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A Promotion Winning Tactic - With NO Tweaking At All - Home or Away!

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Im here to tell you they i got the promotion. It was secured when there was 7 games to play and it has been my best results ever on this level. Heres the table:

championsleague2hb0.th.png]league 2 champions[/url]

At home i had a record of 22 wins and 1 draw. My target man scored 48 goals.

The real challenge now is to see how it can cope when im not favourite in most of my matches. I will however start to attack in all of my games including if im major underdogs in the cups.

If it can do well in league 1 with minor capital support i think we have a chance even with FM08.

Has anyone had any experience with this, good or bad?

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SUNNY: I got Histon promoted from the Blue Square Premier to Division 2 with my own 'non tweaked' tactic, but knowing that you should be wary of going into the second season without changing and Sunny putting this tactic up for testing, it semed like a good chance to try it.

It was up against it though as i was in a division higher with a small team even in it's previous division. I was tipped rather predictably to be relegated.

I had brought in virtually a full new set of players with only a few pre-season games under their belts.

However it has started quite promising. So far in a nice mid-table spot and put Millwall out the League Cup!

I like the way the fullbacks get right up and yet arn't to exposed with the 3 man central defence. The football is quite good to watch. But so far i've only used the Control one as i feel my team maybe arn't strong enough or gelled yet to go on the attack.

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Originally posted by andysafc:

SUNNY: I got Histon promoted from the Blue Square Premier to Division 2 with my own 'non tweaked' tactic, but knowing that you should be wary of going into the second season without changing and Sunny putting this tactic up for testing, it semed like a good chance to try it.

It was up against it though as i was in a division higher with a small team even in it's previous division. I was tipped rather predictably to be relegated.

I had brought in virtually a full new set of players with only a few pre-season games under their belts.

However it has started quite promising. So far in a nice mid-table spot and put Millwall out the League Cup!

I like the way the fullbacks get right up and yet arn't to exposed with the 3 man central defence. The football is quite good to watch. But so far i've only used the Control one as i feel my team maybe arn't strong enough or gelled yet to go on the attack.

The main concern in this tweaked one is the wingbakcs. They overlap in attack and defend when needed. Stamina and pace are two vital attributes.

But gellingvise, you could be right. I played the attack version every matchfrom late novembeer and troughout may.

What i like about this is that i rarely play a bad match, at least in league 2. Havent started my league 2 campaign yet, but i think i could do well. Have Spurs as my parent club so hope they will help me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
andy and sunny

how do you manage team-talk? I can't find good thread about team talk in FM07.

Ahh going back to 07 and remembering you don't get the Ass Man recommendation for team talks.

If i remember correctly it wasn't that bad, depending on the match odds choose the option.

For example... if slight favs or slight underdogs then choose 'we can win this' or 'good luck' if strong favs 'I expect a win' and strong underdogs 'No Pressure'.

In general these will do fine although you can go more deep and give individual players instructions according to morale.

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You can't have his recommendations, but you can set him up to do Team Talks for you, and that's what I've been doing in FM2007: sign Ass Man with very high Motivation and let him do all the talking icon_smile.gif

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Oh and also one question about 07 version: I've found that wingers perform better than strikers in the left and right FC position, is this normal?

I believe Celticwiseman pointed out that if you use a left footer on the left and a right on the right it is more effective. Whether there is any difference between a FCL and a AML is unknown. I guess it is a case of what player works for your team rather than the actual position. Either way stick to the left and right footed principals.

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Thanks. Another question: is offside trap really needed? I'm asking because it seems that it's not doing anything for me. I rarely manage to get an opponent on offside, and besides referees are sometimes blind and my opponents score even though it was an obvious offside..

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Thanks. Another question: is offside trap really needed? I'm asking because it seems that it's not doing anything for me. I rarely manage to get an opponent on offside, and besides referees are sometimes blind and my opponents score even though it was an obvious offside..

Then try the obvious and untick it and see how it goes.

