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Whats wrong in my tactics? FM23

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I have been played on/off FM from 2016. Then i managed to win some games, but now im playing FM23 and im absolutely ****. I cant find a good tactic, or even win more than 5 games in a season. I have tried Gegenpress and counter-attack tactics. I have been waiting for my players to get familiar about the tactics, but i still lose. Im sorry for my bad english. I think the problem is goal scoring and center area goal conceded. I have tried low block, but without result.



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Hey @larssssoni,

Hope you're having a good day!

I think we'd need a little more information on what you're trying to do and about things that has happened till now. Here are the things you can share for us to help you better.

1. Attributes of the players you have designated to be your primary scorer and creator for the team.
3. Attributes of your front 3 players
2. Attributes of your CDs 
3. xG Table from Data hub
4. Crossing scatter graph from your team performance section in data hub

Preliminary diagnosis suggest you're having issues with giving away too many goals against smaller teams like OHL, STVV and Union. Which can be explained by a higher defensive line and too many players concentrating on attacking. Although you have a balanced team mentality but the general individual mentality is high and they'd make more forward runs because of it. As a result, if you lose the ball, you're very vulnerable on the counter. You have only 3 players dedicated to hold their positions out of those 2, the DM might move up sometimes if you have sustained the position for some time. Leaving only 2 players to account for against at least 2-3 of their attackers. This results in the opposition having free shots on target that is evident from data hub.

Another reason could be due to your over eagerness on pressing without a decent shape or idea of winning the ball but that's a little nuanced to be understood.

I'd recommend sharing more details for us to help you better. But it definitely seems to be an issue on you being too attacking without being defensively solid enough. This caused you to loose a few games which reduces the team's morale in general and now you need to grind a few wins to get the momentum back. But let's wait for you to share more info on this.

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3 hours ago, larssssoni said:

I have been played on/off FM from 2016. Then i managed to win some games, but now im playing FM23 and im absolutely ****. I cant find a good tactic, or even win more than 5 games in a season. I have tried Gegenpress and counter-attack tactics. I have been waiting for my players to get familiar about the tactics, but i still lose. Im sorry for my bad english. I think the problem is goal scoring and center area goal conceded. I have tried low block, but without result.



Biggest change on FM23 was the fatigue rework, I imagine that's central to your problem.

Tactically, you're a bit exposed on turnovers w/your setup.

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Big part of the problem, I think is that you're very adventurous with your roles (2 wb's and 2 it's) while playing as a team that got relegated irl. Success looks like a safe position in the right column, playing with Eupen...

I would imagine your 2 dm's struggle to link up with attack as well?

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19 hours ago, HUMBL3B33 said:

Hey @larssssoni,

Hope you're having a good day!

I think we'd need a little more information on what you're trying to do and about things that has happened till now. Here are the things you can share for us to help you better.

1. Attributes of the players you have designated to be your primary scorer and creator for the team.
3. Attributes of your front 3 players
2. Attributes of your CDs 
3. xG Table from Data hub
4. Crossing scatter graph from your team performance section in data hub

Preliminary diagnosis suggest you're having issues with giving away too many goals against smaller teams like OHL, STVV and Union. Which can be explained by a higher defensive line and too many players concentrating on attacking. Although you have a balanced team mentality but the general individual mentality is high and they'd make more forward runs because of it. As a result, if you lose the ball, you're very vulnerable on the counter. You have only 3 players dedicated to hold their positions out of those 2, the DM might move up sometimes if you have sustained the position for some time. Leaving only 2 players to account for against at least 2-3 of their attackers. This results in the opposition having free shots on target that is evident from data hub.

Another reason could be due to your over eagerness on pressing without a decent shape or idea of winning the ball but that's a little nuanced to be understood.

I'd recommend sharing more details for us to help you better. But it definitely seems to be an issue on you being too attacking without being defensively solid enough. This caused you to loose a few games which reduces the team's morale in general and now you need to grind a few wins to get the momentum back. But let's wait for you to share more info on this.

100% this, also add the Season preview page. 


Tactics should be built on 

1. The ability of your players to play those roles. (relative to the league you are playing in ) 

2. The synergy between those roles and the tactical style you choose. 

3. Your reputation/season expectation in the league. 

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