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United Soccer Leagues


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I have semi successfully swapped the MSL & other amercain clubs from first second & developmental leagues with the leagues from Poland

I'm up to my 8th test run, Haven't done anything on it for a bit might look into what i need to do..

I remember it crashing after Test 8 but Test 8 was fine... (if that makes sense)

I'll let you know what i've done and how i get on

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OK I'll give you an update of what I have got so far.

I'll just let you know about the american teams, because I'm not worried about what happens to the Polish clubs at this time.


There are maybe a total of 60+ clubs in the Lower League but in all my testing Only the American clubs have gained promotion I think this may be due to the fact they have atleast 1250 more reputation points.

SO far I have only had American clubs in FA, League & SuperCup competitons

I have also increased the first league clubs' financial status by adding an extra digit here & there so it's not too elaborate.

I've edited the League histories to only one year to correspond with current league standings etc.

The league rules for foriegners is only in the Second Division where thay can have a Maximum of 17 (Which is ALOT for what it is)

The problem I am having in test 9 seems to only happen after i change the Nations details to match them right.

I have read of this maybe causing a problem, but i have heard that it MIGHT be repaired after the third patch (Here's hoping).

I'm sure I've done a bit more here and there, but nothing major so I will update as I advance.

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I thiught about that.. but there weren't many details on the Phillie team that I could find.. So I'd pretty much be jsut creating a club from the outset...

I'll try and get the league working first, then focus on those things..

Are histories being saved , league winners etc??

Could you possibly upload so we can look at and test ourselves? I have done many league swaps in past but have not tried in 09 as I have heard nothing but problems.


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The next step i took was to change the competition continents around making Europe - North America & vice versa.

This is where i got the lovely crash dump error. I believe this one may be due to them trying to generate a schedule for the American Champions League and because the new season runs from August to May... the competition has nothing to run info on..if you get what i mean

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  • SI Staff

Might I suggest that you incorporate the CSL teams (Canadian Soccer League) in at some point. They are roughly equivalent to the USL D2 and given there are other Canadian teams throughout both MLS and USL it would only make more sense to belnd them in.

I'm intruiged to see how you get on incorporating the continental tournaments.

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