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The Man Who wants A Bit Of Fame

Upupup II

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He was on his way up.

He rose above through the clouds, through space, until he reached a bright light. As he walked towards it, he saw a grainy, bearded man. The man got closer, closer until eventually he ws in touching distance. Standing behind the man was a majestic, golden gate. He could here people inside, laughing and enjoying themselves.

"Where am I?" The man whispered to himself

"Why you're in Heaven, of course. Yes sir, you have lived a good life. Would you like to pass through."

The gates opened, making the traditional creaking noise as it opened. The man wandered in with caution. Suddenly, he saw everyone. Mum, Dad, Gran, Grandad.

"Son," The dad said, "You're early, what happened?"

"I don't know, it's all a blur." the son replied

He felt at home, he felt like he was returning to his childhood. It was an immense feeling. All the stress he previously had felt, all his nervousness and anxiousness had just floated out of his body. They strolled, holding hnds across the beautiful mountain scenary. The time seemed to fly by. His family told him all about the wonderful place he had been cast into.

Then suddenly, he felt a slight tug on his leg. Probably nothing. He walked on. Then suddenly, on the cloud floor, he saw a small black dot emerge. He watched it get larger and larger, then suddenly he heard the words "clear" bellow around his body. His chest began to move in and out violently. Finnally, the black dot merged around him,he felt it tug on him before finally it sucked him, like a fly being sucked into a fan, down. down. down.

"Son!" his family screamed as he fell back down to earth

"Mamma!" He screamed back.

Then. Bang. His eyes opened. Was it a dream.

A woman ran towards him and hugged him.

"Thank God! Thank God! You're okay!" She screamed in his ear, refusing to let him break free from her arms.

"Just tell one thing, who am I?"

"You're Richard Squade. And you're a football scout."

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He hadn't had an easy life, Richard Sqaude. You would think as a scout for Arsenal, he would be dazzled by stadiums such as the Nou Camp and The San Siro, but it wasn't like that-not at all. He was forced to visit Macclesfield town FC, whilst Wenger's "Glory Scouts" got all the praise.

"I'm so happy you're still here," the woman who had been by his side screamed. Richard frowned. Tina had told him that she wanted a divorce 3 days ago. A change of mind? He wished. When things that you take for granted are taken away, you perhaps begin to think what attracted you to them in the first place. She was going to leech onto him for a few days, maybe weeks, but as soon as he recovered, normaility would be restored. But he'sd settle for this for now.

"Ow!" Richard winced. There was a sharp pain going up his leg. Tina focused on his leg with intense concentration. "I'm not suprised that you're hurting. You were lucky to get out of the crash alive. What happened?"

"It's all a blur," Richard replied, attempting to remember anything about the crash, but the only thing he could remember was his vision of heaven. Of mum, of dad, of everyone. "It was weird. I'd prefer not to talk about it." His attempts to remember the crash were cut short by the doctor. Tina ran to him and fell into his arms. "Grayson, have you done the tests yet?" Richard quickly sat up in his bed.

"Grayson who the heck is Grayson?"

"Sorry Richard, I haven't introduced you to him yet. Richard, this is Grayson. My new partner."

"Oh my God you horrible, evil woman! How could you? You said you left me because of my drinking."

"But Richard you..."

"No! Both of you get out of my sight!" Richard demmanded

"But Mr Squade sir. you really have to..." Richard interrupted Grayson.

"I don't want to hear another word from you. I'll ring your neck!"

"But sir these results..."

"I don't care!"

"Sir. It's your leg."

"My leg?" Richard asked, looking at Grayson as if he had two faces.

"It's not your leg. That is plastic. You're leg couldn't be freed. We had to amputate."

"Oh God." Richard whimpered to himself, with tears in his eyes.

"We'll leave you." Tina whispered

Richard's world was rocked. Wenger visited, but Richard was in shock. Why did he have to return to Earth? Why couldn't he of stayed in Heaven?

2 Months Later...

Richard knew there must of been a purpose for his life. Some reason for him still being on this planet. But surely it wasn't here?

"Bridgefoot Playing Fields

Part Of Manchester Council"

It was his first assignment back, after the accident. He was there on a tip off. From an old friend. He got out a crutch and hopped upto the muddy, dirty pitch, where rain soaked players were warming up on the sidelines. He saw a man warming up alongside his players, wearing the same coloured tracksuit, but Richard could see the grey hairs from miles and way and patted the man on the back.