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This thread continues because quite simply it give the best untweaked tactic available for FM07. Like it or not though the game has moved on and it is getting harder to come up with something that works untweaked.

I've had several tactics that have worked but then they all seem to fail around the same time. Tactic to blame or coincedence?

Nah it's the match engine. If you keep playing the same thing hen the opponents will figure you out. So... i'm not one for tweaking for each match or even in game so the next best thing is to come up with a 'tactical set'.

Some peoples tactical sets can range from 5 setups to as many as 16 but i keep it simple.

I have designed two tactics that are very similar to each other but still offer something different.

Call them what you want but they should be used on the basis of home/away or favourites/underdogs.

I have never found it hard to make a home tactic on FM08 but i have found it hard to make an away one. I always thought that whatever you played at home, for away you would need to go more direct with quicker counter style - but that never worked for me as i just lost possession. So for the away tactic i went the opposite - slower and shorter to try and keep possession. So far it's working in that i usually get more shots both home and away.

I doubt that it will be the answer to my FM07 tactic which went on to win evertything. In FM08 you need to lower your sights but try to overachieve.

For example with Sunderland i should be happy to avoid relegation, with this set up i'm hoping for a top half finish.

With Mansfield i should be looking to stay in the League but i'm looking towards promotion. Well they are my targets.

It is a very unorthadox tactic if anyone would like to try it then i'll put it on here tonight.

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When it's good it's amazing...

safcfd4.jpg] [/url]

Of course it isn't always like that, a couple of games ago i lost 1-6 to Tottenham but i still believe that if people don't want to tweak, don't want to touch the OI, then this is for you.

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I have questions to all who debate this tactic.(andy's 07 tactic, not 08)

1. what exactly attributes do my players need to play well? of course I saw sunny's comment(page 17) about which attributes have to be choosed to play effectively with this tactic. I really want to know order of attributes(order of important attributes) to need for each player's position.

2. can I use AML/R players as FCL/R with this tactic?

I have managed Reading with this tactic.. Away game is terrible and even Home game is not good.. I used good trainer for 5 stars and read Teamtalk thread very much.

Yes. It is a just game but I am disappointed about result.

I really really want you to help me.

ps)I'm studying english sorry for my bad grammar.

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Hey Lads, what's up? No responses huh?

Have you lost faith in FM or in me?

Remember it took me quite awhile to get that FM 07 tactic finished. Give me time!

Ok so my last one didn't quite work.

What about this one though...

I've only played five Leugue Games with it but take a look at this...

safcsl0.jpg] [/url]

I haven't tested it with other teams yet and i don't know if anyone is still interested anymore.

If anyones is still interested then i'll upload it tomorrow, if not then as Andy Worhol said "Everyone is famous for 15 minutes" i guess i've had my go!

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Sorry for not trying this out, but i have been working on my own tactics for nearly a month now and im testing it with three differnt clubs over a whole season. And with two kids running around it is not easy to play FM! HEHEHE.

I dont like holiday testing so im going through a whole season with three teams and that takes time!

But i will test it once im through testing and launching my own.

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Originally posted by bilkar1985:

erm andy..lennons away looks the same as the home version..I hope I'm wrong..

Only shape is the same like home version.

This tactic work great, if you have AM and ST with good long shoots.

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erm andy..lennons away looks the same as the home version..I hope I'm wrong..

The away version used the same formation but slightly different settings. I thought it worked well for some teams but i still wasn't satisfied so i continued to change it. My newest one was used to provide the last screenshot (bottom of last page) i'll upload the tactic later this morning.

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Andyfc, using your tactics you posted.. the home and away on the previous post, I took watford to the prem via the playoffs in the 1st season, and now in the Prem i'm half way through the season and 8th!

I had an amazing christmas period with a 3-2 victory at anfield! 2-2 at home to chelsea and 1-1 away to arsenal!

I used the away version in the prem because i was always the underdog. The tactic is a little unpredictable.. i was on the wrong end of some heavy defeats 4-0 at home to Newcastle where owen destroyed me is one example. But I feel it does what you said.

