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Editor help for Mac


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I am new to this game on the MAC platform. I love the Editor feature but I have no idea how to get the changes I have made in the Editor to show up in the game. :confused: I know I would have to start a new game but every time I save the editing changes they don't show up in the game and I am not one who is used to having to move files around. I would think that an in game feature like the editor tool would have a help feature as well as natural link with the core game. Please, somebody, help me with this as I am unable to find any help on this site regarding this. Especially for the MAC version. Not all of us are computer gurus who can figure these file exchanging things by ourselves. :)

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You would think so but as soon as I click on the database I have saved, the "SELECT" button goes inactive, yet the database I have saved is clearly there and always opens if I am editing it. I am at a complete loss over this. What really gets me is the muppets who run the company will not return any of my e-mails. They had no problem taking my money though. Thanks anyway.

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are you sure it is saving to the correct folder? check where your database is saving to and make sure it corresponds to the address when you go into the game and click 'preferences'

It saves into the Documents section, but even when I move it into the applications section where the game is at, it still does not activate. It's there, the game actually finds it but when it's time to click to use it it, the button goes inactive. Trying to swap files was a disaster so I am totally frustrated and miffed over this problem. I am especially upset with SI who never found it necessary to respond to my e-mail asking for assistance. You would think they could design a user friendly interface that would link both programs together instead of forcing people to become programmers to figure out how to use it. :(

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It saves into the Documents section, but even when I move it into the applications section where the game is at, it still does not activate. It's there, the game actually finds it but when it's time to click to use it it, the button goes inactive. Trying to swap files was a disaster so I am totally frustrated and miffed over this problem. I am especially upset with SI who never found it necessary to respond to my e-mail asking for assistance. You would think they could design a user friendly interface that would link both programs together instead of forcing people to become programmers to figure out how to use it. :(

SI don't provide the official support for the game - if you look in your manual you'll find the address for Sega customer support if you want to go through the official channels bar this forum.

Anyway, you shouldn't be moving the files anywhere, edited files will go into the my documents/sports interactive/fm09 folder by default, the problem is if this isn't the folder you see in preferences in which case it would have to be changed to that to make the game be able to load the files :)

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