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how does the weather affect your tactics?

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i know this has been mentioned on here somewhere but ill throw it out there anyway.

does the weather have much bearing on how you set up your tactics? ie if its wet and wild should u alter your passing and tempo and if so, to what? also what implications does the size of the pitch have on passing and what happens if pitch size and weather conflict each other?

ie if you have a big pitch and you go with the ideal tempo and passing for its size, what happens if its lashing it down and those tactics are then pointless because of the weather??

does the weather then overide pitch size or visa versa?? or is there a happy medium?

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I've found that 'weather' trumps 'pitch size'. Primarily because even if I know that eg direct balls into the corners with my 'standard' passing works on that pitch, strong winds may mean such balls need to be cut out of my game because they may never actually work. Equally, they may work even better upon occasions.

Which is me kind of saying that I make the changes for weather ingame. Changes for pitch size I tend to make before the game kicks off and then fine tune during the match itself. Usually this is less about tempo (I manage in the lower reaches of the English leagues - I'd probably make larger concessions in some regards for countries with a warmer climate :D) and more about adjustments for width and passing. They aren't frequently 'major' changes - but even a couple of clicks is equivalent to a 10% or so difference...

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