It is a tactic that allows the team to overachieve, but realistically.

i will use your new version you just tested and see how things go.

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Andyfc, using your tactics you posted.. the home and away on the previous post, I took watford to the prem via the playoffs in the 1st season, and now in the Prem i'm half way through the season and 8th!

I had an amazing christmas period with a 3-2 victory at anfield! 2-2 at home to chelsea and 1-1 away to arsenal!

I used the away version in the prem because i was always the underdog. The tactic is a little unpredictable.. i was on the wrong end of some heavy defeats 4-0 at home to Newcastle where owen destroyed me is one example. But I feel it does what you said.

It is a tactic that allows the team to overachieve, but realistically.

i will use your new version you just tested and see how things go.

I did think that tactic had the potential to kick on but lack of feedback meant i moved on, but i'm quite happen with the one i'm using now as i feel it uses players in their natural positons better.

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Hi andy just about to start my first season in prem with carlisle, should be interesting, after getting promotion from playoffs. with your home and away tactic, mainly the away tactic didn't try it until after christmas when i was 15th. finished 3rd. will try your new tactic along with your home and away. probably the away, as i can't see me being favourite's in any, i'll try and keep you updated with progress.

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Originally posted by CelticWiseman:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Tommy951:

Team finally gelled


Not a fan of print screen then? Ha!

From the blurs, they look like good results! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

lol icon_biggrin.gif

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Right lads sorry to kep messing you around but with this next tactic i believe i have cracked it!

The good points are...

Good defence, goals, good positions and OVERACHIEVES!

Bad Points are...

Some minimal tweaking is nessassary.

I have tried this with Sunderland, Mansfield and Frankfurt.

With Sunderland i was in the EPL Top 7 all season and should finish Top 6. Currently in the Semi Final of the League Cup and 4th Round FA Cup.

Played Man Utd, Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool and none of them beat us, admittedly though most were draws.

With Mansfield it just doesn't work. I found that you need decent players, not World Class players but certainly decent players. Players at the lower level don't work as the just don't have enough ability.

Frankfurt are down for a battle against relegation but without buying a single player i am flying at the top of the League and still in the Cup. Frankfurt have some good players though so the tactic shines against any team. Just like Sunderland, minimal signings but massive overachieving.

Will post some screens this afternoon with a download link.

Highly recommended for anyone using a team from the top 2 Divisions.

CELTICWISEMAN: If you are still watching i hope you can try it with your beloved Blackburn team as i believe it is suited to them.

Players required...

It uses a 5-3-2 formation with 2 F/B and 3 CD's but the middle one is crucial as he has a farrow and mine always gets a good rating. CD/DM recommended.

3 Midfielders but no wide players. All 3 support the attack. The middle one is a AM and a playmaker. This player can make or break your game which is one of the reasons it doesn't work at lower level. Creative and a eye for the goal recommended.

2 Strikers. Go for pace here rather than the TM type for maximum effect. If you get decent pace here you will see these players performing much better than they were before. Good all round abilites but mainly pace, composure and finishing.

As i said you don't need brilliant World Class players but good ones. Maybe brilliant ones will work better, never tried it yet.

Right lads i'm asking for your patience and one last throw of the dice. I believe i've descovered something this time. Keep the faith. icon_wink.gif

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Make sure the PLAYMAKER tab is selected both HOME and AWAY.

Use the same setting and formation for Home and Away except...

Width - Home is Centre, Away is first notch from centre to narrow.

Time Wasting - Home is first of Rarely from normal, Away is middle.

Away Games select Counter Attack.

Cup Games against lower opposition and/or when you are strong favourates at home (not away)...

Inrease width and D/L to about one or two more than mentality.

You could make a home and away version but i have found that by just moving the slidders per game as required gets better results. Once you get used to it, it really is just a couple of slidders (width and T/W) for each normal League game. You don't need to be a rocket scientist LOL!

