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The Celtic FC 2008/09 Thread - League titles, biscuit tins, terrible football and absolutely no riots.

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Ah, now the usual boring personal abuse... You certainly do not care about the subject, eh?

We care about the subject of the banner, we dont care for your attempts to justify it.

Is it really that hard to understand?

No need to reply I'll finish this.

OMG You dont care about it do you?

:D :D :D :D

Go away....'troll'

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**** me, what happened in here? And in Parkhead yesterday?

Anyway, pretty glad i was at Connect this weekend. I didn't find out the score until about half 9 last night when i was at one of the most amazing sets of live music i've ever witnessed (Sigur Ros) btw, so i just went "ffs" and put my phone away. Will probably have all the rabid dogs trying to wind me up tomorrow cos i wasn't in today. Refusing to care much. I was in a big muddy field enjoying fantastic music, couldn't care less about football at that time.

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if Tommy Burns never had anything to do with that banner then the registration of the ambulance 'TB01' is one hell of a coincidence

TBO is The Blue Order, a Rangers group and the banner had nothing to do with POD or TB

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and well, since they were only too happy to report an incident in their thread as some sort of one upmanship regarding Lennon's assualt...

A mother and her two children were attacked by a gang of Rangers fans after Sunday’s Celtic versus Rangers match at Celtic Park.

The cowardly and violent attack occurred when Clare Martin and her two sons, Zacary aged 12 and Harris aged 6, were returning in the family car to their home in Tollcross, Glasgow.

Describing her assailants as “animals”, Clare Martin revealed she feared for her young sons’ lives.

A hooligan gang of Rangers fans targeted the mother and two young boys because Zacary was wearing a Celtic top.

The thugs smashed up the family’s car while the terrified mother and her two young sons cowered inside.

Clare Martin said: “They were animals. I feared for my kids’ lives.”

Clare Martin added: “They kicked and punched the front and side of my car and hit it with some kind of weapon.”

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Whilst I think the banner was harmless, i can't believe that no one from TBO didn't realise the commotion this was going to cause. I mean, did they really need to put TBO1 on the numberplate?

I genuinely don't believe their anger is solely borne from bitterness at losing the game, as it was always going to cause a commotion had they lost, won or drawn the game.

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the thing above with the mother and her kids is mindless idiots by the way, nobody who is an honest Rangers supporter wouldn't condone anything as stupid as having a go at kids because they were wearing a Celtic strip

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I shudder to think if Frankie actually believes half the nonsense he spouts.

Ach he's just a second rate version of that ***** edgar who shows up on real radio.

Why is Boruc getting in bother now for the heinous offence of giving Rangers fans the finger? Ok, it was pathetic and stupid especially since he had had a dire game, and Strachan needs to find someone brave enough to boot his baws. It just always ****es me off what fans can get away with in comparison to players (the above banner, songs about child abuse and dead folk, stuff about Boruc's wife, that laughable song about the famine).

Blegh, Scotland looks a lot like a cesspool at times.

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happened last night, the game was yesterday? and apparently the story has been twisted by the media, not really a surprise though

same with the story about the kids and their maw

I'm sure Lenny will be in the paper with "victim" all over it tomorrow

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happened last night, the game was yesterday? and apparently the story has been twisted by the media, not really a surprise though

same with the story about the kids and their maw

I'm sure Lenny will be in the paper with "victim" all over it tomorrow

It's all getting out of hand with Nacho Novo's address being posted and people encouraged to go and do him. If the stories about what happened are true then Lennon won't be anywhere near the papers as he'll want it all to be forgotten about pretty quickly.

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Forget? I dont think so

celtic football club statement

Newsroom Staff

FOLLOWING reports of an assault on Celtic first-team coach Neil Lennon last night (Sunday, August 31), a spokesperson for Celtic Football Club said: “We can confirm that while walking home alone last night, Neil Lennon was the victim of a serious assault by two men. The assault came after Neil was subjected to sectarian abuse.

"It is understood that during the course of the attack Neil lost consciousness. He was then taken by ambulance to hospital where his injuries were treated and he was later released.

"Strathclyde Police are carrying out an investigation into the assault, and clearly Neil will be fully co-operating with this.”

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Two sides to every story...

Last night in Ashton Lane a certain Mr Neil Lennon was up to his old tricks again, shouting and singing sectarian abuse (plenty of witnesses to this) when he was given the evil eye by a couple of bears outside Ubiqutous Chip. Bold Lennon goes up, shoves one guy and proceeds to get an absolute doing putting him in casualty for the night. Resulting in several stitches to the mouth and concussion, he was literally black and blue.

Lennon was so ****ed and in such a state that he wet himself and vomited all over himself also. Coming to at the hospital and realising the ramifications no complaint was made.

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and well, since they were only too happy to report an incident in their thread as some sort of one upmanship regarding Lennon's assualt...

A TERRIFIED mum told last night how she and her two young sons cowered in terror as a gang of Rangers thugs attacked their car after yesterday’s Old Firm game.

The hooligans smashed up Clare Martin’s motor and hurled vile abuse — because her 12-year-old son Zacary was wearing a Celtic top.

Clare, 36, said: “They were animals. I feared for my kids’ lives. They kicked and punched the front and side of my car and and hit it with some kind of weapon.”

Clare was driving Zacary and Harris, six, back to their home in Tollcross, Glasgow, when the yobs set upon them.

What, this car?


Aye looks like someone has gave that bonnet a right tanking.

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Hinkel recalled to Germany squad

That’s if he gets a game, bench warmer if anything else….I always think its great to have players in there international squads not too sure your Gk will be missed on that form with him being out suspended.

Then again injuries can crop up…………..

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Whilst I think the banner was harmless, i can't believe that no one from TBO didn't realise the commotion this was going to cause. I mean, did they really need to put TBO1 on the numberplate?

I genuinely don't believe their anger is solely borne from bitterness at losing the game, as it was always going to cause a commotion had they lost, won or drawn the game.

Yep, how dare we put our group initials and the number one on our banner...! I find it incredible that people - even Celtic fans - are going to the lengths suggested to try and associate our group initials with the tragic death of Tommy Burns. Even more so that people are giving credence to such a ridiculous and unfounded accusation.

Talk about a storm in a tea cup...

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Ach he's just a second rate version of that ***** edgar who shows up on real radio.

Why is Boruc getting in bother now for the heinous offence of giving Rangers fans the finger? Ok, it was pathetic and stupid especially since he had had a dire game, and Strachan needs to find someone brave enough to boot his baws. It just always ****es me off what fans can get away with in comparison to players (the above banner, songs about child abuse and dead folk, stuff about Boruc's wife, that laughable song about the famine).

Blegh, Scotland looks a lot like a cesspool at times.

Christ almightly...

The fella has done it several times now and the excuses made for him are now becoming pathetic. As is the suggestion that one set of fans are the only ones that get away with offensive banners and laughable songs.

The hypocrisy and faux moral outrage is - as always - astonishing.

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Whilst I think the banner was harmless, i can't believe that no one from TBO didn't realise the commotion this was going to cause. I mean, did they really need to put TBO1 on the numberplate?

I genuinely don't believe their anger is solely borne from bitterness at losing the game, as it was always going to cause a commotion had they lost, won or drawn the game.

This organisation isn't naive, they fully knew what they were doing and no excuses from any of their apologists will change that.

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Getting away from the aftermath of yesterday.

Were you guys expecting some signings today?

I was hoping that Strachan was giving us the old double bluff, not confident now although Fletcher as Stephen suggest wouldn't be a total shock.

A LEFT BACK please, minimum.

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