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Set starting lineup when suspended

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Note: I'm speaking from an experience I had in FM23, but I don't think anything is different in FM24.

After 15 seasons in charge of Recre Huelva I've finally gotten suspended from the touchline for a game for complaining about my player's red card!  Pretty fun feature honestly, didn't even realize it was possible.

My only problem with it is that, though I got to set a lineup in the pregame, when the game actually started a completely different 11 was on the pitch than I selected. My exhausted DM, who was due for a day off, was starting at CD, and my backup striker, a natural AF, was starting even though the tactic called for a DLF type (like my starter is).  Pretty aggravating.  I like the experience of being suspended, and having a game where you can't manage, its a fun twist, but IRL a suspended manager is still going to set the tactic and starting 11 even if he can't be on the touchline to handle in game adjustments/subs.  

Its especially annoying because, on games you manage, once you've set the lineup you can't change it pre-game if you realize you've made a mistake.  But I guess the AI can change it for you...

So, please FM, keep the occasional suspensions, but allow the suspended manager to at least set his preferred starting 11 before the match

Edited by nms1987
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