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Is 9.3.0 actually that bad?

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I cant see any issues wrong with the new patch too be honest i think people are just starting to get picky and probably spend most off there football manager time not actually playing the game but lookin for excuses too come on here and moan bout SI and things..

9.3.0 is amazing and has really done the job for football manager 09

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is 9.3.0 actually bad cos everybody says it is crap and is harder, harder i dont mind but crapper i do.

let me know what u think.


Compare the riots that raged across the forum when 9.2.0 was released to the murmurs of discontent on the forum over the weekend. That should tell you everything you need.

But like others have said, try it. But I'd say if you don't like it at first, give it a season to get used to it. A tactic that worked a dream on 9.2.0 migth not be so successful on 9.3.0 so you may have to do some tweaking. There's some people saying injuries are stupid, but the only problem as far as I can tell is that they appear in clusters and in one game instead of spread across two or three and in training as they would in real life. The FM numbers aren't too far from real numbers. Bit of advice, though: tweak your training as soon as you start, which minimises this effect.

If you still don't like it, uninstall the game and reinstall, patching to 9.2.0 only.

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