"Richard? Richard. Great to see y'mate." Ray screamed, delighted to see his old friend, "Listen, I heard about the crash." He said, lowering his tone. "How is the leg?"

"It's alright, " Richard replied, puting on a brave face, "I have this plastic thing. Hopefully, witha bit o' luck, I'll get used to it. They're trying out these leg transplant things y'know, I might try one. Well enough of me, what about this wonder boy?"

"Oh, he's special alright. Reminds me of the glory days, when you and I played in the youth team, remember?"

"Those were the best days of our lives."

"I know (Ref blows whistle) Here we go. Number 8."

Richard thought it would probably of been his friend's exagurating ways, but he was stunned to see that this kid was quite a player. Taking the ball out of defence, he showed strength and skill, beating two midfielders, before playing the perfect defence spliting through ball to a waiting striker. 1-0. Minutes later he showed a brilliant bit of skill, beating two defenders to go one-on-one with the keeper, and then showing great composure, lobbed him. Soon the opposition resorted to fouling him. He won a free-kick on the edge of the area. He lined it up.

"He can't take free-kicks as well?" Can he?"

"You bet."

He struck the ball with ferocius power, and even though the keeper was on the same side as the ball was hit, he didn't stand a chance.

The game finished 4-0 and Sqaude was more than impressed.

"Hey, you." Sqaude shouted waving his hand

"What is it?"

"Son, I haven't seen talent like that for years. What's your name?"

"Chris Brittain."

"And you've never had a trial anywhere, correct?"


"I'm a scout for Arsenal FC. And I believe you are good enough for a trial."

"You're joking."

"Right, we just have to fill out a few forms. Get some consent and you can be on your way."

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My idea is to now write in first person, using Chris Brittain. I don't expect for Chris to just run off with the story, I expect both of them to be main characters.

It was just a normal day in my life.

But I'll never forget it. 26th June 2008. A hot, summer’s day. I was doing what I loved best. Playing football. I was always the star of our team. But what happened that day was more sensational than anything I could have imagined. I thought he was just an over-keen parent. The Arsenal jacket seemed irrelevant. But then, when he explained it all, it was stunning. I had just one question. "Where would I live?” But Richard had an idea, I could live with him. I've got to admit, I was nervous about living with a stranger. But anywhere was better than the Orphanage. My details were then written down, on a piece of paper, fit with The Arsenal Crest Emblazoned on it. It read

"Trial for Arsenal FC.

Name: Chris Brittain

Date of Trial: 27-29 June

Position: Attacking Midfield, Central Midfield, (Primary), Striker (Secondary)

DOB: 12/4/1990"

The bottom bore my signature and Richard's signature. My ticket to a new life. A new beginning. But there was still alot more to come. “Have you got anyone to contact, tell them you’re going?” Richard asked

“No, err...My parents are dead.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

I wanted to change the subject. It was something I found difficult to talk about.

“So then....” But I was interrupted,

“I’m on the phone,” Richard whispered, holding the phone away from his ear. Soon he came off the phone and came over to me

“Right then, I’ve just spoken to Arsenal, you’re going on trial with Neil Banfield, he’s a great bloke, and he’ll take care of you.”

“Who’s Neil Banfield?”

“The Reserve Team Coach.”

I couldn’t help but feel a little bit disappointed. I was hoping to jump first into the first team, alongside Fabregas, Van Persie and Toure, but everybody had to start somewhere.

After a long, tiring journey, we finally arrived in London. The capital. I’d never been before, and I would definitely have to do some sightseeing. I expected to be moving into a stunning Penthouse in the heart of the city, but instead we arrived at an old, tattered apartment block on the outskirts of the city. “This is it” Richard sighed

It was a one bedroom flat, but Richard quickly dug out a camping bed. “The reason, I’m living here is my wife. We split.”

It didn’t come as a surprise. His hair was long and he obviously hadn’t shaved in ages. The man was in tatters, despite being a scout. I was perhaps the person who would keep him going. I felt I had a responsibility, to keep him well. The only way possible would be to win a contract

The Arsenal training ground was a 15 minute journey. Not long. I hadn’t slept well, but I was still up early, ready for my date with destiny. The journey seemed to take an eternity, then, finally, I saw “The Arsenal Training Ground” sign. We turned right, and my heart began to beat. Faster. And faster. We pulled up beside Land Rover Sport’s and BMW’s, that dwarfed Richard’s Clio in every way. I walked into The Reception, where we were directed into a dressing room. I walked upto the door, and then paused.

