k From Hearts

Filipe De costa - 5k From B.Rovers

Mozzola - 130k From independiente

Chalwe - 2k From F.C.A.K

A.Quinn - 30k From Ipswich

Not bad eh? Should keep me up i am sure. Can't wait for this season to begin.

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im well chuffed now, ive never had luck with regens due to work permits but now i have 4 which are top quality! a dutch regen left back ive followed the whole season and he went to vallodolod, well i needed a left back desperately, hes 18 and has a CA of 100 and a PA of 197! i put a bid of 1.2 mill plus 50 percent of my next sale and with a key player status he wants to join, i feel with rodney sneijder, douglas and ganea i can finally push for champiosnhip football

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At the end of january i was 10 points clear at top of blue, but then my team just stopped playing and completely fell apart! duffy got injured and i ended up in the playoffs losing to exeter!!

didnt win promo how embarassing!!

especially when everyone else is doing so well dont think i signed enough players!!!

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no idea my formation and tactics that worked so well all season just stopped working and my players just stopped performing i lost duffy in feb for the season he had already scored 31 goals! got in young sheringham but didnt do nowt!

im gutted might start again!

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ok guys help me out please! the amazing left back regen im trying to sign is soo close, but he wants an appearence fee of 2.1k which i would happily give considering his talent, however the board will only allow me 1.5k. I keep ofering this lad contracts, i just sold wellington for 1 milion to crystal palace, will adding more to the wage budget let me offer a higher appearence fee? icon14.gif

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ahh ok mate, you should be right, ill let you know how the nogotiatian goes, not the best of starts in league 2 althugh the losses were games i dominated, played 3 won 1 lost 2, ganea is also playing really well, matt what CA did your godly ganea end up with, mine has 122 so far

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haha i know mate, i jus hope a big club doesnt buy him next season and his value flies! im 5 million in balance now though so finances are looking great, potentially i could get a big fee transfer kitty next season, cross fingers its in the championship!

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Dutch left back regen

many would say his physical stats let him down but this can be improved, as you can see hes only 18 and a regular for the under 21 side, with some proper nurturing i hope this lad could become an oxford legend! btw how do i post this screenie so it just comes up as the image, i use photobucket btw

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He looks a great prospect, already his defensive stats are great and like you say his physical stats will improve. My only other concern would be his decisions stat, but as he learns and improves that will only increase. Let's hope he reaches his PA! icon_smile.gif

BTW, are you a Bolton fan and how did you get the Reebok as your background?! icon_biggrin.gif

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jessgreat regen you got there.

i'd like to share my regens as well. so far i bought three. two in my 2nd season, and one at the beginning of the 3rd. here they are:

andrius galkauskas, CA 98, PA 187


savvas alexandropoulos, CA 103, PA 179


fabrice dembelé, CA 103, PA 178


Season Table League 1


which training schedules are you using? i've never came up with one of my own since training seems to abtract for me. But i want my regens to develop well.

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I use the default training setup but I'm sure there are better in the tactics and training forum.

What positions are these regens mate?

Galkauskas looks like an AMC to me, he has great fitness for one so young and looks like a very creative player a la Jay-Jay Okocha when he was younger, without the flair or free kick proficiency. icon_wink.gif

Alexandropoulous I would guess is a striker/target man wih his heading and finishing ability and he seems to have pretty good physical stats as well. He lacks a bit in a few key areas if he is a ST, personally I would like greater anticipation, decisions and concentration, which could be his downfall on one-on-ones, hopefully these will improve and he looks great otherwise. icon14.gif

Dembele, well I'm not sure what position! Finishing and composure too low to be a striker, dribbling and crossing too low to be a winger and he's definitely not a defender. I would have guessed at DM, but then again anticipation is a bit low to be class there. I guess that leaves AMC??? You'll have to help me no this one! icon_wink.gif

Great work in the league btw, you'll be in the Championship in no time. icon14.gif

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Oh lol, did not only cut out the names but also the positions. you were right about galkauskas (AM LC) and alexandropolous (ST). dembelé is a natural DR who could also play as a DC. still need to work on his defensive stats. before the season he was chased by some french clubs monaco, toulouse, souchaux etc.

for alexandropolous i need some tutor to develop his mental stats but so far i couldn't bring in some experienced striker though ronaldo is on a free...but he doesn't want to join oxford.

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Hey lads, this is my first season in charge, started late last night so I didn't have much time to play.

Just a wee minor update for you all. I'm glad to say that my new team are gelling quickly and I top the table by 2 points.

07/08 Season - Blue Square Premier Results:


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jaaaws, ah okay, I really didn't think Dembele would be a defender lol. He needs to work on his marking, tackling, composure, anticipation and possibly decisions but he's young and he'll improve a lot. icon_smile.gif

rfcabd, great start mate! Keep it up and you'll walk the league! icon14.gif

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mattlol im not a bolton fan although i can see where your coming from! i have stadium backgrounds downloaded which continue to appear after the match icon_biggrin.gif this one is huddersfield, im questioning your true knowledge of your team now lol joking, it does look very similar to the jjb and the reebok, ye lets hope he develops

jaws great regens mate, i usually look for a CA of atleast 95 before signing a player with a massive PA, i also have a bulgarian right back regen who is averaging an increase of 2 CA'S a month if u get what i mean icon14.gif

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ahh ur right mate lol i played huddersfield just before bolton icon_biggrin.gif anyone got any ideas as to what teams in lesser european countrys such as sweden norway produce the best regens? ive kind of realised as well it doesnt matter whether a player plays for milan or madrid if u offer them a good wage they come !

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Originally posted by jess boi:

jaws great regens mate, i usually look for a CA of atleast 95 before signing a player with a massive PA, i also have a bulgarian right back regen who is averaging an increase of 2 CA'S a month if u get what i mean icon14.gif

what training schedules are you using?

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ah like ypresfr you use the default schedules of the game? maybe i should change back to them. lol i was using some schedule i found in another forum but my players didn't seem to develop. now i've changed to another. i'll see what will happen..

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tbh mate i havent a clue about training schedules, i suppose there must be some that really work well but then again some tactics dont work which mean some training schedules wont be effective, still mate if you find another one bar the default that works fair play icon14.gif i think training facilities will also make a difference tbh, mines upgrading in 3 months so well see!

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im here mate, started league 1 about 4 hours ago and still only played 10 games! looking round for some more talented regens to buy lol, just found an 18 year old romanian striker with a PA of 177 so not bad, have you just started oxford mate?

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Originally posted by dexta200:

im here mate. not currently playing as oxford but im here if you need a hand. how you doing in your game?

Hey dexta.

My game is going pretty well, i still top the table, by 4 points now, York are second. While fellow 'title contenders' Exeter are struggling to stay above the relegation zone.

I have a GD of around +25, 33 goals scored, 8 against, in around 12 games.

I'll keep you updated, i'm just in, so i'm going to continue =)

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Here's the regen:


Doing well at the moment:


Carling Cup: lost to Blackburn on pens in the 4th round.

JPT: lost 2nd round to Northampton on pens (7 first teamers were suspended or injured)

FA Cup: up next 3rd round vs Luton Town

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