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A Promotion Winning Tactic - With NO Tweaking At All - Home or Away!

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Started a new game with Luton Town using this tactic.

Brought in a couple of target men and some quick defenders as suggested.

So far I'm getting mixed results, I've just reached Christmas in my first season and I'm currently 14th.

Will keep you updated.

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Yes, what I find curious is all the tweaking and retweaking that some people insist on doing.

AND, the fact that SI insist it's not about formation anymore when it certainly is. Admittedly they have made it harder to find a decent one but the right formation can make your team 50% better.

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Thing I am noticing and not surprised about your midfielders need high, really high work rate

That is something i should have pointed out myself. The two midfielders do work hard to break up attacks and win back possession.

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Finished my first season in 15th.

All the settings were right for the forwards; target man was in the middle and dragged into the target man list.

To be fair he (Dichio) had a good season and was transfer of the season for the Championship.

It was the rest of the team where I had problems. Other 2 strikers would go for long periods without scoring, only 1 of my midfielders showed any consistency and the defence was pretty average.

I'll look into the work rate of the central midfielders, maybe that was the problem.

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in my third season with MK Dons got promoted in first season and just missed out on relegation second, so tried this tactic in third after about 10 or so games and i have played 10 games wth it. Unforutnately i don't have an out and out target man but my results are as follows:

Using Jordy Brouwer from liverpool as my target man on loan, however just ageed a deal to bring Steve Howard and James Scowcroft to the club on Jan 1st, whisc should help me out:

Played: 11

Won: 2

Drew: 6

Lost: 3

For: 11

Aga: 9

However i lost my 3 games 1 in the league to run away leaders Leicester and in the Johnstones paint trophy and Carling Cup.

Really good at not conceeding however having a lot of trouble finishing teams off. I have pretty good forwards as well. Izale McLeod, Leon Knight, Jordy Brouwer and Fabio Ferraira (Chelsea youth).

Plenty of potential just think its does need a little tweak

I had a player sent off in 3 consecutive games, which hasn't helped.

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Argie: Hang in there! Your at the stage were things should start falling into place and hitting that consistantly.

If it is working correctly i would expect to see a significant improvement over the next 11 games. Let us know either way.

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How do I get my target man to flick it down to either side? Don't think i've come across this option before...

Just select TM as normal and if you have two other strikers with some pace they 'run on' whilst the TM does the flick automaticallly.

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I havent had much time to play my Sunderland game but this is how the third season has started for me...

fm2007if1.png] [/url]

Bear in mind that this was achieved with NO TWEAKING AT ALL. Won the European Supercup. Still in the new Euro Cup and more importantly, sitting top of the EPL unbeaton inb all competitions.

Have i just been lucky, will it all fall apart?

Only time will tell.

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Finished my season with yeovil 3rd 1 point behind 2nd, lost in the play offs icon_frown.gif

however I was predicted to go down so it has been a awesome tactic

I went through patches when I couldn't win though which was really annoying

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Finished the season in 9th with MK Dons, quite a good season, but expected a bit better with my squad.

Played: 46

Won: 18

Drew : 10

Lost :18

For: 70

Against: 57

Just a really frustrating tactic all in all. Worked really well when i played teams playing a 3-5-2 tactic, best results both against Peterborough home and away 3-0 away 4-1 at home. Best striker was actually the forward to the left Fabio Ferreira in my case, scored a terrific 22 in 42 games. Will try the tactic again next season, need a better target man and one better midifielder, however since i didn't get promoted 3 of my top players won't sign new contracts and will be away, so they need replaced also. Think very pacy skillful strikers work well alongside the target man.

My target man Jordy Brouwer had a poor season. Only netting 8 times in 30+ games.

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Seems we are getting some very different feedback, anything from terrible to awesome and even legenary!

What i would ask though is if you are going to try the tactic CAN YOU PLEASE TEST IT IN IT'S ORIGINAL FORMAT?

If you want to tweak it only do so AFTER you have given it a proper chance.

I started a new game with Conference North side Workington just to give it a try with a different team. As before it took a few games to settle in and then i moved to the top of the League, BUT then i tried tweaking. I only adjusted ONE slider and i lost the next 5 games!

So PLEASE if you want to give feedback either good or bad that is good, but do so on the original set up first.

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6 games into my 4th season and having an absolute stinker. Sitting 24th, played 6 won 0 drew 1 and lost 5, scored 1 and conceeded 11, Just not working. Im in desperate need of a winning formula.

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andysafc this is brilliant tatic ive only played like 15 games with Vauxhall Motors on the Weegie Update and ive only lost 2 and drawn 3 and won the rest, my strikers love this formation, and i bought Mark Sale and hes scored 5 goals already i bought him after 10 games. also im wondering how many leagues youve tried this in?

KUTGW icon14.gif

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Unfortunately the only positive I've seen in this tactic is it's ability to punish the AI when it switches to 4-2-4. Since the creator stressed heavily on not tweaking, I had to sit back and watch my vastly superior side get toppled by cellar dwellers on a regular basis without doing a thing (I attempted to adjust the D-Line, but again, results were just way too inconsistent for me to buy into the theory).

I'll definitely be switching back to my much more consistent previous tactic.

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andysafc this is brilliant tatic ive only played like 15 games with Vauxhall Motors on the Weegie Update and ive only lost 2 and drawn 3 and won the rest, my strikers love this formation, and i bought Mark Sale and hes scored 5 goals already i bought him after 10 games. also im wondering how many leagues youve tried this in?


Demsey is god: You've hit in on what was happening with me. Vauxhall Motors is a difficult team to manage because they are poor to start with and hard to improve because they don't have the potencial. But then that makes it all the more sweeter when you can get any sort of success.

