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2 Scouting Questions

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1. Is there a formula for how many scouting assignments each scout can handle? Or how many players they can scout in one week?

2. Do different regions, continents, nations, whatever tend to create regens that are strong in certain areas? On the internet I've seen some allege that SA will produce technically sound players while Africa will produce very athletic regens, Europe will produce regens with good mentals as examples. Is this true or is it more random than that and truly a reflection of the club's facilities, rep, youth recruiting HOYD etc etc.


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For scouting I only set two recruitment focus. One for age between 15 and 21 and other for age of 22 or more. Then I split the scouts and analysts equally for both assignments.

If you are on a big team, with worldwide scouting package then scouts will develop knowledge over many countries, I some scout with knowledge of 35 countries already. This approach will send your scout to look for players under the defined age range within the scouting package area and scouts will develop global knowledge of your scouting pack range.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's annoying that I can' seemingly get an answer either. Really I only care about the first question. How many assignments can each scout handle? Does it change with how good they are? Their adaptability? Are they all equal in that they can handle 1-2 assignments?

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22 hours ago, dukebone said:

Yes I have. Haven't seen anything on actual numbers.

Well, then you have your answers how many assignments can handle if you don't see the red limit. How affective can be, the logic says "workload". The higher workload, the less effective.

Top Priority takes 2 scouters, if I remember correctly.

If you assign a scout manually, outside from Recruitment Focus, to scout players; you will see that a scouter can handle only 50 (players). How fast will produce results, it depends of his attributes and his workload (50 is very high workload).

Don't expect someone from developers to say about formulas and how much or many. 

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