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Originally posted by andysafc:

No Sunny, try this one <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">ANDYSAFC TACTIC

it is very good if you are a decent team. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK will do. As you remember i took the norwegian side Tromsø to become Champions Cup winners. I will now challenge it again.

Wish me luck

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OK will do. As you remember i took the norwegian side Tromsø to become Champions Cup winners. I will now challenge it again.

Wish me luck

Good Luck icon_wink.gif

If Tromso have some good quality in their team then you can do it!

I found that with my previous tactics they started well but faded due to not tweaking. Tweaking only needs to be minimal but so long as you keep them sliders moving bacwards and forwards per game then it appears that they don't stop you in the same manner they did before.

Just remember that when you are away put C/A on at home switch it off, unless against the top 4.

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Originally posted by andysafc:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">OK will do. As you remember i took the norwegian side Tromsø to become Champions Cup winners. I will now challenge it again.

Wish me luck

Good Luck icon_wink.gif

If Tromso have some good quality in their team then you can do it!

I found that with my previous tactics they started well but faded due to not tweaking. Tweaking only needs to be minimal but so long as you keep them sliders moving bacwards and forwards per game then it appears that they don't stop you in the same manner they did before.

Just remember that when you are away put C/A on at home switch it off, unless against the top 4. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do you have a certain player description?

-i guess the AMC is the playmaker.

-FC postitions amc/fc with good crossing?

-the two mc, are they your main goalscorers

thank you in advance

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Do you have a certain player description?

-i guess the AMC is the playmaker.

-FC postitions amc/fc with good crossing?

-the two mc, are they your main goalscorers

thank you in advance

I find that this tactic provides quite a few options for scoring goals.

1 - Best header challenging G/K

2 - AMC (Playmaker)

3 - Two strikers get a good share

4 - The other two attacking Midfielders can chip in.


Lastly, remember to use the Time Wasting according to the game.

HOME - Depending on how your controlling the game, but around the 60 min mark if winning consider moving it up (about 12), 75 minutes (upto 15 or 16).

Away matches it starts on 10, so if you are ahead at HT move it upto about 15, and then to about 17 or 18 later in the half. Don't move it up to quick to soon!

The tweaks really arn't hard it's just a pain to concentrate fully on the match all the time.

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hi andy.

Have you tested this with a DM with Barrow and Wingbacks with Barrows?

No. I thought that W/b's with barrows worked well on 8.01 but not so good on 8.02.

So far i don't see any need to change anything.

This is my update with Sunderland...

safcgw5.jpg] [/url]

This is coming towards the end of the first season and i should qualify for Europe. 6th place pays UEFA Vase minimum dependant on Cup Winners. If i do qualify for Europe then i will have a good season to look forward to next season.

Have you all set up your set pieces?

Set Pieces, Corner takers and Penalties all add to the goal and points tally.

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I got a message from Chelsea today offering me Andriy Shevchenko on a free transfer. I accepted but his demands were £86,000 a week!

My maximum available was £46,000 so i increased his signing on fee and bonus's but still didn't expect to get, but subject to a work permit - i have!

It'll be the first time that i've reach season 2 on FM08 and i'm enjoying the game again!

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Downloaded AndySAFC's tactics and tried it with Darlington. After the first eleven or so games I was top of the league and stay there or thereabouts until the end of the season. Won League Two by 5 points. Spent £10,000 all season on transfers and got loads of players on loan. Just about to embark on my League One assault!! Top tactic, well done AndySAFC! You can always trust a Sunderland fan to delivery thegoods....unlikely the mags icon_wink.gif

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Saintmackem - TBH i'm surprised it worked so well for Darlington, but pleased nonetheless.

People often complain about the second season blues but not me!

Only played 5 games so far..

Aston Villa (draw), West Brom (win), Liverpool (lose), Man Utd (win), Chelsea (win). Now i'm in first postion. The Liverpool defeat was injustice. I had 8 shots, 6 on target - they had 2 shots, 1 on target and won 1-0!

Can't complain though icon_biggrin.gif

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