I've used this tactic with Lewes, Workington, Sunderland and the USA.

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Originally posted by andysafc:

Ok then, try new link for the tactic.

Thanks Andy, will try this with my Stevenage team who I brought from the conference to League 1 but can't seem to get any higher. And am £4,000,000 in debt due to the club never making a profit. Should be interesting. I'm about to start 2014/2015, i'l report back after a while.

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Thanks Andy, will try this with my Stevenage team who I brought from the conference to League 1 but can't seem to get any higher. And am £4,000,000 in debt due to the club never making a profit. Should be interesting. I'm about to start 2014/2015, i'l report back after a while.

Do you have the suitable players? Because with that debt it's going to be hard to bring any in.

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Originally posted by andysafc:

Ghoulies: You CLEARLY have not read the thread properly, if you had i'm sure you would have noticed it is not intended to be used with 'vastly superior sides' but instead against them.

Andy: You CLEARLY (ooh isn't caps lock fun?) have misinterpreted my post. I'm using a conference side, which for the half the time, would be considered anything bar vastly superior. I'd go into one week facing a side that was roughly my equal, and I'd typically come away with a draw/win, but then when I'd face a side whose odds had blown out, I'd face the consistent losing margin of 0-1 or 0-2.

At no stage did I suggest that my side was vastly superior in relation to the rest of my competition. I stated that it was in relation to certain weaker sides where my superiority was obvious, but since you stressed that tactical consistency was required before genuine results would be found, I refused to tinker with the sliders.

The tactic has obviously worked for others here, but just doesn't seem to suit my current setup. Don't take it personally.

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I have a couple more questions!

I have started a game with Newport County in the Conference South. Playing above expectations at the moment in the first season (relegation candidates but sitting 5th). I lost a scout to charlton recently and got £20k compensation. So I want to beef up the midfield. Am I right in saying for this tactic, the RMC is a defensive mid and the LMC is a slightly more attacking one? Are there any stats I should be looking for? My DMC is ave 7.50 at the moment, so need to fill the LMC with someone decent.

Also, for full back, do I purely need pace and acceleration with basic defensive capabilities, or should I be looking for crossing/dribbling too?

I find the tactic is consistent for me, but I think I need to know more about the right players needed to get Andy's level of success. I perform sometimes above expectations or meet expectations, which while not ruling the world, is realistic. Thats enough for me, I just want to assemble a good squad to move it up. Hope Andy can shed some more light on the players needed! Thanks!

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Ghoulies: It was you who used the words 'vastly superior side' and yet did not state which team nor which division they were in, so it is easy to 'misinterperate' your words as i have to try and guess. I came to the conclsion that you could have been using a super team (Man u, Chelsea etc) because i don't think anyone in the lower leagues is vastly siperior to anyone else. Yes some teams are better than others but... vastly superior?

CelticWiseman: It is one thing saying which sort of players to go for, but something else to actually get them! As i've stated already i would bring in Mark Sale, he does the TM job effectivly and should cost nowt. Ben Wilkinson (Hull City Reserves) he can be harder to get because sometimes other teams compete with you.

Have you requested a Feeder Club from your board?

As well as bringing in some money check their reserves and youths as you won't have to pay ANY wages at all.

DEFENDERS: At the lowest level i concentrate on pace and tackling for fullbacks and include heading for CD's. TEN should be the minimum number for each stat although at the start of the game i may need to go slightly lower to ensure i get enough players in.

MIDFIELDERS: Your right in saying that the two midfilders were set up as one slightly attacking (right) and one attacking (left) BUT having said that i still try to get both that can tackle as well as pass (10 in each stat at this level)

As the game progreeses though always look to strengthen any position as and when you can.

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With my Sunderland team i had previously been promoted from the Championship, finished 7th in the EPL last season and won the Euro Cup.

This season my target was to break into the top 4 so i could have a crack at the European Cup.

So far this season i have won the Euro Super Cup.

Take a look at my defensive record for the USA and now for Sunderland...

fm2007iu2.png] [/url]

That is a cracking defensive record surely?

Please note that the defence should not be as brilliant when used at the lower league level due to the quality of players prone to mistakes.

As i said i aimed for a top 4 finish but look at how it's going so far...

bafflinggy0.png] [/url]

Can i really win the title with Sunderland?

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Very impressive. Could I be a pain and upload a save game for you to check out? Will upload my Blackburn game to my website and you can have a look at who I play and my results? If you have the time that is, would be appreciated. I think this tactic rules, but need a pointer in what makes it work.

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This is my first ever post. Struggled and tampered for seasons with various clubs and tactics. This one is proving to be a glorious one. took over Metz who were bottom of French 2nd League and in 10 games have got them to 10th with your tactic. Do sometimes get played off the park though especially away, are you sure I should remain tweak free?

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rjmprospero: What i asked was if you want to give the tactic a chance first to try it and give it time to gel. However if anyone feels they need to tweak it to improve it them by all means do so.

It could be even more so in your scenario since you are using a different country.

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This game is as easy as abc...

a) Create chances

b) On Target

c) goals

If you get a & b right you don't need to worry about c.


This is further proof that to many people concentrate on the wrong stats. Possession and passing are important, right? WRONG!

Look at the high amount of shots on target ratio. Look at the result. That talk much loader than any other stat.

I played 8 games with the USA during the qualifying stage and one every one.

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When you click on the link scroll down just slightly to where it says...


Server 1 | Server 2

Cick on either one of them - no passwords or registering needed!

burtybops: This link was on this page!

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