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Serious Bug Found

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I have just posted this in the bugs forum.

This is quite an odd bug and I'm sure this was not present in earlier versions.

I have both the Russian and Dutch leagues as playable.

The Russian league starts in I think February where as the Dutch 2nd half of the season starts in January.

When you start the game for the very first time and choose a team in Russia, then you would expect results to have been generated for the Dutch league for the first half of their season, otherwise their season would appear to be just what would be the 2nd half of their season.

But results of their 1st half of the season are not generated.

I'm sure this was different in earlier versions, but a serious bug none the loss.

This does not affect just the Dutch league, but affects all leagues where you have some leagues selected to be playable that start in January and others in july.

Has anyone else found this?

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