“Go on son, go in.” Richard whispered in my ear. With caution, I entered... To be continued

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There was blood pouring from his eye. He’d come off far worse. It was meant to be the day he turned his life around, but that was looking a million miles away. Richard had his head in his hands as the boys were split up. Chris was usually a mild mannered kid, but this was different. It had all came to a boil. And he had been beaten


I was fuming. It took three men to pull us apart. It was that dirty, horrible Luckerson. He was niggling all game. Then, after that tackle, I had to do something. I walked past Richard, he looked gutted. I realised then that I had ruined his dream as well. We were dragged inside and put at the opposite ends of the corridor, like school kids, while we waited for The Headmaster, Wenger, to arrive. Finally, we were called into Wenger’s office. I took my seat alongside Luckerson, and we exchanged glances.

“Now, I want you to both shake hands and apologise, but I’m afraid, at Arsenal, we like to have good chemistry and camaraderie. Having enemies is not acceptable. Luckerson is lucky as he is already contracted. But I am not prepared to give contracts to players who will disrupt the harmony...”

I was incensed “But Mr Wenger, as you can see. My Nose is broke and my eye is closed. I came off worse.”

“That merely proves he is a better fighter. My coaches inform me that you were the one who started the fight. I’m sorry it has come to this, but Chris, it’s over.”

Richard was waiting in the reception. We didn’t communicate at all on the way home. No emotion, no words, no nothing. When we arrived at his flat, I went straight to my room. I was upset and disgusted at myself for ruining not only my chance, but Richard’s chance as well. I didn’t see him for the rest of the night, but in the middle of the night, I could hear him pacing up and down, talking. I listened to him for ages and I thought this was the moment he was finally cracking up. But, I was awoken by his voice at 6:30 in the morning. I stumbled to the kitchen, half asleep, to find breakfast on the table. Then Richard suddenly appeared

“Get that down you. I was up until 3 AM sorting out a deal to get you into a trial. Now you get up the stairs and get changed, because this is your final chance!”

I hugged him, but I knew that this wasn’t going to be fun and games anymore. The trial was to be held in Manchester. Many football league scouts would be attending.

“So, how’d you get me in?” I asked him as we stepped into the car.

“A colleague.” He replied

The journey was long. Rush hour traffic was piled up for miles on some roads as the journey grew on. But eventually we arrived. It was a small little ground of semi-pro. Much more my scene. There was final “Good-luck” from Richard, who joined the 10’s of scouts in the stand. I got ready. I felt confident again. I felt like the best player again. Just like old times. We kicked off and I got ready. There were alot of poor players at the trial, so I targeted them. I ran them riot. I scored one and made two in the first half, and by that point some defenders had resorted to hacking me. I was taken off, as everyone needed their chance. I took my seat alongside Richard and I fully expected to watch the rest of the half, but instead I was an approached by an aging man in a Burnley tracksuit.

“I’m representing Burnley FC, and I would like to offer you a contract on the spot.”

I was taken aback

“You can do that?”

“The interest in you is so high, that we want to offer you a contract. We’re the only club who will do this. Okay then, do you want to go somewhere a bit more private and discuss terms.”

The negotiations didn’t take long. Richard had to act as my agent, but I was so desperate to sign I accepted the first offer. Owen Coyle was on the phone and it was great to hear the scout call me an “exceptional talent”. Finally, we had the deal laminated. A 950 p/w 2 year deal. It wasn’t brilliant, but it was start. I was finally on the football rollercoaster, now it was time for the ride

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just thought I'd bring this up before it fell of page 1. This thread IS still alive, I've just had some problems

1. My office 2007 trial expired, and took a near completed entry with it.

2. I've been laden with flu and haven't even been on the PC.

But, I am now working on another entry and I will post it soon.


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Just thought I'd bring this up before it fell of page 1. This thread IS still alive, I've just had some problems

1. My office 2007 trial expired, and took a near completed entry with it.

2. I've been laden with flu and haven't even been on the PC.

But, I am now working on another entry and I will post it soon.


Get well soon. Try installing Open Office. It is like Microsoft Office but free. It also has quite a but of functionality.

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